Black Market – Ice Station Time Lord Will Give You Chills

In June 1959, the United States military decided to build a prototype underground base in northern Greenland, hundreds of miles from the nearest town or Army base. This was an experiment to see if it was possible to sustain an underground Arctic base. If it was successful, the plan was to build a whole chain of these across northern Europe, linked by underground roads. From these bases, missiles could be secretly launched at the Soviet Union.

In October 1960, the prototype base was open for business.

In 1966, the base was shut down. Officially, the ice removal effort outweighed its usefulness. Plus, the continental shifting was greater than expected, resulting in most of the tunnels collapsing by 1969. However, in the Doctor Who universe…there’s a much more sinister reason for the abandonment of Camp Century.

Ice Station Time Lord is a fan module for the Doctor Who: Adventures In Time and Space RPG published by Cubicle 7. Of course, you need the Doctor Who Corebook, now updated for the adventures of the 12th Doctor. You can use the Doctor and companions from the core book or purchase the sourcebooks from your favorite Doctor’s era and use that Doctor and his set of companions.

The Earth has been destroyed. The Doctor becomes quite peeved when he learns this. A group of Slitheen emerge as the prime suspects. Unfortunately, they already sold the minerals to a race of avian custom planet manufacturers. The Doctor must slip into their show room, steal a sample of the minerals supposedly taken from Earth’s remains and compare them to a sample of Earth’s core sample. The deepest, freshest core samples were taken from Camp Century, the base built beneath Greenland’s ice.

Unfortunately, there’s a Soviet nuclear submarine off the Greenland coast. Two Soviet teams, the second accompanied by a UNIT team led by the enigmatic Captain Jack Harkness, went into Camp Century but never returned.

I’ve run this adventure for the 11th and 12th Doctors and companions. It should delight and terrify your players. Not only is it a creepy dungeon crawl with frightening Doctor Who villains, but it also presents interesting roleplaying challenges, preventing the Soviet officer from radioing the Kremlin and triggering World War Three.

The adventure includes a color map of Camp Century and one of the underground drilling chamber.

Download the adventure here.


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Garrett Crowe is a long-time podcaster. His credits include Threat Detected and Threats From Gallifrey. Currently, he's vidcasting the Cubicle 7 One Ring RPG with Threats From Mirkwood. Garrett's also written the book 30 Treasonous Plots, which provides many nefarious Paranoia adventure seeds. Currently, Garrett's writing Dungeons and Dragons adventures for local conventions.