This week’s entry in the Jefferson Knights roster for Mutants & Masterminds is the team’s first real threat, Váli son of Loki. In the first adventure he had found his daughter, Norra, and pursued her through a portal created by her brother to Midgard, specifically Jefferson Heights. Although, the team managed to banish him back to Hel, he’s not that easy to get rid of, and the Knights will no doubt have to deal with him soon enough!
Identity: Public
Occupation: Criminal
Age: Immortal; apparent age 26
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 183
Hair: Black
Eyes: Yellow
Base of Operations: None
Group Affiliation: None
Known Abilities
Váli is an Æsir and one of the few survivors of Ragnorok. Since then, he had become a thief and an assassin, collecting an impressive list of both victims as well as treasures. As a side effect of being transformed into a wolf, he retains the ability call upon the descendants of Fenris to aid him. Among his artifacts are the Spear of Odin, armor fashioned from the scales of the Midgard Serpent, and daggers forged from the teeth of Sutur and Ymir.
Váli is the son of Loki and one of the few survivors of Ragnorok. He had an affair with Elenorra, who was the wife of his childhood friend. She left Váli after she learned she was carrying his child. Once he found out he insisted she leave her husband, but Elenorra refused.
Enraged, he banished the entire family to Hel using a stolen artifact from Odin’s vault, and began lashing out against a world he grew increasingly frustrated with. Once he was caught, the Æsir decided to tie his punishment along with his father’s; they transformed Váli into a wolf, forcing him to kill his brother Narfi, whose entrails were used to bind Loki.
Váli is one of the few survivors of Ragnorok and was the first to pick the carcass of the fallen Æsir, claiming several treasures for himself. After the gods of old perished, he decided to find Elenorra in Hel and claim his lost child.
Váli is intelligent, resourceful and a highly skilled thief and assassin. Surviving Ragnorok has left him with a sense of destiny and purpose and he believes that this purpose is somehow tied to Elenorra and his children and will let nothing stand in the way of achieving his glorious purpose.
Váli blames all his misfortunes on others and seeks recompense for those crimes against him. As an assassin, he takes special delight in those rare opportunities to kill a surviving Æsir or their descendants. His love for Elenorra is the only light he holds on to, next to the hope of winning his daughter’s love.