Hardly the most exciting modification that can be done to a lightsaber, activation switches are nonetheless an integral part of its construction. The standard switch is a simple pressure switch that locks in place and stays on once the lightsaber has been activated. Below is a selection of variant switches that can be integrated into a Jedi’s lightsaber. All switches are relatively simple and occupy one of the weapon’s hard points.
Also known as a pressure switch, this sort of switch will instantly deactivate the lightsaber if the Jedi ever lets go of it. While useless for such maneuvers as Saber Throw, it does offer a measure of safety if the Jedi ever fumbles his weapon or has it telekinetically yanked from his grasp. This modification can be integrated into an Internal switch or a puzzle switch without increasing the hard point cost of those modifications.
Models Include: None.
Base Modifiers: If the Force user ever drops his lightsaber, whether by choice or from being disarmed by an enemy, the lightsaber blade is extinguished. A lightsaber equipped with a deadman switch cannot be used to perform a Saber Throw action.
Modification Options: None.
Hard Points Required: 1.
Price: 100 Credits.
This sort of switch caters to both the innately cautious and the vaguely ostentatious within the Jedi ranks. During construction, the activating switch is hidden within the case of the lightsaber, making it unusable without both knowledge of the modification and skill with telekinesis. As such, it cannot be activated without Jedi powers, and even then, a Hard Education (Lore) roll is necessary to ascertain where the switch is located. Turning the lightsaber on or off requires a Move power check to activate the switch. If this modification is combined with a deadman switch, there is an external toggle that must also be held when activating the lightsaber and wielding it.
Models Include: None.
Base Modifiers: The lightsaber can only be ignited by a Force user who understands the internal switch and can activate it telekinetically.
Modification Options: None.
Hard Points Required: 1.
Price: 100 Credits.
Similar in concept to the Internal Switch, this form of switch requires the Jedi enter a code or combination of some sort before the lightsaber can be activated. Often, this sort of switch takes the form of a row of buttons worked into the hilt itself, and the Jedi can enter a sequence fairly rapidly to activate his lightsaber. For someone that is unfamiliar with the sequence, they must make a Perception or Knowledge (Education) check, using the Jedi’s Deception as Difficulty. Even for someone who knows the sequence, it requires a Maneuver to activate the lightsaber.
Models Include: None.
Base Modifiers: The lightsaber can only be activated by solving a simple puzzle as a Maneuver.
Modification Options: None.
Hard Points Required: 1.
Price: 200 Credits.
A unique feature to Guard Shoto, this sort of switch was designed by the fugitive Jedi, Astyanax Kir, for one of his personal weapons. Set into the tonfa handle of a Guard Shoto, the Cypher Switch would only activate the Guard Shoto when it was swung in attack, quenching the blade when it pivoted back into guard position. This allowed the Jedi strike quickly and without warning, disrupting the normal flow of lightsaber combat.
Models Include: None.
Base Modifiers: Switches the lightsaber on only when attacking. Can only be mounted on Guard Shoto. The next attack that turn made by the character using this weapon ignores the target’s Melee Defense.
Modification Options: 1 Innate Talent (Quick Strike) Mod, 1 Damage +1 Mod.
Hard Points Required: 1.
Price: 2,500 Credits.
A couple of notes: Most of these ideas come from the old Expanded Universe, with characters like Lord Hethrir making use of the Force-activated Internal Switch. The Guard Shoto-specific Cypher switch derives from the tonfa blade of Strider from the old Capcom game.