Ahoy there Faithful Followers! I’m so happy you can join me for another peek into the Jefferson Knights roster. Vertex may have the smallest stature, but also has the biggest heart. He’s an intellectual and scientific prodigy who possesses the power to control and alter his size and is proof that big heroes come in small packages. I hope you enjoy Vertex and until next time, make mine Mutants & Masterminds!
Name: Vaughn Grand
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Student; Junior at Thomas Jefferson High School
Age: 13
Height: 5’6″
Weight: 133 lbs.
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Base of Operations: Jefferson Heights, NY
Group Affiliation: Jefferson Knights
Known Abilities:
Vertex possesses great intelligence and the ability to alter his size, growing large and powerful or shrinking down so small, he can venture into the subatomic universe!
Vaughn has always been an enthusiastic student far more developed intellectually than his peers. He fought hard to remain in high school instead of being shipped off to private institutions. He created a new particle called the Vertex Particle that accidently fused with him, replicating and bonding with his genetic makeup. This allows him to increase his size, becoming powerful and resilient to harm, or shrinking down small enough that he can interact with a subatomic universe!
He has spend a great amount of time as a diminutive hero creating a small but vast headquarters as well and a tiny high tech air vessel to better his abilities to fight for the little guy and protect the common people from greatest threats the world has to offer!
Vaughn is often quiet, especially around people he doesn’t know, but tends to speak up, and speak passionately when the subject of science is brought up. After the accident that caused the Vertex Particles to become infused into his atomic structure, he takes very seriously the responsibility that comes with scientific discovery and the powers that have been thrust upon him. In rare moments when alone or surrounded by people he can trust, he allows himself the chance to be a kid, even if it’s a kid with an IQ of a hundred and ninety!