HoloNet Uplink – Raid on the Jade Moon

Welcome to the HoloNet Uplink, citizen. This series focuses on Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars Roleplaying Game, with content aimed mostly at the Gamemaster. Threats, adventure seeds, rules supplements, and more are all to come for those who access The HoloNet Uplink.

Today’s article is inspired by Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, the absolutely classic 90s video game. Just in case you were planning on picking up the game for its mediocre story instead of its awesome arcadey action, but hadn’t gotten around to it since 1998, be warned there will be spoilers. I’ll be taking the Lead by Example Mass Combat rules out for a spin by adapting one of the Rogue Squadron levels to an event phased battle. As a reminder, the Mass Combat rules start on page 70 of Lead by Example.

Using intelligence provided by recent defector Kasan Moor, the Rebel Alliance mounts a raid on the Jade Moon to capture supplies and sabotage the supply depot. Rogue Squadron, including Kasan Moor, provide air cover while a platoon of Rebel Marines mounted in combat repulsorcraft make the ground assault. I assume that the players participate in this mass combat as part of the Rebel Marine platoon, but this article can be adapted to fit starfighter flying PCs as well.

Force Strengths:

Rebel Forces (Staggering – 4 Green Dice)

  • a platoon of Rebel Marines (Imposing)
  • Rogue Squadron (Significant)

Imperial Forces (Vast – 5 Purple Dice)

  • a squadron of medium walkers (Staggering)
  • a wing of starfighters (Significant)

Rebel Commander (select appropriate)

  • Player Character (PC Leadership)
  • Isabel Oreeshi, Rebel Marine Captain (Leadership 2) – use if there is no PC acting as Platoon Commander
  • Commander Luke Skywalker, Rogue Leader –  cannot lead the operation as he will be occupied by leading Rogue Squadron while simultaneously flying under combat conditions

Imperial Commander

  • Lieutenant-Commander Jason Koerg, Garrison Commander (Leadership 2)

Phases (Event Based):

Phase 1 – The Approach

The Rebels offload their small force of combat vehicles and Marines at a secondary landing pad near the Imperial base. The Marines begin a rapid advance to the base, engaging only small patrols and a few sentry posts.

The Imperials cannot muster their full strength during this phase, therefore use a reduced strength of Staggering – 4 Purple Dice. Rebel Marines must approach through a narrow canyon, add 1 Setback die. The Rebels are acting on accurate intelligence from defector Kasan Moore, add 1 Boost die. Imperial air defenses are thin this far from the supply base, add 1 Boost die.

This phase ends after a few rounds of fire and movement, essentially whenever the GM desires the PCs to reach the base itself. Success indicates the Rebels have advanced to the base and can begin the main attack. Failure indicates that the Rebels encountered stiffer than expected resistance, stalling their advance. This phase must be re-attempted, potentially exposing the Rebels to more casualties through possible Threat and Despair results.

Phase 2 – The Shield Generator

The Rebels advance out of the canalizing terrain and into the main base area. The base itself is protected by a deflector shield which activates now that the main base is under threat. The shield generator is built into a canyon on the base’s flank, and is heavily guarded by missile turrets. The PCs are assigned the task of destroying the shield generator.

Numerous missile turrets and turbolasers form an integrated air defense system, and the Imperials are able to hide behind a powerful deflector shield, add 2 Setback dice. Kasan Moore’s intelligence is still useful, add 1 Boost die. There are canyons and craters for fighters, vehicles, and dismounted soldiers to take cover in, add 1 Boost die.

This phase ends either after the PCs destroy the shield generator (causing a Turning Point), or after it becomes clear they will be unable to accomplish their task. If the PCs successfully destroy the generator then remove the 2 Setback dice from the air defense system and the shield generator, as the Rebel Marines will be able to rush the base structures without needing Rogue Squadron to attempt an airstrike on the generator. Otherwise, roll as indicated above. Success indicates the base defenses are breached. Failure indicates that the Rebels have made only an initial foothold in the base and that the Imperials have delayed the attack long enough for Imperial starfighter reinforcements to arrive, increasing the Imperial force size by one step.

Phase 3 – Final Assault

Once inside the base, the Rebels split into smaller groups to capture what supplies and equipment they can before sabotaging the rest. The PCs could take on any number of roles such as sabotaging key base systems, assaulting the command centre (therefore removing the Imperial commander’s leadership bonus), or working to capture vital supplies to name a few.

Rebel Marines are engaged in hand to hand fighting within the base structures, adding 2 Boost dice due to their superior training and because this mitigates the Empire’s use of walkers and starfighters. The Rebels are not fighting to seize the base, but to sabotage it and capture vital equipment, because of these limited objectives add 1 Boost die.

This phase ends after the PCs have had enough rounds to have a good chance at accomplishing their own tasks. Success indicates the Rebels have successfully sabotaged the base, captured some supplies, and made their escape. Failure by 0 – 2 uncancelled Failure indicates the Rebels have had to withdraw without completing all their objectives, having to settle for the damage to the base done so far. Failure by 3 or more uncancelled Failure indicates the Rebels are encircled in the base and will have to make another Mass Combat check to escape – add 2 Setback dice for the Rebels being outflanked, but 1 Boost die because the Rebels already had a plan to withdraw after the battle using their integrated transports.

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Christopher Hunt

Staff Writer at d20 Radio
Christopher Hunt is a long-time gamer and has recently broke into the world of RPG freelancing. Chris’ unofficial Star Wars RPG blog ran weekly on d20radio.com for the past three years. He has written for Rusted Iron Games, Raging Swan Press, and most recently Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars RPG. Chris is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Political Science. Always the gamer, his thesis, which explores conflict short of war by uniting current threats to historical events, was inspired by a historical board game.