This is a newly-revised version of an article I wrote for the long-lost Gamer Security Agency website. FFGSW stats updated to comply with finalized core books, as only the beta Edge of the Empire was available when I wrote the original statblock.
There’s a number of dangerous creatures out there, and any one of them could pose a threat to your hero when they least expect it. Dealing with them can take an emotional toll on even the bravest in the Galaxy Far, Far Away. When that happens, those who cannot touch the Force might seek spiritual counsel and solace from the devout…
Dim-U Monk [Rival]
Game: Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars
Species: Human
Brawn 3
Agility 1
Intellect 2
Cunning 3
Presence 2
Willpower 3
Charm 2 (or Coerce 2)
Knowledge: Education 1
Knowledge: Lore 2
Leadership 1
Negotiation 1
Convincing Demeanor 1
Inspiring Rhetoric 1
Soak/Defense: 2/0 Wound Threshold: 13
Force Rating: 0
Equipment: Vestments (Heavy clothing, soak 1) and religious items, Tool kit, stimpack, minimal personal items, handful of credits
Dim-U Monk
Human Non-heroic 3/Scoundrel 1 CL2
Game: Star Wars Saga Edition
Force Pts: 5; Dark Side Pts: 0
Initiative: +0; Senses: Perception +8
Languages: Basic, 2 unassigned
DEFENSES: Reflex: 11 (flatfooted 11) Fortitude: 11 Will: 12
HP: 18 Second Wind: 10 Threshold: 11
Speed: 6 squares
Melee (unarmed): +1, 1d4-1
Ranged: +2, by weapon
Base Attack: +2 GRP: +2
DEX 10
CON 10
INT 14
WIS 13
CHA 15
Talent: Knack
Feats: Skill Training X3, Weapon Proficiency (Simple), Toughness
Skills: Computers +9, Gather Information +9, Knowledge (Galactic Lore) +9, Knowledge (Social Sciences) +9, Mechanics +9, Perception +8, Persuasion +9
Equipment: Repair kit, Utility Belt, Meshtape, Vestments and religious items, Datapad & cards with religous texts, minimal personal items, Handful of credits
Background: The Dim-U religion reveres the ubiquitous bantha as a “divine harbinger” of an Age of Bounty. Dim-U monks therefore will not eat bantha meat or use bantha products. On some worlds, such as Tattooine, home of the best known Dim-U monastery, the Dim-U have a reputation of giving personal hygiene short shrift, but that need not be true everywhere. They do not have to be human.
Although their faith may be ridiculed, the Dim-U monks are as upright–or not–as the adherents of any other religion. In other words, an individual cleric may be anything from a true believer aiding and comforting fellow beings to a greedy charlatan out to fleece the gullible–or do worse. The Mos Eisley Monastery was actually a front for illegal tech services such as the alteration of ship transponders, for example. Imposters (or dishonest real monks) are often able to get away with their schemes because laybeings, even the authorities, often don’t look past the vestments and other trappings. On some planets, custom or law may hinder investigations of religious orders.
A Dim-U may be the heroes’ ally or opponent, regardless of whether he has a genuine religious vocation, or what the party’s goal is. A devout monk might help a crew obtain repairs if they are trying to get medicine through an Imperial blockade–or dissuade or undermine them if they are hired by an importer of bantha fur and horn. On the other hand, a corrupt Dim-U cleric/imposter might divert attention from her own sins by reporting the party–guilty or not–to the local Garrison for anti-Imperial activities.
Design/play notes: I envisioned this monk as a rather sedentary, somewhat overweight cleric, a technician and/or face type, and wrote stats to represent this. Brawn is above average (FFG) not because the character is really fit but because he has a bit of extra weight to throw around–and absorb damage. (Toughness feat in SWSE stats.) The stats can be used for monks who are devout, con artists or outright crooks, as well as for “generic” priests/pastors of nearly any religion.
GMs who want to use the (Legends) Mos Eisley Monastery in their games should feel free to substitute/add relevant FFG/SWSE skills and abilities for slicing, ship upgrades, forgery and the like.