New Year of Gaming

So here we are. 2020. The final Star Wars movie in the Skywalker legacy has come and gone. The Avengers have vanquished Thanos. X-Wing and Armada haven’t announced any new ships recently. FFG Star Wars books are into the reeds of compendium source books, potentially signally a sunsetting of the line. So what’s there to look forward to in 2020 in the world of gaming?

For starters, future waves might not have been announced for X-Wing yet, we do know a few things coming soon. The card packs are going to be a thing now and that will be cool. I look forward to finding out what the new B-wing Configuration does. And K-2SO pilot!

Also, while what’s coming in X-Wing and Armada is a bit of a mystery there’s a lot of juicy possibility. There have been all but confirmed rumors that Armada, like X-wing and Legion, will begin dipping into the Prequel era. Say what you will about the movies but the ships are pretty cool. I’d love to put some Venator and Republic consular cruisers on the table. Likewise, I hope to see that Consular cruiser show up as a Huge ship for X-wing. No confirmation or announcements yet but there’s hope. Plus, all the stuff from the new movie.

Despite the potential fading of the FFG SW line of books they’re still being released. And I personally love compendium books. So much more useful for pulling out information. Need a gun? It’s in this one book, no flipping through dozens to find it. I eagerly await the ship books release.

While the original Avengers story may be done, there are a host of new superhero themed games to test out. Marvel has two, a miniatures and a LCG that I want to try. These look like a fun time and another huge money sink.

While I don’t play as much as I used to, and I have some issues with their business practices, Star Trek Online will hit its 10 year anniversary this year. Its come a long way in those ten years. And that’s, sadly, longer than Star Wars Galaxies was around. There’s also the Picard show to look forward too. I’m leery here. It’s Patrick Stewart so I have hope but am prepared to get burned.

But mostly, I look forward to the game I haven’t even thought about yet. Those are the best experiences. The game that comes out of nowhere and wows you. Here’s to a new year of gaming!

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Wayne Basta

Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
Wayne is the managing editor of d20 Radio's Gaming Blog. He also writes Sci-fi, . If you enjoy his work, you can support him on Patreon.