Patreon Update

Greetings Gamer Nation!

There have been some exciting developments with d20 Radio’s Patreon campaign. What you haven’t heard of it? Well then, you’re in for a treat.

The Gamer Nation blog is funded through the mighty Patreon platform. What this allows is for readers or podcast listeners who enjoy the content we provide to give a little something each month in support. This support is then used to fund the blog; which includes paying the writer’s for their articles. While everyone who writes for the blog does it out of the a love of gaming, we also feel they deserve a little something more for their time and expertise.

Now that we’ve filled you in, what’s the big news? Well, you’re in for a treat. The contributor levels for Patreon have expanded. At the request of our readers have added a $10 level for those that want to give a little more and a premier $30 level for those that really want to support the blog.

So what do you get at these new levels? At the $10 level you gain access to a special exclusive Twitter feed run by none other than the legendary GM Chris. This feed is private and for subscribers only and includes special GM advice, game ideas, and general words of wisdom from GM Chris.

Now for the granddaddy of the new levels, the incredible $30 level. Now, you might think this sounds like quite a lot of money. We won’t pretend otherwise, $30 is a big commitment.  Just one person at this level goes a long way to helping fund the blog. So we wanted to make this level something truly amazing.

How many of us can’t find an RPG group to get into? We have our friends we’ve gamed with forever. But now, we all have jobs. And kids. And a thousand other things. You all want to game. But Gary can’t do Saturdays because he’s coaching soccer. Sam can’t do Sunday because he’s a choir director for his church. Mark can’t do week nights because he works until 9pm because of a time critical project (that has been time critical for 5 months). So you look for some new people to play with. But then one of three things happen. A) You can’t find a group. B) They suck. or C) They’re already full.

Well guess what faithful Gamer, d20 Radio has the solution for you! By subscribing at the $30 level, not only will be helping to keep this blog alive, you’ll also be giving yourself that gaming experience you crave. Once a month, you will be invited to a Skype run RPG session GMed by one of the great GM’s we have on staff. This include GM Chris, Phil and Dave from Order 66 as well as our time writers.

That’s a guaranteed RPG session once a month with an experienced GM. No hunting for a group. No having to drive to a strangers house or to John’s bachelor pad that he never cleans and smells like rotten fish. You get amazing RPG adventures in the comfort of your own home.

Check out the Patreon now and if you’ve enjoyed our articles so far, consider supporting the network.


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Wayne Basta

Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
Wayne is the managing editor of d20 Radio's Gaming Blog. He also writes Sci-fi, . If you enjoy his work, you can support him on Patreon.

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