Made famous by the Kurosawian inspired bounty hunter Embo in the Clone Wars TV series, the Kukyo are a species as defined only by their feats of athleticism, mysterious nature and an elegant, if utilitarian, fashion style.
Not much is known in Canon or Legends about this species, but that shouldn’t stop you from playing one. Below are some stats and lore you could use, or just some inspiration for your own home-brewed hat-slinging Kyuzo.
Note: I defer to the makers when I can, but where Wookiepedia and Canon/Legends come up short, I take GM license to fill in the blanks. After all, this is just fun theorizing.
Kyuzo: An extremely rare and secretive species, Kyuzo are known as agile warriors who prefer using their fists over technology in combat and for whom honor, in the form of their Kyuzido code which pervades all parts of Kyuzo society, is the highest aspiration.
Physiology: A bipedal near-humanoid species, Kyuzo have reptilian features accented by their green skin and bright orange eyes. They have evolved very powerful legs that allow them, from a young age, to leap great distances and perform acrobatic feats that astound outsiders. Most Kyuzo found outside of their homeworld are also seen with a fitted breathing mask around their nostrils and mouth. Unlike most creatures that are forced to wear breathing masks in the greater galaxy, Kyuzo can and do breathe oxygen, which is the natural gas that sustains life on most sentient worlds. The problem comes from the fact that most planets produce too much of the gas, which overwhelms the Kyuzo who are used to a thin high atmosphere on their mountainous homeworld of Phatrong. The breathing mask allows them to regulate oxygen intake evenly into their system.
Society: The Kyuzido Code permeates all walks of Kyuzo life. Due to the dangers of their homeworld, and the limited availability of space, the Kyuzo have had to practice a very regimented lifestyle to survive. Over time, this translated into the the code now called Kyuzido. Like many societal codes, it acts as a standard in which all Kyuzo are held to. It covers a broad range of topics, but there is an emphasis on self-control, bravery, and honor. Combat typified this code, and as some Kyuzo felt, was the truest expression of Kyuzido. This, coupled with their natural talent for athletics, makes Kyuzo excellent hand to hand combatants.
Kyuzo live in villages, with each family using a elder to represent themselves to the village as a whole. Disputes between different villages are settled by their village champion in lethal bouts. If the winner of the bout did not meet Kyuzido standards, his opponent, although physically beaten, would be considered the winner, and the dispute settled.
Homeworld: Phatrong is the homeworld of the Kyuzo, located on the Outer Rim in the Tharsybule sector just outside the Gordian Reach. Phatrong is a planet dominated by a vast jungle floor with large mountain ranges running across the planets surface. Although the jungle is habitable, most Phatrong have learned to live in the mountains to avoid Phatrong’s large natural predators called Tarabids, large snake-like creatures that wrap their bodies around tree trunks to blend in and ambush unsuspecting prey.
Kyuzo have constructed their villages between the jungle and snow of the highest peaks. The term “village” can be misleading, as these “villages” are often vast connected megalopolises running the length of the mountain ranges themselves. They are usually of simple construction, as the Kyuzo disdain most form of technology, but many have welcomed the introduction of repulsor and starship technology as a means of moving around their mountainous homes with greater ease.
The capital city of Kambei is the only port on the planet, with many of the planet’s inhabitants actively resisting outside influence and willfully ignorant of the galaxy at large.
Language: The Kyuzoka language, when spoken without a respirator, is a harsh, direct language. Even in happiness, the Kyuzoka language can sound abrasive. As most of the galaxy won’t meet a Kyuzo without a respirator on, the harshness of the language is dulled, muffled and resonant. Most Kyuzo who leave their homeworld understand Basic, but very few choose to speak it as they see it as a betrayal of Kyuzido.
Life on the Fringe: Kyuzo are a rarity in the galaxy as most never leave their home world, but some of Phatrong’s greatest warriors leave the comforts of their village in pursuit of greater Kyuzido in the galaxy. Many Kyuzo are drawn to occupations in which combat comes with some regularity. Due to their independent nature, they are less likely to work under someone else, choosing to make their own way on their own merits as Kyuzido insists. Bounty hunting gives many Kyuzo a chance to exercise their code, pitting them against some of the toughest criminals in the galaxy, but they have to be careful to avoid any bounty that may impact their personal honor. Those Kyuzo that find this balance are known for their stylized efficiency and, as a matter of honor, never leave a job undone.
The Kyuzido Code: The Kyuzido Code is centered around five tenets all Kyuzo are supposed to follow:
Tago – the way of self-control
Inbo – the way of courage
Clavo – the way of respect
Grado – the way of loyalty
Siembo – the way of honor
Ability Stats
Wound Threshold: 10+ Brawn
Strain Threshold: 10+ Willpower
Starting XP: 100 Xp
Special Abilities: Kyuzo begin the game with one rank in Athletics or brawl. They may not train either skill above rank 2 during character creation.
Naturally Quick : Furthermore, Kyuzo can choose to use their Agility characteristic when making an Athletics or Brawl check.
Atmospheric Requirement: Kyuzo start the game with a breathing mask to filter their oxygen intake. Without a mask, Kyuzo take two strain for each action taken without a breathing mask on.