The back of a cantina, on a subtropical world, over a holiday weekend. A private party. Most of the partiers have finally moved on–for now–to other parts of the venue. In the booth sits an older man, it’s clear he is very tall, even seated. The auburn-haired, uniformed woman approaches, a little wary. Not that there are enemies here, and the only “warning” she’s heard about the lanky gentleman with the long, wild hair is that he is very funny, and smart. Seeing the woman, he beckons her over, and she quickly warms to his big smile and sense of humor. In a low voice, he imparts some astonishing intel. “Ian MacDiarmid…he’s not as old as the Emperor. He was about 38 then.”
That was my first meeting with Peter “Chewbacca” Mayhew, who passed away April 30, 2019, nineteen days shy of his 75th birthday. My uniform was a Star Wars costume at a con about 20 years ago, at a party the Rebel and 501st Legions was holding for the SW celebrity guests. Mr. Mayhew was one of the first I would meet over the years, and a favorite of mine. I saw him several times after and was hoping to meet up with him and his wife again, but that won’t happen now.
In addition to playing a fan favorite character in 7 Star Wars movies, Peter was a fan favorite, especially to those of us fans in the SW costuming clubs. I spent time yesterday, tearfully reading on Facebook the reactions of fellow Rebel Legion members and officers. And I write this tearfully. (Just like I did for Carrie Fisher.)
But more importantly, Peter Mayhew was a generous person, as is his widow, Angela. Like many celebs they decided to use that fame to help others. The Mayhews founded the Peter Mayhew Foundation, “a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization devoted to the alleviation of disease, pain, suffering, and the financial toll brought on by life’s traumatic events. By providing its available resources directly to deserving children and adults in need, we assist numerous charitable organizations in order to promote and boost their effectiveness and provide support where needed.” The Foundation first started by supporting causes dear to the SW community, but has expanded over the years, supporting many groups–Toys for Tots, Wounded Warrior Project, etc. That support isn’t just monetary, but also very personal. They have provided Peter’s books (Growing Up Giant and My Favorite Giant) to patients and Peter even did chats when he was able.
I think that is a fine thing to end this with. Peter Mayhew didn’t just play a big hero–he was one. We will miss you–I will miss you–Peter. May the Force be with you always.