HoloNet Uplink – Target Package – Anti-Air Sensor Array

Copyright Disney

Welcome to the HoloNet Uplink, citizen. This series focuses on Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars Roleplaying Game, with content aimed mostly at the Gamemaster. Threats, adventure seeds, rules supplements, and more are all to come for those who access The HoloNet Uplink.

It is with excitement I today return to Target Package, one of my sub-series aimed at providing GMs with ready made adventure shells to drop into their games. This sub-series offers Age of Rebellion adventures to test a variety of Rebel squads, from combat to diplomacy to sabotage and more.

As always, these articles are split into two sections. First, the Player Section can be tweaked, copied, and pasted into a handout or read-aloud text to provided to your players. Adding a map of the area with key areas highlighted can make for an excellent handout to combine with a mission briefing. Secondly, the GM Section provides more detailed suggestions on how to run this adventure seed. It contains an NPC checklist, more details about the enemies present, and other info to use or adapt at your gaming table.

Player Section

Target: Imperial Anti-Air Sensor Array.

Type: Imperial Equipment.

Description: Deployed Sensor Array in support of multiple AT-AA batteries.

Desired Effect: Destroy. Failing that, Neutralize between provided times.

Priority: High.

Rationale: This Sensor Array provides detection and targeting support to a series of AT-AA batteries throughout the area of operations. Removing this target will de-integrate Imperial air defenses, allowing Alliance starfighters to infiltrate the resulting gap in coverage and conduct a critical strike on a high value Imperial target.

Security: Exact measures unknown. Imperial doctrine requires at least a platoon level defense for this type of asset. Likely defenses will consist of dug in infantry with integral heavy weapons, supplemented with a series of sentry patrols. It is suspected that the defense force will consist of an Imperial Army infantry platoon with a squad plus sized Stormtrooper element attached.

Personnel: Estimated at approx 60 personnel.

Commentary: Exact location unknown at this time, the provided suspected location should be accurate within 5 kilometers. Alliance Starfighters cannot approach the high value target unless this array is rendered inoperable. Destroy if possible, but at a minimum render the array to be offline during the provided strike window.

GM Section

NPC Checklist:

  • Imperial Army Trooper (Minion) – AoR pg. 418
  • Imperial Army Gunner (Minion) – Note: use Gunnery Corps stats, replacing holdout blasters with blaster rifles – AoR pg. 418
  • Imperial Technician (Minion) – Note: use Incom Engineer stats – AoR pg. 413
  • Imperial Officer (Rival) – AoR pg. 419
  • Stormtrooper Sergeant (Rival) – AoR pg. 420
  • Imperial Army Sergeant (Rival) – Note: use Stormtrooper Sergeant stats but equip only with Army Trooper gear.
  • Stormtroopers (Minion) – AoR pg. 420
  • Scout troopers (Minion) – AoR pg. 422

Imperial ORBAT:

  • Imperial Army Infantry Platoon
    • 1 x Platoon Headquarters
      • Personnel: 1 Platoon Commander (use Imperial Officer stats), 1 x Platoon Sergeant, 2 x Troopers (Signaller, Medic – use minion stats or best fit as required should it come up)
    • 3 x Rifle Squad
      • Personnel: 1 x Sergeant, 1 x Corporal (use Minion stats), 6 x Troopers
      • Equipment and Organization: 2 x Fireteams of 4 each with a Light Repeating Blaster, one led by the Sergeant one led by the Corporal
    • 1 x Heavy Weapons Squad
      • Personnel: 1 x Sergeant, 1 x Corporal, 6 x Gunner
      • Equipment and Organization: 2 x  heavy repeater teams of 3 each with 1 x Heavy Repeating Blaster, NCOs are not included in the teams and provide command / fire control
  • Stormtrooper Mission Element
    • 1 x Stormtrooper Infantry Squad
      • Personnel: 8 x Sormtroopers + 1 x sergeant
      • Equipment and Organizations: 2 x Light Repeating Blasters carried by troopers, can split into 2 x assault teams of four troopers each with a light repeater.
    • 1 x Scout Lance
      • Personnel: 4 x scouts + 1 x sergeant
      • Equipment and Organization: 2 x patrols of 2 x scouts plus a sergeant in command / to advise on security and patrolling, all are mounted on speederbikes
  • Sensor Array Detachment
    • Personnel: 1 x Sensor Officer, 3 x Sensor Technicians, 1 x Communications Operator
    • Equipment and Organization: 1 x Mobile Sensor Array based on a repulsortruck chassis.

