If you’re anything like me, you’ve been getting more and more excited to see Paul Rudd don the Ant-Man suit as Scott Lang in the next few days. With every teaser Marvel has seen fit to show us, my excitement has increased. Even my wife, who was staunchly against this film because it wasn’t Hank Pym’s Ant-Man has softened her stance, though the fact that Wasp has been confirmed as being in the film has a lot to do with that. And so, with this being miniatures week, I decided that I would create the diminutive hero in my supers system of choice – Wild Talents.
Now, while Scott has been a known quantity in the comic books for some time, we also know that Marvel likes to shake things up in their cinematic universe. For example, the cinematic Scott Lang gains super strength when he shrinks down with the Ant-Man suit. And since we’re celebrating the release of the movie, I thought I would take a crack at creating him using what we’ve seen in the trailers so far.
Scott’s biggest trick is his ability to shrink utilizing the powers of the Ant-Man suit. While in that size, he “has superstrength” and is “like a bullet.” We see him leaping great distances and covering pretty noticeable distances while on foot in this size. And honestly, that’s all we’ve really seen as far as powers are concerned. As far as most heroes go, his power array was pretty cheap. With the power coming from his suit, and affecting only himself, I was able to keep the powers quite cheap. Instead, I focused more on his stats and skills. We know he was a burglar and that disabling security systems and other electronics were his true forte. And so his skills represent that past life. He’s a scrapper, able to hold his own, but his hand to hand skills gain a real boost when he’s using the suit. At 200 points, he’s certainly not a “beginning hero” by Wild Talents standards, but neither is he super powerful.
As far as Scott’s motivations are concerned, we know that his daughter will play a role in the films. Whether it’s a similar role as in the comic we’re not sure, but a loyalty to her seemed to most fitting for a father. Finally, we know he wants to become the hero and earn that redemption from his past, and so the passion to do the things to earn that redemption was also a very natural fit for him.
Scott Lang aka Ant-Man* (200 pts)
Source: Technology (0 pts)
Permission: Super (15 pts)
Stats (101 pts)
Body 2d (10 pts)
Coordination 4d (20 pts)
Sense 4d (20 pts)
Mind 3d (15 pts)
Charm 3d (15 pts)
Command 2d (10 pts)
Base Will 7 (6 pts)
Willpower 12 (5 pts)
Motivations: Loyalty to his daughter (4), passion for achieving redemption (3)
Skills (54 pts)
Athletics 3d (5d), Block 2d (4d), Brawling 2d (4d), Dodge 3d (7d), Electronics 3d (6d), Lie 2d (5d), Perception 2d (6d), Scrutiny 2d (6d), Security Systems 2d (5d), Stability 1d (3d), Stealth 3d (7d), Streetwise 2d (5d)
Powers (30 pts)
Size of an Ant 3hd (D, U; 7 per die; 21 pts)
Defends Extras and Flaws: Attached to Useful quality -2, Go First +3, Permanent +4. Capacities: Self
Useful Extras and Flaws: Booster +1, Duration +2, Focus -1, If/Then (must press activation switch) -1, Self Only -3. Capacities: Mass
Scott can use the Pym particles stored in his belt to shrink to the size of an ant. When in this form he weighs 4 ounces and stands 8 inches tall. While shrunk, he gets one automatic defense roll each round, which defends at a 3×10, but is timed as if it were at 6×10.
Hyperstat (Body) +5d (1 per die; 5 pts)
Extras and Flaws: Attached to Size of an Ant -2, Limited Damage (shock only) -1.
While shrunk Scott gains super strength. He can lift 1.6 tons and throw an object weighing 400 lbs accurately out to 10 yards. He can sprint 30 yards in one combat round and jump 10 yards long or 2.5 yards high with a successful Athletics check.
Telepathy 2hd (U; 1 per die; 4 pts)
Useful Extras and Flaws: Focus -1, If/Then (only insects) -1
Scott’s helmet allows him rudimentary telepathic communication with a variety of insect life.**
*It wasn’t his idea.
**This has not been revealed in any of the trailers, but it has been such an iconic part of the Ant-Man suit that I couldn’t help but include it in his write up.