Welcome to the HoloNet Uplink, citizen. This series focuses on Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars Roleplaying Game, with content aimed mostly at the Gamemaster. Threats, adventure seeds, rules supplements, and more are all to come for those who access The HoloNet Uplink.
In case you haven’t figured it out yet, I love Stormtrooper Specialists. While some might question some of the entries on the honourable list of Stormtrooper Specialists, I instead choose to embrace diversity. Okay, even I have to admit some of Legends specialists could get a bit silly. That said, there are quite a few that are perfectly logical parts of the Imperial military. The Seatroopers are one such example, and thus I present both my take on them, and a quick adventure seed, today.

Stormtrooper Specialty Corps: Seatroopers [Minion]
When the Empire requires underwater troops to garrison ocean worlds the Seatroopers answer the call. Officially designated Aquatic Assault Stormtroopers, these troops are specially trained and equipped to conduct extended underwater operations. Each piece of equipment carried by the Seatroopers has been adapted or designed to withstand deepwater conditions. Lightweight armor, patterned after that worn by scout troopers, is worn over an environmentally insulated body glove. This armor system provides protection against pressures of up to 10 atmospheres, as well as environmental toxins and minor resistance to small arms fire. Propulsion systems are integrated into the armor at the back and boots which, when coupled with the considerable swim training provided, grants Seatroopers agility within the water almost surpassing most naturally aquatic species. The Empire maintains large numbers of Seatroopers and is prepared to deploy entire legions of them to conquer water worlds, as was done when thousands were deployed to seize Manaan.
Br 3, Ag 3, Int 2, Cun 2, WP 2, Pres 1
Soak 4, W. Threshold 5, Def M/R 0/0
Skills (group only): Athletics, Discipline, Melee, Ranged (Heavy), Survival
Talents: None.
Abilities: Trained Swimmers (Downgrade the difficulty once of any Athletics or Coordination check to swim).
Equipment: SG-4 blaster rifle in blaster mode (Ranged [Heavy]; Damage 9; Critical 3; Range [Long]; Stun Setting; note: the SG-4 is not modified to fire blaster bolts properly underwater and will suffer the penalties described below) or firing miniature harpoons (Ranged [Heavy]; Damage 7; Critical 4; Range [Medium]; Pierce 2), vibroknife (Melee; Damage 4; Critical 2; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 2, Vicious 1), seatrooper armor (+1 soak; +1 defense; integrated comlink, macrobinocular plate, rebreather, survival and propulsion equipment [do not treat water as difficult terrain, remove up to 2 Setback Dice caused by operating underwater], protects against underwater pressure 10 atmospheres), grappling hook, survival pack (ion flares, concentrated rations, spare comlink, emergency medpac, rebreather filters, compressed air inflatable bubble tent), utility belt, extra reloads.
Underwater Adventures
Underwater Hazards
Basic guidance for water and swimming can be found on pages 227 of Age of Rebellion. In general, most characters treat water as difficult terrain. Should a GM feel it necessary, a successful Athletics check may be required to move through stormy weather or fast currents. Increase and upgrade the difficulty of that check based on your best intuition on the inherent challenge and the presence of hazards such as a rip current. Further, it is important to note that a drowning character is treated as suffocating (AoR pg. 228) and therefore takes strain and eventually critical injuries over time.
Unless specially modified for use underwater, blaster weaponry becomes much less effective underwater. Reduce the range of all blasters once, and increase the weapon’s Inaccurate quality twice, adding Inaccurate 2 if the weapon was not already Inaccurate. While some cultures have adapted blaster weaponry for underwater operation, most organizations prefer to use launcher-style weapons such as harpoon guns.
Adventure Seed – Depths of Lehon
Within the barren void that is the Tempered Wastes region of the Outer Rim lies a tropical world known as Lehon. With a surface area covered primarily by oceans and dotted by few islands, the world might be a prime leisure destination if it were not so far from civilization. Some fringe scholars believe the world was once key to the Infinite Empire, a pre-Republic regime linked to the ancient Rakata, but no conclusive evidence exists nor serious academic interest in exploring that possibility.
A world such as Lehon might normally rate minor consideration as an alternate site for a base, but the planet has recently caught the attention of Alliance Intelligence. Several Imperial ships have been tracked taking separate, circuitous routes to Lehon. The PCs are sent to covertly investigate what has brought the Empire to this world. There they find an Imperial Star Destroyer in a low parking orbit over one of the world’s oceans.
The Empire is well aware of Lehon’s legacy as the Rakatan homeworld. Imperial agents have been dispatched with two mission objectives. Admiral Jennik Vexl of Weapons Division has dispatched Seatroopers to scour the ocean floor in search of the submerged ruins of ancient Rakatan civilization. He hopes to locate and restore Rakatan super weapons, including those which turned Lehon into a water world. Inquisitor Zlag Trennel has accompanied this expedition to collect any dark side artifacts, and to bury anything that might be used against the Emperor.
The PCs encounter this operation in full swing. It becomes quickly apparent that disrupting Imperial activities on Lehon is of paramount of importance, but how that will be done is up to the PCs.
Also, be sure to check out these other Stormtrooper Specialty Corps featured on HoloNet Uplink:
Radtroopers – Novatroopers – Jump Troopers – Shoretroopers