With the Star Wars Rebels animated show, the Imperial Inquisitors were established as an order of Jedi Killers directed by the Empire to complete the Jedi Purge. The idea of Inquisitors dates back to the era of West End Games, with the sourcebook Fragments from the Rim establishing High Inquisitor Tremayne as an adversary for players. When the old Extended Universe continuity was erased, the Inquisitors were re-established with the Pau’an Grand Inquisitor and the Brothers and Sisters that served under him.
All Inquisitors have been shown to wield the signature Inquisitor Lightsabers – double-bladed, spinning lightsabers that also serve as badges of office for the Order of Inquisitors.
So far, these lightsabers have only shown up in print as the weapons of adversaries, rather than appearing in the equipment lists. Mechanically, they have almost the same statistics as normal double-bladed lightsabers (being shorter, they are slightly less Unwieldy), with the added qualities of Defensive and Deflection when in spin mode. Overall, the omission from the books is strange, but it isn’t a big deal. If need be, a GM’s Inquisitor can simply borrow the necessary stat block from Dawn of Rebellion or Ghosts of Dathomir.
What is unfortunate, however, is the omission of the unique qualities that have shown up on-screen in Star Wars Rebels. In the finale of Season Two, when the main characters encounter Eighth Brother, the Inquisitor that’s hunting Maul on Malachor, he demonstrates two upgrades for his lightsaber that hadn’t shown up before. One is a set of retracting blades that allow him to use the hilt of his lightsaber as a sort of buzzsaw in close melee, and the other is the repulsorlift mechanism that allows him and the other Inquisitors limited flight with their lightsabers.
Eighth Brother’s lightsaber appears, on first inspection, to be of a similar build to the other Inquisitor’s weapons, but the press of a hidden switch extends metal teeth along the circumference of the outer handle, turning the hilt into a hand-held buzzsaw.
Models Include: Custom Variants.
Base Modifiers: Enables the lightsaber hilt to be used as a melee weapon with the following profile at the user’s choice (Melee; Damage (Brawn + 2); Critical 3; Range (Engaged); Vicious 1). While in this mode, the lightsaber blade cannot be ignited.
A bladed hilt can be upgraded with appropriate melee weapon modifications, using the available hard points of the lightsaber. These modifications only apply to the bladed hilt itself. The Serrated Edge modification is considered to already be applied, so it cannot be added.
Modification Options: None, but allows some Melee weapon modifications to be added.
Hard Points Required: 1.
Price: 250 Credits.
The spin mechanism of an Inquisitor lightsaber is a frictionless, repulsorlift-assisted device that allows the twin blades of the weapon to be spun rapidly to help defend the wielder. Upgrading power output of the internal repulsorlift allows the wielder to use the lightsaber as a mode of transportation, greatly increasing their mobility in the heat of battle.
Other than the fact that this modification is housed within a weapon, this modification functions just like the Repulsor Pack Modification for Armor. (See page 53 of Age of Rebellion: Fully Operational for details.)
Hard Points Required: 2
Price: 2,500 credits.