Welcome to the HoloNet Uplink, citizen. This series focuses on Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars Roleplaying Game, with content aimed mostly at the Gamemaster. Threats, adventure seeds, rules supplements, and more are all to come for those who access The HoloNet Uplink.
I haven’t tackled this ship yet due in large part to a continual feeling that FFG has already done it. But after being reminded a few times that, no, it has in fact not yet appeared in an official source, here is my take at the T-70 “X-Wing” of Resistance fame. Jokes aside about how The Force Awakens failed to innovate visually or thematically, the T-70 is pretty clearly an incremental improvement over the T-65B we know and love. To me, this ultimately makes a lot of sense. The X-Wing, as the exemplar of quality multi-role starfighters, would have been lauded as potentially the best overall starfighter of the Galactic Civil War. With the Rebels victorious, their design ethos would probably have been seen as correct over that of the Empire’s. We even see this to a degree with the First Order’s upgraded TIEs, especially the Special Forces variant.
As a final note before beginning, I don’t remember magpulse warheads being statted anywhere officially so I’ve taken my own stab at them. Let me know what you think.

T-70 “X-Wing” Multi-Role Starfighter
Following in the footsteps of the starfighter that destroyed two Death Stars, the T-70 “X-Wing” is a direct upgrade to the iconic T-65B. Commissioned by a New Republic riding high after the Rebellion’s victory in the Galactic Civil War, Incom engineers had no reason to change their design ethos. The T-70 retains the same multirole loadout as its predecessor, but provides superior engines, hull plating, and incremental weapons optimizations. The New Republic would eventually upgrade again, acquiring a fleet of highly advanced T-85s; however, the T-70 remained in use among system defense forces and in the hands of General Organa’s Resistance. Among Resistance pilots the most popular upgrade is the quick-change magazine, allowing for rapid reloading of torpedoes or missiles. T-70 pilots, pressed into the role of torpedo bombers due to the lack of a Y-Wing replacement, appreciated the ability to dump double the torpedoes in a single run.
Sil 3; Speed 5; Handling +2; Def 1/-/-/1 Armor 3
Hull Trauma 12; System Strain 10
Hull Type/Class: Starfighter/T-70 “X-Wing”.
Manufacturer: Incom-FreiTek.
Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 1, Backup: None.
Navicomputer: None – astromech droid socket.
Sensor Range: Short.
Crew: One pilot.
Encumbrance Capacity: 10.
Passenger Capacity: 0.
Consumables: One week.
Price/Rarity: 165,000 credits / 6.
Customization Hard Points: 1.
Weapons: S-foil-mounted medium laser cannons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 3), forward-mounted proton torpedo launchers (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 8; Critical 2; Rang [Short]; Blast 6, Breach 6, Guided 2, Limited Ammo 8, Linked 1), ventral-mounted deployable underslung blaster turret – this weapon’s entire profile uses personal scale, not planetary scale. (Fire Arc All; Damage 10; Critical 3; Range [Long]; Auto-Fire).
Loadout Options: Alternative Ordnance
The T-70’s proton torpedo launcher is equally capable of firing concussion missiles or magnetic pulse warheads. Swapping out the ordnance is simple, given enough time and either the right tools or brute strength. You may replace the T-70’s proton torpedo launcher with one of:
- forward-mounted concussion missile launchers (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Short]; Blast 4, Breach 4, Guided 3, Limited Ammo 8, Linked 1)
- forward-mounted magnetic pulse warhead launchers (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 4; Range [Short]; Blast 4, Ion, Limited Ammo 8, Linked 1)