If you’re a member of the Gamer Nation you might have heard about a new thing called Looking for Gamers. I recently sat down with the masterminds behind this new group.
First, please introduce yourselves to our readers.
J.T.: I’m J.T. Dimino. My first experience with tabletop RPGs was WEG’s Star Wars Introductory Adventure Game when I was 10 (I still have that box by the way), and then I had a brief fling with D&D in middle/high school before casually running some Star Wars Saga Edition in college. But my love for tabletop roleplaying really took off after I started (not) listening to The Order 66 Podcast after it relaunched for FFG’s system. I’ve been a more-or-less active member of the online community ever since!
E.B.: I am Eric Brenders, ogehn. I have been a member of the Gamer Nation since the original Order 66 podcast (Saga edition) episode #20. An avid player of all things games, especially Tabletop and Role-playing games. Been playing RPGs since 2nd edition AD&D and have been playing/GM/DM/Storyteller for every edition of Star Wars RPGs.
What is Looking for Gamers?
J.T.: Looking for Gamers is an online Facebook group that Eric [Brenders] and I made to help members of the GamerNation connect with each other for online tabletop gaming. Members can use it to find and recruit players, GMs, or groups for whatever sort of game or system they’re interested in – one-shots, campaigns, online, offline, etc.
E.B.: Looking for Gamers is the continuation of the original message boards Looking for Players / Groups topics. A continuation of the gaming experiences that start with Gamer Nation Con to bring people together from the Con and those not able to attend but still wanting to play.
Where did the idea come from?
J.T.: I originally got the idea for LFG over a year ago (2017) when I was having trouble finding a group to game with. I was inspired by other attempts I saw on social media services like Facebook that tried to help GMs and players connect, and realized that it would be great to do something similar that catered to the GamerNation – after all, we’re the best community of gamers there is!
I pitched the idea to the Order 66 GMs and they gave me the greenlight to pursue it, but then life got in the way and the project fell to the wayside. My motivation to make the project a reality was rekindled when I attended GN Con this year (2018) and realized that there were a lot of other people, including Eric, who felt the same way I did about wanting to game more with other members of the community. And as you can see, this time the project was brought to fruition.
E.B.: For me, I have an Online Group of players and friends that started back in the days of the message board. When meeting JT and talking about his idea it got me thinking this could help create a way for other people to create their own groups just as I had. Also as mentioned their are a lot of people in the gamer nation that cannot attend the Gamer Nation Con, so this idea could get more people to game with others of the community that would never do so in real life.
JT’s idea also presented the chance of a Discord channel for the GamerNation to use to host online tables and help people host games by giving something that everyone can use.
How does it work?
J.T.: The process is pretty simple and straightforward. First, you join the Looking for Gamers Facebook group. Next, you make an Interest Post to let everyone know what sort of gaming experience you’re after – are you looking to play in a D&D one-shot? Do you want to GM a Star Wars campaign? Whatever it is, you can post it along with some basic info like how and when you’d like to game. You can make as many interest posts as you want as long as you’re serious about wanting to play in and/or run that many games. Once you’ve found some other interested members you can create an event in the Facebook group and get gaming!
E.B.: In the d20 Radio Discord we have Online Tables with Text and Voice channels setup. These are for people to use to host online games. Also in Discord are the many text channels for related RPG topics and affiliated podcast discussions. Also, remember, you do not need to use discord to run games, but it is available, like Roll20 and other virtual table tops.
Do you have to be on Facebook to participate?
J.T.: In a word, yes. Right now Facebook seems like the best platform for connecting the GamerNation together. There are already over 1,200 members in the d20 Radio Facebook group and most people are already familiar with how Facebook groups work, so it’s a natural choice. Of course, if you already have a group together you could go straight to gaming on the d20 Radio Discord – as long as there’s an open table. Groups who have Discord games pre-scheduled on LFG get first dibs, so we highly recommend putting your events on LFG even if you already have your group together!
E.B.: What JT said lol. This is only the beginning for the Looking for Gamers group. We have plans to expand and do more with the group as we see how things shape up.
Finally, what is your favorite pie?
E.B.: I like Apple Pie.
J.T.: Damnit I think Apple is my favorite too. But see, this is why we make such a great team. We’re in-sync.
E.B.: Until he touches my apple pie.
Thanks guys for setting this up and answering our questions. Check out the d20 Radio Discord and join a game in Looking for Gamers!
Great interview… these too fellas I see plans within plans… Guuuuuud let the nerd flow thru you all…