Welcome to the HoloNet Uplink, citizen. This series focuses on Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars Roleplaying Game, with content aimed mostly at the Gamemaster. Threats, adventure seeds, rules supplements, and more are all to come for those who access The HoloNet Uplink.
The question of how the Empire gets those towering AT-ATs (is that aye tee aye tee or aht aht? let me know in the comments) from space to the ground has had a variety of answers in both current canon and legends. Star Wars Rebels has shown us the venerable Imperial Gozanti as a platform of choice for delivering two of the lumbering walkers to planetary surfaces. But what did the job before?
Legends provided for both the Y-85 Titan-class dropship, the topic of today’s post, and the smaller Theta-class AT-AT barge. The former was too large to fit in all but the most massive of imperial warships, leaving the latter for more widespread employment on most classes of star destroyer. For today, go big or go home applies, as well tackle the Titan.
Y-85 Titan-class Dropship
One of the few larger starships constructed by the primarily starfighter focused Incom Corporation, the Y-85 is a hardy dropship designed for combat deployment of the Imperial Army’s AT-ATs. The Y-85 marks a clear break from the normal Incom design ethos, eschewing balance and agility for bulk and armor. Designated the Titan-class, this dropship can carry up to four AT-ATs and four AT-STs in combat configuration. While the capability to deploy multiple walkers in one drop is highly valued by the Imperial Army, the sheer size of the craft required means the Y-85 is too large for standard hangars on Imperial star destroyers. Only the largest vessels, like the massive super star destroyers, are capable of accommodating Titan dropships.
Although the Y-85 provides the most efficient way to transport walkers onto planetary surfaces, its bulky design and poor handling means it is an easy target for enemy starfighters. For opposed landings, one Imperial tactic calls for multiple transport platforms in a series of waves. More agile vessels such as Gozanti-class cruisers, which are able to hold two AT-ATs on external clamps, conduct the initial drop to secure a foothold. Once the drop zone is secured, Y-85s bring in reinforcements en masse. This tactic makes good use of the Empire’s expansive starship fleet, ensuring the use of each transport is appropriate to its intended role.
Sil 5; Speed 2; Handling -4; Def 2/1/1/2 Armor 4
Hull Trauma 45; System Strain 21
Hull Type/Class: Walker Dropship/Y-85 Titan-class.
Manufacturer: Incom Corporation.
Hyperdrive: None.
Navicomputer: None.
Sensor Range: Short.
Ship’s Complement: 20 crew including pilots and loadmasters.
Encumbrance Capacity: 300.
Vehicle Capacity: Four AT-ATs and four AT-STs or one prefabricated base.
Passenger Capacity: 20 in jump seats plus troops embarked in AT-ATs.
Consumables: One week.
Price/Rarity: 600,000 credits /6.
Customization Hard Points: 0.
Weapons: Two forward-mounted medium laser cannons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 1).
Additional Rule: Imperial Drop Procedure (If the pilot of a Y-85 starts their turn with the ship at Close range to a suitable surface and at Speed 0, they make a Hard (3 Purple) Piloting as action to drop up to four AT-ATs simultaneously. All AT-ATs are still dropped on a failure, but each suffer a Minor Collision as per AoR pg. 256.)