Target Layout and Status:

This target can be utilized across a variety of terrain types while retaining the basic layout and approach.

Basic Layout:

The Sensor Array Detachment deploys in the center of the location for maximum defense. The three rifle squads of the Infantry Platoon deploy in a ring around the area to provide all around defense. The rifle squads will be at least Medium if not Long range from the centre, with deployment being closer in urban or thickly wooded terrain. The heavy weapons teams will deploy to cover the most likely Rebel approach, or may be held in reserve to deploy in response to a sufficient threat. Platoon headquarters and the platoon’s living space, such as tentage, remains within the defensive ring of the rifle squads. The Stormtrooper squad provides close in protection to the sensor array and is prepared to deploy to counter-attack. If possible, all static elements will conceal themselves using local terrain and camouflage netting. Finally, the scout lance deploys patrols and observation posts beyond the perimeter to provide early warning against attack.

Routine Behind the Lines:

The Empire uses human soldiers, therefore the entire position cannot be defended by 100% of their soldiers 100% of the time. Soldiers must sleep some of the time, and even when awake may be required to improve the defensive position, deal with resupply, or conduct maintenance on weapons and equipment.

  • 100% manning: all positions manned, full Stormtrooper squad ready in reserve at the array.
  • 50% manning: all repeaters and communicators manned, plus 50% of rifle positions manned providing all around observation. One assault team (4 x Stormtroopers with a light repeater) ready in reserve at the array.
  • 25% manning: all repeaters and communicators manned, plus the minimum required to provide all around observation. Two Stormtroopers at the sensor array.

Given the perceived low threat of attack on this Imperial position the routine has become fairly relaxed. Should any factor, such as the PCs being spotted by a scout patrol, increase the threat level then higher levels of defensive manning will be put in place. The current routine is:

  • Dusk and Dawn: 100% manning
  • Routine Ops: 50% manning
  • Resupply and Maintenance periods: 25% manning

Terrain Considerations:

Consider the following tweaks based common terrain types:

  • Forest: The entire defensive will be closer together to compensate for poor line of sight. Visual camouflage will be much more effective – add multiple Setback dice to Perception checks to locate the position.
  • Rolling Hills: The defensive will be sited to take maximum advantage of raises and dips in the terrain. All dug in squads will benefit from trenches providing Ranged Defense 3.
  • Desert: The defensive will be spread out to take advantage of longer line of sight.
  • Iceworld: If ice plains the defensive will be spread out to take advantage of longer line of sight. The Sensor Array will be very easy to detect using vehicle or man-portable sensors due to its significant heat signature against the background temperature – upgrade any Computers check to locate the array by sensor once.
  • Urban: The entire defensive will be closer together to compensate for threats from multiple angles, including from tunnels or sewers, and poor line of sight. The Sensor Array may need to be elevated to prevent buildings from blocking its signals.
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Christopher Hunt

Staff Writer at d20 Radio
Christopher Hunt is a long-time gamer and has recently broke into the world of RPG freelancing. Chris’ unofficial Star Wars RPG blog ran weekly on d20radio.com for the past three years. He has written for Rusted Iron Games, Raging Swan Press, and most recently Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars RPG. Chris is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Political Science. Always the gamer, his thesis, which explores conflict short of war by uniting current threats to historical events, was inspired by a historical board game.