Dr. A’lura Vao
System: Edge of the Empire/Age of Rebellion (Fantasy Flight Games)
Species: Twi’lek
Career: Colonist
Specialization: Doctor
Obligation: Imperial Bounty (Alive) +5 (+1,000 credits)
Motivation: Freedom, for herself and others who are enslaved or in danger of it.
Brawn 1, Agility 2, Intellect 3, Cunning 2, Willpower 2, Presence 3
Wound 11, Strain 13, Defense 0, Soak 2
Species Ability: When making skill checks, Twi’leks may remove 1 Setback
imposed due to arid or hot environmental conditions.
Charm 2
Cool 1
Knowledge (Core Worlds) 1
Knowledge (Education) 1
Leadership 1
Medicine 2
Ranged (Light) 1
Xenology 1
Surgeon 2
Stim Application
Grit 1
Bacta Specialist 1
Light blaster pistol (Ranged [Light], Damage 5, Critical 4, Medium range, Stun setting)
4 stimpacks
Heavy clothing (“Shipboards” coveralls)
Utility belt
600 credits
Backstory: Dr. A’lura Vao is a gifted medical researcher who has developed some lifesaving immune boosters and vaccines. Unfortunately, her work has attracted the attention of the Imperial Security Bureau, which wants her to turn her talents to unethical perversions. Plagues that could decimate alien worlds, or those with pro-Rebel populations, might make a useful variant on Base Delta Zero.
When she first learned of the Empire’s interest in her work, A’lura knew she had to get as far away from the Core Worlds as she could. Otherwise, she faced a “career” as “just a more intellectual type of slave.” That aspect was only slightly better than being forced to develop bio-weapons to be used against innocents. So, she has found herself crewing on an Outer-Rim freighter, doctoring the injuries, illnesses and hangovers her crewmates get. The Empire still wants her services, and so the ISB has offered a sizeable bounty for the runaway doctor.
Description & Personality: A’lura is a green-skinned Twi’lek with lekku a bit longer than usual and eyes of a copper-gold shade. She dresses in coveralls typical of spacers–but keeps them much cleaner and neater than the spacer-stereotype, since she was used to being in a lab or operating room. For the same reason, she doesn’t like disorder in the galley, engine room, etc. She has adjusted pretty well to her new working conditions, though, and won’t hesitate to use that galley table for surgery–and to draft the ship’s Captain as her scrub nurse. Although not likely to be as skilled as her partners in other areas, A’lura will try to pull her weight, usually by acting as a lookout, prepping the ship for a quick takeoff, or in social encounters, for example, charming an employer or seller.
Design Notes: A’lura was my first character for FFG’s Star Wars RPG, written just after the release of the Edge of the Empire Beta, and I am still playing the PC! These stats are close to the original set, but re-written to comply with the final EotE rules. So that players can customize gear to their liking, as well as what book(s) the GM is allowing, she is equipped only with very basic gear from the Core Book.
A’lura is best suited for a campaign & party that isn’t too dark, where the PCs have standards and won’t take the dirtiest criminal jobs, like slaving, piracy or smuggling the more deadly drugs. A basically decent crew that smuggles to get by and/or sometimes hires out to the Alliance is a good choice. She will certainly not work in a party that takes Imperial jobs.
A’lura will also fit right into an Age of Rebellion campaign, if the GM is open, as many are, to non-AoR specializations & species. While it would be possible to re-spec her as a Soldier/Medic, the career skills and most of the talents don’t fit her background as well as the Colonist/Doctor’s do.
If using A’lura in an AoR campaign, Personnel and Support are the most likely Duty choices (at -5 level for the additional credits). The Freedom Motivation, which is also in AoR, could still be used. Another possibility is a variation of the Specific Connection–The Empire: To escape being forced to work for them, she fled the Core Worlds and joined the Rebellion. The Species Rights Motivation is a third option. Unless the GM is using both Obligation & Duty, the Imperial Bounty would not have a mechanical effect, although it might be a good adventure hook.
Aside from healing, a big part of A’lura’s usefulness, especially during combat encounters, is buffing by means of the Stim Application talent. This tactic will work even better as she spends XP on Medicine ranks and the Improved and Supreme versions of the talent.
Credits: Jon Stevens, for the original EotE Beta stats that this version is based on. Portrait is Copyright Linda Whitson and Jadeonar 2015.