Hello again Faithful Followers!
This week’s return to my Mutants & Masterminds chronicle introduces us to the strangest member of the Jefferson Knights so far – Longarm. I created him after watching too many Jim Carrey movies. He’s a stretchy hero who knows he’s a fictional character. His warped mind is well suited for cracking cases that no one else can figure out. I hope you enjoy!
Name: Renfield Longfellow III
Identity: Public
Occupation: Student; Sophomore at Thomas Jefferson High School
Age: 16
Height: 6′
Weight: 174
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Base of Operations: Jefferson Heights, NY
Group Affiliation: Jefferson Knights
Known Abilities:
Renfield’s body is able to stretch his limbs to great length, change his shape to assume any solid shapes and due to his pliable body, withstand incredible punishment. Already teetering on the edge, the accident and acquiring his new powers has pushed this young man over the edge into “functional insanity.” His unique perception allows him to think outside the box and come to conclusions many wouldn’t ever consider.
Renfield comes from a long line of old school circus performers. His mother and younger brother have congenital hypertricosis; an inherited condition causing excessive hair growth. His mother, Gertrude, is from a long line of bearded ladies, and his little brother Joseph, grew up learning to be proud of his heritage. Renfield’s father is also from a line of circus strong men.
Renfield and his brother grew up home schooled, and raised by an extended family of showmen while his parents would travel for work. This led to the boys acquiring an eclectic set of skills as well as a conventional education.
During a field trip to a local production plant, Renfield was doused in a mixture of unknown chemicals, causing the makeup of his body to undergo drastic changes and breaking loose the last restraint on his mind. Now Renfield, called “Remmy” by his friends, uses his abilities to make sure no criminal can escape the long arm of the law!
Renfield is more than a little bit eccentric. He dresses in loud Hawaiian shirts and cargo shorts and is known to hum his own theme music and make his own sound effects when needed. His abilities have allowed him to live one of his childhood dreams – to live in a cartoon – and he often employs exaggerated, elastic facial expressions when genuinely suppressed or to liven up a dull moment.
He’s also been known to address a nonexistent “audience,” giving them exposition, or narration. When asked about this, he always changes the subject, cracks an unrelated joke or acts as if he’s unaware of his actions. He’s hard for some of his teammates to take in anything but small doses, but his intuitive leaps of thought almost always come through for them when they’re stumped.