Welcome to the HoloNet Uplink, citizen. This series focuses on Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars Roleplaying Game, with content aimed mostly at the Gamemaster. Threats, adventure seeds, rules supplements, and more are all to come for those who access The HoloNet Uplink.
Today’s HoloNet Uplink brings a potential contract or patron to add to your GM Holocron. Neero can ably serve as a contact or employer to your Edge of the Empire group, particularly for starting characters. Read on for statistics, adventure seeds, and Obligation suggestions.
Neero, Crime Broker [Nemesis]

An ambitious Rodian crime broker, Neero is eagerly expanding his influence in The Slice. Avoiding entanglements with larger criminal syndicates, Neero works to cultivate a network of contacts among contraband dealers, fences, and slicers across the Mid and Outer Rims. His contacts include professionals with no qualms about providing services on the grey market, allowing Neero to arrange for mechanics and doctors for those on the outside of the law. By keeping abreast of the supply and demand for contraband goods and services throughout the Outer Rim, Neero can make significant profits by exploiting the urgent needs of a variety of clients. Neero runs his operation from a private room in an out of the way spacer’s lounge near the major spaceport on Manda. He is protected by a few subtly placed bodyguards throughout the lounge, but prefers to keep a low profile. Meetings with Neero are understated affairs. He handles all business dealings in a cool, professional manner. Despite operating out of a bar, Neero prefers to remain alert and consumes vine-coffeine. He is known to have a taste for havao tabac.
Br 2, Ag 3, Int 3, Cun 4, WP 3, Pres 3
Soak 3, W. Threshold 18, S. Threshold 20, M/R Def 1/1
Skills: Charm 2, Cool 3, Deception 2, Discipline 2, Knowledge (Outer Rim) 3, Knowledge (Underworld) 3, Negotiation 3, Perception 2, Ranged (Light) 2, Streetwise 2, Vigilance 1
Talents: Adversary 1 (upgrade the difficulty of combat checks against this character once), Nobody’s Fool 2 (upgrade the difficulty of any Charm, Coercion, or Deception checks against this character once per rank of Nobody’s Fool)
Abilities: None
Equipment: Heavy blaster pistol (Ranged [Light]; Damage 7; Critical 3; Ranged [Medium]; Stun setting), armored clothing (+1 defense, +1 soak),
Neero is perfectly happy to provide goods and services, or even a cash loan, for future considerations. Players short on credits but high on needs can turn to Neero for a quick fix in exchange for a new Obligation. For debtors as skillful and ambitious as player characters, the Rodian crime broker sees these loans more as an investment in future labor rather than a risk.
Adventure Seeds
Neero is always looking for reliable fixers to handle problems for him on a job by job basis. An example of each sort of freelance mission is outlined below:
- Smuggling: A cargo load of spice awaits pickup on the decaying world of Mon Gazza. Neero needs it shipped to the Baruk crime family on Rodia. This simple spice run becomes much more complex when the PCs discover the rendezvous point has been taken over by gangs of outlaw podracers.
- Recruitment: An associate of Neero’s, a Wookiee mercenary known as Jaathrahhl, has been arrested by the Imperial Army on Druckenwell. Neero wants her rescued before she is moved to a more secure facility offworld. As an added requirement, no evidence must be left behind that would implicate Neero in the rescue. This is a rare occasion where Neero points out that failure will result in “sanctions.”
- Theft: Neero has recently came into some information about a security flaw at a repulsorlift manufacturing plant on Ubrikkia. The security sensors fail during solar flares of a certain magnitude. Neero will provide the PCs with with the astronomical data required to predict these flares on the condition they return with a prototype swoop accelerator recently developed by Ubrikkian engineers.
- Loan Collection: A human gambler by the name of Yorek Trumbell owes Neero 40,000 credits. A bartender on Tatooine, owing Neero after the Rodian arranged free medical care for his family, provided a tip that Trumbell just won title to a YT-1950 light freighter. Neero thinks its time to collect, and sends the PCs to seize the ship to repay the debt. Trumbell was last seen in Mos Entha.