To’Ni Sienar
Growing up in privilege thanks to the wealth his father, Raith Sienar, had accumulated developing weapons for the Imperial military, To’ni grew used to a lavish lifestyle. A billionaire, playboy, philanthropist he spent most of his time chasing women and doing charity outreach to make the family look good. Life was good and uncomplicated for the young man until tragedy struck.
While demonstrating a new Sienar weapon system on a remote world To’ni was captured by a local group. They wanted him to assemble an orbital defense system from stolen Sienar tech to defend themselves from pirates. Not wanting to help arm a group he suspected of being terrorist Rebels, To’ni secretly began constructing a suit of weaponized armor from the available parts.
When he was ready to make his escape the pirates the colonists had feared arrived. To’ni ended up defending them with his new armor suit. For the first time he found himself doing something for someone else. Unfortunately, shortly after this the Empire arrived to “rescue” him. To’ni watched helplessly as ships and weapons his family had manufactured decimated the entire village.
Vowing to not let his family legacy continue to be associated with wanton destruction, To’ni began using his family fortune to construct newer and better suits of armor. Using these ever more complicated and advanced suits, To’ni set out to defend innocent people from anyone who would attempt them harm.
This character is not someone you can easily create from scratch due to the heavy experience investment necessary. To really make this character feel like Iron Man you need something like 60k credits and 250+ XP in order to reach a top level talent (Custom Loadout). This is necessary to give your jetpack all the mods. Fortunately, you could install the droid brain earlier, as it requires no hardpoint, which is a big part of it. But that upgrade itself is 7000 credits on top of the jetpack itself. Not to mention the armor.
Fortunately, one of Iron Man’s things is constantly upgrading his armor so starting with something cheaper and expanding it as you go is totally in character.
To make this all work will require a GM willing to bend some rules. The weapons are easy enough to handwave with the wrist modification but there is no in game modification to integrate the armor and jet pack. If you’re GM is willing to consider them connected then that is all you really need to make them work.
You can really make a monster with this build if you expand your experience further and dive into the Armorer and/or Gadgeteer specializations to enhance the armor further.
Species: Human
Career: Technician
Specialization: Modder
Obligation: The Price of a Name
Motivation: Legacy
Brawn 4 (5 in armor)
Agility 3
Intellect 4
Cunning 2
Willpower 2
Presence 2
Wound Threshold: 16
Strain Threshold: 12
Soak Value: 4 (7 in armor)
M/R Defense: 2|2
- Charm 1
- Computer 1
- Education 1
- Gunnery 1
- Mechanics 5
- Perception 2 (from armor)
- Piloting- Planetary 2
- Vigilance 1 (from armor)
- Tinkerer x3- May add 1 additional hardpoint to a number of items equal to ranks in Tinkerer
- Resolve x2- When character suffers involuntary strain damage he suffers 1 less strain per rank in Resolve
- Gearhead x2- Remove setback per rank of Gearhead from Mechanics checks. Halve credit cost to add mods to attachments
- Signature Vehicle- Choose one vehicle as your signature vehicle. Upgrade all Mechanics chekcs made on that vehicle once.
- Fancy Paint Job- Upgrade all Charm, Deception and Negotiation checks made in the presence of the Signature Vehicle (Jetpack).
- Hidden Storage- Gain hidden storage in vehicle or equipment that holds items with total encumberance equal to ranks in Hidden Storage
- Dedication-Gain +1 to single characteristic (Intelligence)
- Custom Loadout- May add 2 additional hard points to Signature Vehicle
- Toughened- Gain +2 to wound threshold
- Resourceful Refit- Make an average Mechanics check to scavenge an old attachment to make a new one, reducing the price by the cost of the dismantled attachment.
Custom Kav Dann Power Armor
- Soak +2 (3)
- Defense 2/2
- Innate Mods
- Brawn +1 Mod
- Remove Setback from darkness, smoke or other environmental effects
- Gain Boost to resist radiation
- Integrated comm-link
- Attachments and Modifications
- Hardened- Prevents deactivation due to ion or EM damage
- Omni-Scan 3- General purpose scanner,+2 skill to Perception, add Boost to detect movement or hidden enemies
- Quick Shed- Remove armor as a maneuver. Requires Average Mechanics check to reassemble.
- Energy Dispersion System- When reducing strain damage by soak count soak as 2 higher
- Superior +1 Soak
- Enhanced Optics Suite- +1 Vigilance skill mod
- Integrated Jetpack
- Speed 2
- Handling +1
- System Strain 4
- Modifications
- Autopilot Droid Brain/Gunnery Droid Brain (Jarvis)
- Innate piloting skill 4
- Innate gunnery skill 4
- Can summon
- Signature Vehicle- Upgrade all mechanics checks
- Augmented Buffer- Increase system strain by 2
- Security Measures- Upgrade computer/skullduggery checks to gain unauthorized access by 2, add two setback
- Maneuvering Thrusters- Add +1 Handling
- Retractable Cluster Bomber Launcher (see below)
- Autopilot Droid Brain/Gunnery Droid Brain (Jarvis)
- Weapons
- 2x Blaster Pistol
- Damage 6
- Critical- 3
- Stun
- Modifications/Attachments
- Model 2 Wrist Mount- Weapon worn on wrists, integrated into armor
- Paired Weapon- Reduce Advantage necessary to hit with second weapon by 1
- Superior- Generate 1 Advantage when fired
- Retractable Cluster Bomb Launcher
- Fire Arc- Forward
- Damage- 6
- Critical 3
- Range- Close
- Qualities- Blast 6, Limited Ammo 6
- 2x Blaster Pistol
How on God’s green Earth do you propose to get a human character with two 3s and a 4? That’s 130 starting xp! Did you forget to buy Brawn up to 3 before you bought 4?