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While Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords is renowned for being a great game despite massive amounts of cut content, it is easy to forget that the more complete original lost an entire planet. The Hutt slave world of Sleheyron was meant to be visitable, containing another Rakata star map for the player to discover. Just because it didn’t make it into the original KotOR does not mean it cannot make it into your game. This entry is purposefully generic to allow use any time from the KotOR era and beyond.
Astronavigation Data: Sleheyron system, Hutt Space, Outer Rim
Orbital Metrics: 315 days per year / 25 hours per day
Government: Hutt Cartel
Population: 2 billion (65% slaves and “indentured servants”, 25% Hutt client species [Weequay, Klatooinians, Nikto], 8% human, 2% Hutt)
Languages: Basic, Huttese
Terrain: volcanic, urban, industrial
Areas of Interest: planetary geothermal complex
Major Exports: fuel, manufactured goods, slaves
Major Imports: Tibanna gas, slaves
Trade Routes: Pabol Hutta, Pabol Sleheyron
Special Conditions: none
Background: A rich Hutt world sat at the intersection of both the Pabol Hutta and Pabol Sleheyron hyperlanes, this planet is an economic powerhouse rivaling Nar Shaddaa itself. Most of the planet is a deadly mix of flowing lava and toxic gas. Those few regions which were naturally inhabitable have now been heavily industrialized. Sleheyron is now a world of overcrowded cities, dirty factories, and a remaining wilderness of jagged, volcanic spires and slag flats.
While Sleheyron is infamous for its slave trade, it is not the sale of slaves that truly drives the economy, but the industrial output a cheap, disposable labor force allows. Sprawling factories churn out cheap manufactured goods unsuitable for the Core Worlds but in high demand in the Outer Rim. Massive refineries provides a steady stream of fuel for consumption across the region. The hot, smoggy conditions deteriorate complex machines such as droids rapidly. As a result, it is more cost effective for the Hutts to use biological slave labor in primitive factories than to heavily automate.
Sleheyron was settled by the Hutts millennia ago. Beneath the industry and urbanization lie ruins predating the ancient battles between Xim the Despot and the Hutt Empire. Crumbling fortresses and palaces, buried deep under ground, form a dangerous network of passages and tunnels. Almost everything of value has been extracted over the years, but rumors persist of treasure vaults hidden within the deepest parts of the ruins. No treasure hunter in recent memory has made it to the bottom, but a drip of failed expeditions has returned with heavy casualties and reports of still active war droids. Even if a band of grave robbers were to succeed, there is no doubt that the Hutts themselves would prove the final obstacle to taking the spoils off world.
Read Aloud: Flight In
As your ship breaks through the heavy layer of smog suffusing the upper atmosphere, you begin to make out the planet’s surface. Sleheyron is a scab red, rocky volcanic world infested with drab rust-brown industrial structures. Chimneys belch forth toxic gases as the planet’s factories and refineries run constantly, consuming raw materials and slaves alike to produce wealth for the cartels. This heavy industrial sprawl extends in all directions, testament to the Hutt’s domination of this world.