Lore Check – Dragonfly (M&M 3e)

Dragonfly, aka Dara Sommers (PL10)
Concept: Battlesuit

Dara Sommers, Dragonfly Copyright 2016 Linda Whitson
Dara Sommers, Dragonfly
Dragonfly in Flight Images Copyright 2016 by Linda Whitson
Dragonfly in Flight
Images Copyright 2016
by Linda Whitson

Combat: Attack +8 (all), Initiative +3
(31pp)Defenses: Dodge +10, Parry +10, Toughness +10/+1* (Impervious), Fortitude +10, Willpower +10
*without Force Field

(36pp) Abilities: STR 2; STA 1; AGI 3; DEX 2; FIG 2; INT 3; AWE 3; PRE 2

(12pp)Advantages: Agile Feint (Acrobatics), Close Attack 6, Equipment 1 (Commlink), Favored Environment (Aerial), Interpose, Move-by Action, Well-informed

(15pp)Skills: Acrobatics 5 [+8], Athletics 2 [+3], Expertise: Art 1 [+4], Expertise: Current Events 3 [+6], Expertise: Popular Culture 3 [+6], Intimidation 4 [+6], Insight 1 [+4], Ranged Combat (N-E Bolt) 6 [+8], Technology 3 [+6]

Battlesuit: Removable -14 pts
Dragonfly Wing Pack: Flight 6″, Limited: Wings -1 (6pts)
Sense Augmentation: Darkvision & Ultra-hearing, Radio, Extended Sight 3, Extended Hearing 3 (10pts)
Forcefield: Protection +9, Impervious 10 (19pts)
Life Support: Immunity 9 (9pts)
Neuro-electric Bolt: Ranged Damage 12 (24pts)
Forcefield Flare: Close Affliction 12, Cumulative (Dazed [pain]/Stunned [seizure]/Paralyzed) (1pt)
Enhanced Strength: +10 Strength (1pt)

Motivation – Sense of Duty. Dara started using the suit to “See what the superhero fuss was about.” In other words, thrills & fame. But now she truly understands what being a superhero is all about–being there to help those who need it.
Reputation – There are people who still assume Dragonfly is the same “damned thrillseeker.”
Side Effects – There were permanent effects from the attack she survived, besides the personality changes. Dara sometimes has memory problems & needs medical treatment for her “destabilized” biochemistry.

Backstory: The Dragonfly Battlesuit, co-designed – and originally worn – by Sabrina Roberts in the ’70s augments strength and some senses, but its main functions are greatly amplifying the wearer’s natural neuro-electric fields. This effect seems to work with some human biochemistries but not all, which is why governments and private security were uninterested at the time. Fast forward some forty years. Dara Sommers, Sabrina’s granddaughter, is now a “legacy superheoine,” the second Dragonfly.

Dara found the suit, manuals/notes and her grandmother’s diaries, and decided to try it out. Find out what “all the superhero fuss is about.” She did a lot of good–Dara’s heart was always in the right place–but craved the adrenaline rush and admiration she got from it.

A couple years ago, Dara was attacked while patrolling solo, as she often did. Seriously injured, she was in rehab for months, and still suffers effects. The physical traumas destabilized–as far as the neurologists can tell–her biochemistry and nervous system, which where already “hyper-energized” from exposure to the suit’s neuro-electric boosting effects. She has some memory loss, mostly of the attack and several months before and after.

Most importantly, the Dara who woke up wasn’t quite the same. She’s not nearly as interested in fame & fortune. She’s more caring than carefree–and believes that you do good & help, not to get attention but because it’s what everyone should do.

Play notes: Dara/Dragonfly has a more-or-less public ID. She doesn’t talk about being Dragonfly, but she doesn’t try to keep it a secret any more. With her memory issues, it would be too hard for her.

Dragonfly uses the Forcefield Flare in conjunction with the Move-by Advantage almost always.

Credits: Empty Bacta Tank (of D20 Radio forums and the Friday Nite Skype group) allowed me to bounce a lot of ideas for powers, complications and backstory off him. He also provided technical editing.

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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at GMLinda@d20radio.com