We all have obligations. To family, friends, work or even just ourselves. Big or small, we all owe someone something, even if that someone is ourselves or our own desires. Obligation is a part of life.
Our heroic adventurers have arrived on an Outer Rim world and are greeted as heroes. They recently answered a distress signal from a ship that happened to be carrying the family of this world’s leader. The ship had run into a forgotten trap set during the Clone Wars. A team of battle droids had latched onto and boarded the unarmed ship, almost killing all aboard.
But luckily, our heroes were nearby. Led by the former holo-vid star Johnny Fifth, the crew moved in and took care of the obsolete battle droids. The people of this world still bear a deep hatred of all droids from when the Separatists occupied them with their droid armies. The safe rescue of their leader’s family from a swarm of evil droids makes the PC’s instant celebrities.
After the award ceremony, where they all receive the keys to the planet, the once poor PC’s receive a lucrative shipping contract. Money won’t be tight for awhile and the PC’s spend a night in celebration at a prominent cantina, not once having to buy their own drinks. Life is good for them. This, of course, can’t last for long.
As Johnny enjoys his latest drink, a small figure slips into the seat beside him. The small, little man, Mr. Nova, gives Johnny a knowing smile and says, “It’s time to pay up, Johnny. Wouldn’t want your new friends to learn the truth about you.”
Johnny’s heart immediately sinks. Or it would if he had a heart. You see, the venerable Johnny Fifth is really a human replica droid. Struck by lightning during an early test, Johnny came to life and gained sentience. Able to defy his programming, he set out on a life living as a human.
Of all the gin-joints in all the galaxy, one of the only people in the galaxy who knows his secret had to walk into this one. His original creator, Mr. Nova, saw him on the holovid years after his liberation and came to find him. He demanded money from the then wealthy droid star or his secret would be revealed. As droids are only viewed as property, he would quickly lose everything he had worked for.
“Please, you gotta give me more time. I’ll do anything, just don’t say anything,” Johnny pleads. He knows he’ll be ruined if anyone finds out. The people of this world loathe droids. What he did won’t matter. He’ll just be seen as another droid.
The GM calls for a Negotiate check and Johnny prays to the Dice Gods that he’ll have enough cash on hand to pay his former owner.
Success! He’ll reduce the price some, to a figure that’s a non-imaginary number. With the recent big score, and a loan from your shipmates, you should be able to pay him.
Advantage– Mr. Nova agrees to give you an additional 12 hrs to make the payment for each advantage.
Triumph- Several people notice the distress on your face and are giving Mr. Nova the stink eye. He’s starting to think better of messing with you at the height of your fame. He’ll take what you have on hand and disappear for awhile.
Failure- He knows he’s got all the power and demands the full sum to be paid in 24 hrs or you’ll never work in this town again.
Threat- Mr. Nova decides he doesn’t like your tone. He reduces the time you have by 6 hrs for each Threat.
Despair– He just laughs in poor Johnny’s face. He decides money just won’t be enough anymore. Now Johnny works for him. Oh, and Johnny better not even think about getting his big Wookiee friend to show up and shut him up. Johnny wasn’t the only droid he made and he gestures to a couple of big figures near the door.
A secret you want kept hidden gives anyone who knows it a lot of power. You might feel obliged to meet their every whim.