Welcome back Faithful Fellows! I’m happy to report that my group’s first session in the rebooted Mutants & Masterminds game was a great success. The story introduced not only the player’s characters (and Velocity) but also a new spin on a character named Artica!
I don’t know how many groups do this, but my group and I like to cast actors in the roles of our characters. Artica for example, is modeled after Alyson Hannigan, especially her performance as Willow. Artica is smart, confident and a capable member of the Jefferson Knights. I hope you enjoy.
- Name: Norra Lords
- Identity: Secret
- Occupation: Student; Home Schooled
- Age: 16
- Height: 5’9
- Weight: 121 lbs.
- Hair: White (Dyed Red)
- Eyes: White (Green Contacts)
- Base of Operations: Jefferson Heights, NY
- Group Affiliation: Jefferson Knights
- Known Abilities: Norra is capable of generating and controlling ice and cold. She can alter her local environment, making it colder and attacking enemies with a blast of a ice and cold. She sometimes assumes her ancestral form; giving her enhanced strength and durability but is so far incapable of controlling this transformation.
Norra and her family were banished to Helheim, an endless and colorless landscape filled with ice and mist and the dishonored dead. Norra’s father, Váli had an affair with her mother, Elenorra, and she became pregnant. When she refused to leave her husband Erik, he cast the whole family out as punishment for her rejection.
Years later, when Váli learned he had not just one daughter but twins, he began searching for her. Eventually he found Norra and her sister Kiara traveling the wastes with their family. After three nights pursuit, Váli abducted Kiara and mortally wounded Erik. Norra’s brother Torbin, manged to steal Váli’s amulet and open a portal to allow her to escape, but Váli followed her through!
The portal led Norra to Jefferson Heights, a new world full of color, light noise and a small group of heroes, who hadn’t met each other yet. Norra interrupted their otherwise quiet lives. Thinking they might be agents of Váli, she attacked them. The group fought each other until Váli entered the fray.
Quickly realizing who their true enemy was, the group managed to hold off Váli long enough to perform a ritual sending him back to Helheim! Deciding that their meeting wasn’t just mere chance, they young heroes decided to join forces. Taking the name of their high school football team, the small group of individuals became the Jefferson Knights!
Norra, having never known anything but cold winds, icy landscapes and concerns beyond survival, was slow to warm up to her new friends and was uneasy in this new world she found herself in. Once she acclimated to her new life, she embraced it with both arms. She took up gardening and found she had an affinity for computers. She read both modern and classic novels and became something of a geek.
Norra still has nightmares about her previous life and tries her best to find ways to rescue her family, but doesn’t possess the mystic proficiency needed to cast anything but the simplest rituals. It’s unknown if it’s genuine or her way of coping, but she’s frequently upbeat, optimistic and outgoing, easily lifting the team’s spirits when times get tough. She’s the heart of the team, but she’s no pushover. Years spent in the unforgiving wastes make her a capable opponent and ally.