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With mudtroopers covered, it’s time to address their more heavily armored counterparts: the Mimban stormtroopers.
Mimban Stormtroopers [Minion]

While not an official specialty corps, those stormtroopers assigned Mimban duty quickly developed equipment modifications and unique tactics. An integral part of the 224th Imperial Armored Division, these “Mimban stormtroopers” were considered by their commanders to be far more effective and reliable than their more humble mudtrooper brethren. As a result, the 224th’s commanders often combined mass numbers of mudtroopers with smaller detachments of stormtroopers. Stormtroopers served as an anchor for the less than reliable mudtroopers, while the mudtrooper’s superior numbers provided the stormtroopers a human shield.
Br 3, Ag 3, Int 2, Cun 2, WP 3, Pres 1
Soak 5, W. Threshold 5, Def M/R 0/0
Skills (group only): Athletics, Discipline, Ranged (Heavy), Survival, Vigilance
Talents: None.
Abilities: None.
Equipment: Blaster rifle (Ranged [Heavy]; Damage 9; Critical 3; Range [Long]; Stun Setting) or E-22 blaster rifle (Ranged [Heavy]; Damage 8; Critical 3; Range [Long]; Linked 1; Stun Setting), vibroknife (Melee; Damage 4; Critical 2; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 2, Vicious 1), 2 frag grenades (Ranged [Light]; Damage 8; Critical 4; Range [Short]; Blast 6, Limited Ammo 1), Mimban-modified stormtrooper armor (+2 soak, when making skill checks, may remove 2 Setback due to muddy or swamp-like conditions), utility belt or bandolier, extra reloads
Mimban Forces in Mass Combat
The 224th Imperial Armored Division on Mimban was composed of a variety of forces. Deployed during the first decade of the Galactic Empire, the 224th saw both stormtroopers and old-style Imperial army infantry “mudtroopers” fighting side by side as a line troopers. These troopers were backed up by All Terrain Defense Turrets (AT-DTs), Y-45 armored transports, and a variety of other vehicle platforms.
Using the Mass Combat rules found starting on page 70 of Lead by Example, GMs can represent the forces of the 224th Imperial Armored Division. Using Table 3-1: Force Strength, treat mudtroopers and Mimban stormtroopers at the same rating as their conventional counterparts. While they are better equipped for Mimban, the overall fighting abilities of these troopers are not much greater than standard army infantry and stormtroopers. Because their heavy weapons are offset by their slow movement and thin armor, treat AT-DTs as equivalent to scout walkers. Y-45s can be treated as equivalent to combat-modified transports.
The unique capabilities of the 224th are best represented through the addition of Boost dice and the removal of Setback dice. 224th infantry are equipped to operate on Mimban, removing Setback dice from environmental conditions at both the personal scale and during Mass Combat. Combining stormtroopers with mudtroopers can shore up the deficiencies of both forces, namely the low number of stormtroopers and the mixed reliability of mudtroopers. So long as Mimban stormtroopers are combined with mudtroopers at a ratio of one size smaller stormtrooper unit or higher, not only will the force size be increased but add 2 Boost dice to represent this synergy.
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Thanks for this Solo series… and the prolific creation of what is really fun.