This is a newly-revised version of an article I wrote for the long-lost Gamer Security Agency website. FFGSW stats updated to comply with finalized core books and incorporate the Explorer: Archaeologist specialization from Enter the Unknown, as only the beta Edge of the Empire was available when I wrote the original statblock.
One of the things that makes Star Wars so enduring is that it has always had a sense of a long, storied history. And there are those who love to delve into that history. They seek out battlefields on–and above–far-flung worlds, delicately brush dust from ancient bones, potsherds, and archaic tech–maybe even dodge a few blaster bolts or venomous critters along the way. Well, more than a few. One of these scholars of the ancients is…
Priska K’yyl
Adventurous Archaeologist
Game: Star Wars: Edge of the Empire
Species: Bothan
Career: Explorer
Specialization: Archaelogist
Obligation: Family. Priska’s doting grandfather is a spymaster who often wheedles her into running “little errands” for him. (+5 level)
Motivation: Status. Academic prestige for finding proof of a despotic pre-Republic empire.
Brawn 1 Agility 2 Intellect 4 Cunning 3 Presence 2 Willpower 2
Athletics 1
Computers 1
Cool 1
Knowledge: Education 2
Knowledge: Lore 2
Knowledge: Outer Rim 1
Knowledge: Xenology 1
Ranged (Light) 1
Streetwise 1 (species bonus)
Convincing Demeanor 1 (species bonus)
Well Rounded (Computers, Ranged [Light])
Researcher 1
Knowledge Specialization (Lore)
Soak/Defense: 2/0 Wound Threshold: 13 Strain Threshold: 13
Force Rating: 0
Equipment: Heavy Clothing, Thermal Cloak, Scanner Goggles, Utility Belt, Datapad, Comlink, Stimpaks (2), Climbing Gear, Combat Knife (Melee, Damage +2, Critical 3, Engaged), Holdout Blaster (Ranged [Light], Damage 5, Crit 4, Close Range, stun setting), Fusion Lantern, 567 credits
Priska K’yll
Bothan Scoundrel 1
Game: Star Wars Saga Edition
Force Pts: 5; Dark Side Pts: 0
Initiative: +2; Senses: Perception +7
Languages: Basic, Bothese, 3 open
DEFENSES: Reflex 15 (flatfooted 13); Fortitude 11; Will 16
HP: 18; Second Wind:10; Threshold: 11
Speed: 6 squares
Melee(unarmed): 0, 1d3
Melee (knife): 0, 1d4
Ranged (holdout blaster): +2, 3d4
Base Attack: 0 ; GRP: +2
Special Actions: Point Blank Shot
STR 10
DEX 14
CON 10
INT 16
WIS 14
CHA 14
Talent: Knack
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Weapon Proficiency (Pistols, Simple), Skill Focus: Knowledge (Galactic Lore), Skill Focus: Gather Information (species conditional bonus feat)
Skills: Gather Information +12, Knowledge (Galactic Lore) +13, Knowledge (Physical Sciences) +8, Knowledge (Social Sciences) +8, Perception +7, Persuasion +7, Pilot +7
Equipment: All-Temp Cloak, Utility Belt, 1 (additional) Medpac, Meshtape, Knife, Holdout Blaster, Fusion Lantern, 150 credits
Special: Iron Will: +2 Will Defense
Backstory: Priska, like many Bothans, loves gathering information–building schematics, secret recipes, vices, battle plans, you name it. The difference is, the ones she wants to find are buried in the very distant past. While working with historians in the Baobab Archives, Priska has come across hints of a far-flung empire that oppressed many galactic cultures in the pre-Republic millenia. She knows that finding proof of this civilization will make her academic reputation, and just might turn her into that rarity, a celebrity-scholar. While most in academe scoff at her theory, the Baobab archivists argue its merits.
Priska’s biggest supporter is her beloved paternal grandfather, Brrosk K’yyl, who adored and indulged her when she was his “wee golden girl”; which she still is, Brrosk assures her every time he contacts her. The past few years, that has usually been when Brrosk wants Priska’s help with his latest “project.”
Brrosk is a spymaster with THE Spynet, and not only is he proud of his granddaughter, he finds her a useful, if reluctant and unsanctioned, asset.
Priska meets all kinds of beings in all kinds of places. One evening she might be chatting with Core nobles and captains of industry at a benefactor’s soiree on a resort world; the next morning she might charter a ramshackle transport captained by a disgraced ex-officer to get to a desolate dig. The Baobab staff have also taught Priska a bit about seducing data storage systems into being very user-friendly–and she’s been an apt pupil. So Brrosk often asks Priska to do him favors–from courier to gathering intel to “easy” slicing. Brrosk isn’t above emotional blackmail–fur sadly limp, rather than rippling, as he remarks she doesn’t love her old grandsire any more. At least he doesn’t expect Priska, or anyone else, to work for free. Brrosk is the source of her extra credits, and he’ll be happy to offer credits or other inducements to the rest of the party.
Design notes: I had not seen any scholar-type PCs for Star Wars RPGs, so I made one for a change of pace. As I looked for “hooks” (not to mention an EoE Obligation!) I thought about the (in)famous Bothan Spynet. A connection to the Spynet could hook a PC into all kinds of plots…But I didn’t want Priska to be a “real” spy with academics simply a cover. Hence, Brrosk. Being an archaeologist, Priska’s knife probably gets more use as a tool than a weapon, and she does prefer to let her companions do most of the shooting. As I worked on Priska’s background, I realized I would enjoy playing her in any version of the RPG.
EoE: Originally a straightforward Colonist/Scholar build, I updated her to the Archaeologist specialty. She can go several directions from here, with a little additional experience. By adding combat skills, among other things, she can become Bothawui’s answer to Lara Croft. Or the party’s slicer with a rank or 2 in the Codebreaker talent, and possibly Well-rounded to lessen the costs of taking more ranks in Computer. Priska can also be advanced as a straight Scholar, the party’s primary source of information and possibly the “face” as well.
SWSE: Starting in Scoundrel class gives Priska access to a number of skills, and talents, to be picked up later, more suited to the concept than either Scout or Noble. These include Slicer talents if a player wants to take that direction. Since the class gives her good pistol skills from the start, she’s already a Lara Croft-style PC. Due to differences in costs between SWSE and EoE, as well as lack of an SWSE mechanic to increase starting credits, I couldn’t afford quite as much gear for this version, such as a datapad or computer. The GM might consider allowing such equipment to be on loan from either the Baobab Archives or Brrosk.
I used a 32 point buy for Priska’s Ability Scores.