HoloNet Uplink – Space Traffic Generator – Old School Chart Cool

Copyright LucasFilm.

Welcome to the HoloNet Uplink, citizen. This series focuses on Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars Roleplaying Game, with content aimed mostly at the Gamemaster. Threats, adventure seeds, rules supplements, and more are all to come for those who access The HoloNet Uplink.

I know it has been some time since my last entry in Old School Chart Cool, so I figured it was time to whip something up in that sub-series. Today, I provide a generator to whip up some random traffic for the spacelanes in your game.

Remember, this is just a way to generate ideas to serve as an inspirational springboard. Don’t like the result? Roll again, combine rolls, pick your results, throw the entire thing away, whatever. You’ll get the best mileage out of this by using it as a way to get your creative juices flowing when the flow has stopped.

Random Space Traffic

Make selections or roll as many times as desired to populate your traffic.

Roll 1d10 to generate a random ship type. An example class is listed for each type.

d10 Ship (Example)
1 Bulk Transport (Action VI)
2 Bulk Transport (Xiytiar)
3 Old Junker (Barloz)
4 Light Freighter (YT-1300)
5 Light Freighter (YT-2400)
6 Commuter Transport (GX1)
7 Courier Ship (HWK-290)
8 Patrol Craft (IPV)
9 Luxury Yacht (Baudo)
10 Capital Ship (Nebulon-B)

Roll 1d10 to determine the nature of the crew.

d10 Crew
1 Corporate Employees
2 Corporate Employees
3 Independent Trader
4 Independent Trader
5 Smugglers
6 Scientists
7 Rebels
8 Imperials
9 Police / Local Security
10 Missionary

Roll 1d10 to determine the ship’s cargo.

d10 Cargo
1 Passengers – Economy
2 Passengers – VIPs
3 Droids
4 Consumer Goods
5 Consumer Goods
6 Technical Parts
7 Electronics
8 Luxury Goods
9 Fuel
10 Unique Item

Sample Space Traffic

Sample Background Traffic

  • 7 – Courier Ship, 3 – Independent Trader, 5 – Consumer Goods.
  • 6 – Commuter Transport, 2 – Corporate Employees, 10 – Unique Item.

As the players arrive at their destination, they are directed by space traffic control to enter a holding pattern. Due to agreements with Sienar Fleet Systems, the spaceport prioritizes that corporation’s traffic when requested. A GX1 transport, emblazoned with Sienar logos, streaks past the player’s ship to land. After several minutes, the players are finally permitted to land and are directed to share a bay with an already landed HWK-290. That captain, an independent operator, sympathizes with the PCs and may serve as a friendly source of information about surrounding systems.

Sample Adventure Seed


  • 10 – Capital Ship, 6 – Scientists, 9 – Fuel.
  • 4 – Light Freighter , 8 – Imperials, 1 – Passengers.
  • 2 – Bulk Transport, 6 – Scientists, 6 – Technical Parts.
  • 4 – Light Freighter, 4 – Independent Trader, 3 – Droids.

The PCs, taking an odd-job to deliver some class-one droids to pay off obligation, arrive above the planet Bar’Leth. A civilian retrofit Acclamator-class vessel moors with a massive fueling station while several bulk transports take turns docking to offload supplies. Operated by the University of Bar’Leth, the Renaissance  is set to launch on a voyage of discovery through the uncharted Unknown Regions. The players complete their delivery, but not before an Imperial Lambda shuttle docks with the Renaissance. Flanked by stormtroopers, a character from one of the PCs past (and key to their obligation) disembarks.

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Christopher Hunt

Staff Writer at d20 Radio
Christopher Hunt is a long-time gamer and has recently broke into the world of RPG freelancing. Chris’ unofficial Star Wars RPG blog ran weekly on d20radio.com for the past three years. He has written for Rusted Iron Games, Raging Swan Press, and most recently Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars RPG. Chris is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Political Science. Always the gamer, his thesis, which explores conflict short of war by uniting current threats to historical events, was inspired by a historical board game.