((WARNING! This iteration of Ultron is based solely on the teasers, trailers and TV spots for the movie Avengers 2: Age of Ultron, you have been warned.))

It was designed to save the world, to be the world’s suit of armor. But Tony Stark created something terrible and far worse, he created Ultron. An AI hell bent on saving the world, by destroying those who cause it the most damage, humanity. Ultron takes the programming of perfection and protection to a degree that only a machine could.
This version of Ultron for the Mutants and Mastermind system, is just one of numerous iterations of Ultron. This being has been a constant villain in the Marvel comic-verse and now gets to take its extreme programming to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I mentioned iterations before as this villain, in the comic-verse, has been defeated over and over again only to rebuild itself stronger than the last, taking into account the previous methods used to defeat it.
He follows his programming to a genocidal degree as he believes that the only way to save the world is to destroy Humanity and all living things on it til the only thing left on this world is him. Humans are too chaotic, unorthodox, wild and destructive to be allowed to continue destroying the world on which they live. They are the element that must be corrected and therefore terminated.
But Tony Stark created an AI, so Ultron is adaptive and willing to use any number of methods to accomplish his goals. From manipulation and outright deception to psychological warfare, to hinder those who have the best chance to defeat him.
The main power of this Ultron is his Summon ability of the Drone Army. He was programmed, or stole advanced mechanical and electronic degrees from Tony Stark’s vast arsenal and corporate entity, so given the right tools Ultron will always have minions with which to further his goal. When Ultron raises his hand, numerous drones run or fly in the scene; this power is based on that.
For the sake of players, I limited the number of minions he could summon and wrote up two basic types, the Bruiser and Flyer drones. The Bruiser is a robot made to take a hit and deliver its own right back. The Flyer is not that durable, but its flight ability makes it more strategic and something able to make it into the fight from great distances. This is Mutants and Masterminds and these minions follow the same basic rules: if they suffer a hit they take the maximum effect.
His large size, his strength and metal means he can deal out his own reinforced punches. Ultron also has his Finger Blasters to deal with those distant troubles or send an opponent away from his taking a hit. You see when he stands with Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch that Ultron is quite larger than the others, hence the increase in size and his mechanical nature will mean he has formidable strength and durability.
Being an unliving robot means Fortitude checks are not needed as he doesn’t get winded or fatigued. But it does mean he would have the ability of self-repair, meaning the heroes will need to hit hard and hit fast. This is based on the traits of many robotic beings and the self-repair is something a boss type villain would have.
Himself. But Ultron is not above manipulating or outright deceiving those he would consider pawns in his game of extinction for humanity. Like his use of the Maximoff twins, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, who aid him in getting the Avengers to lose focus and lose the team work they have been building since the first movie. (Yes, I am Assuming.)
Everyone not Ultron.
From the comics and even in the clips we have seen, Ultron rebuilds and remakes his body constantly and especially after a defeat. We see a robot/drone/armor that barely appears to be functioning with Ultron’s voice and mannerisms talking to the Avengers. Then we see a huge intimidating robotic form towering over Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, overseeing things. Taking a new and improved stronger body has been a theme for Ultron in comics and in my opinion will be seen in the movie. This build is based on the rebuilt model of Ultron after he reveals himself to the Avengers and begins his plans of annihilating humanity.
Ultron – PL 14
Strength 14, Stamina -, Agility 0, Dexterity 5, Fighting 7, Intellect 10, Awareness 5, Presence 5
Assessment, Daze (Intimidation), Diehard, Eidetic Memory, Fearless, Power Attack, Speed of Thought
Close Combat: Unarmed 5 (+12), Deception 3 (+8), Insight 9 (+14), Intimidation 6 (+14), Perception 3 (+8), Ranged Combat: Finger Blasters: Damage 14 7 (+12), Technology 8 (+18)
Artifical Intelligence (Advantages: Assessment, Eidetic Memory, Fearless, Speed of Thought)
» Comprehend:Comprehend 4 (Linked; Languages – Understand All, Languages – You’re Understood, Machines / Electronics)
» Immunity: Immunity 10 (Linked; Common Descriptor: Mental effects)
Drone Army: Summon 10 (Horde, Mental Link, Multiple Minions 6: 64 minions)
Finger Blasters: Damage 14 (DC 29, Advantages: Power Attack; Dangerous, Increased Range: ranged [10 ranks only], Knockback)
Rebuilt Robotic Body (Advantages: Diehard)
» Armor: Protection 14 (Linked; +14 Toughness)
» Large form: Growth 6 (Linked; +6 STR, +6 Tough, +3 Intimidate, -6 Stealth, -3 active defenses, +1 size category)
» Reconstruction: Regeneration 5 (Linked; Every 2 rounds)
» robotic traits: Immunity 30 (Linked; Fortitude Effects)
» Running: Speed 2 (Linked; Speed: 8 miles/hour, 120 feet/round)
Repulsor Jets: Flight 7 (Speed: 250 miles/hour, 0.5 miles/round)
» Communication: Radio Communication 4 (Sense Type: encrypted; Subtle: subtle)
» Senses: Senses 13 (Analytical (Type): chem-scanner, Counters All Concealment: Vision, Direction Sense, Distance Sense, Low-light Vision, Microscopic Vision 1: dust-size, Rapid: Vision 1, Time Sense)
Initiative +10
Finger Blasters: Damage 14, +12 (DC 29)
Grab, +12 (DC Spec 24), Throw, +12 (DC 29)
Unarmed, +12 (DC 29)
Designed to Save the World: – One Path to Peace, humanities extinction. Only thing living in this world will be Ultron.
Programmed Logic: – it follows its programming to an inhuman degree.
Dodge 10, Parry 10, Fortitude Immune, Toughness 16, Will 14
Power Points
Abilities 70 + Powers 307 + Advantages 1 + Skills 21 (41 ranks) + Defenses 28 = 427
Bruiser Drone – PL 10
Strength 12, Stamina 0, Agility 4, Dexterity 0, Fighting 8, Intellect 0, Awareness 4, Presence 0
Drone Mind (Advantages: Fearless)
» Communication: Radio Communication 4 (Sense Type: encrypted; Subtle: subtle)
» robotic brain: Immunity 10 (Common Descriptor: Mental effects)
Robotic Body
» Armor: Protection 10 (+10 Toughness)
» Robot: Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects)
» Robotic Legs: Leaping 3 (Leap 60 feet at 16 miles/hour)
» Speed: Speed 2 (Speed: 8 miles/hour, 120 feet/round)
» Stablizers: Movement 4 (Sure-footed 2, Wall-crawling 2: full speed)
Initiative +4
Grab, +8 (DC Spec 22), Throw, +8 (DC 27)
Unarmed, +8 (DC 27)
Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude Immune, Toughness 11, Will 6
Power Points
Abilities 56 + Powers 81 + Advantages 0 + Skills 4 (8 ranks) + Defenses 7 = 148
Flyer Drone – PL 10
Strength 8, Stamina 0, Agility 4, Dexterity 4, Fighting 5, Intellect 0, Awareness 4, Presence 0
Drone Mind
» Communication: Radio Communication 4 (Sense Type: encrypted; Subtle: subtle)
» robotic brain: Immunity 10 (Common Descriptor: Mental effects)
Flight Attack: Strength-based Damage 3 (bludgeoning, DC 26; Linked: Repulsor Jets: Flight 6)
Repulsor Jets: Flight 6 (Speed: 120 miles/hour, 1800 feet/round)
Robotic Body
» Armor: Protection 8 (+8 Toughness)
» robot: Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects)
Initiative +4
Flight Attack: Strength-based Damage 3, +8 (DC 26)
Grab, +5 (DC Spec 18), Throw, +7 (DC 23)
Unarmed, +8 (DC 23)
Dodge 12, Parry 10, Fortitude Immune, Toughness 8, Will 6
Power Points
Abilities 50 + Powers 80 + Advantages 0 + Skills 3 (6 ranks) + Defenses 15 = 148