D&D 5e Background: Diplomat

The following is a Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition background suitable for use by PCs in any campaign setting.


In times of conflict some turn to their sword and shield. You, instead, have been trained to use words as your weapon and an eye for deceit as your armor. Ambassador, agent, or negotiator it matters not what title you held, only that you are or once were a diplomat trusted to speak on behalf of a greater office. Whether you currently serve as an official representative, act as an unofficial envoy, or have retired from that role, you can rely upon your diplomatic training and reputation in the adventures ahead.

Skill Proficiencies
Insight, Deception or Persuasion

Tool Proficiencies

Any two of your choice (suitable to your experience and/or training as a diplomat)

A set of traveler’s clothes, a lockable scroll case with two keys, proof of office such as a letter of introduction or an ancient sigil, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp.

Diplomatic Privilege

Your status as a negotiator is known to many in authority whether you still represent a ruler or not. In civilized lands you are trusted with entry into settlements and government districts, and are not charged tolls for passing gates or using roads. You will normally be automatically granted an audience with rulers. Should you commit all but the most heinous of crimes you are likely to be expelled rather than imprisoned. Even organized enemies such as hostile nations or lawful monsters might grant you the right of parlay.

Suggested Characteristics
Diplomats may be compassionate peacemakers, deceitful manipulators, or something in between but above all else they believe in the power of words to change history. Diplomats seek to understand not just reality, but more importantly to them the perception thereof. One must understand another’s perspective to change it, just as one must know patterns of speech and behavior lest they be deceived.

Personality Trait
d8 – Personality Trait
1 – I am always very polite and respectful of others, regardless of their status.
2 – I am very culturally aware, and take great pains to act as the locals do.
3 – Negotiation is based on trust, thus I am loathe to break a promise.
4 – I will not suffer ill words to be spoken about my master/homeland.
5 – I never pass an opportunity to speak well of my master/homeland.
6 – Violence is the bane of civilization, it is my last resort.
7 – Almost every conflict has a mutually acceptable compromise, I will help others to find it.
8 – My master/homeland needs allies above all else, I will do anything to acquire and keep them.

d6 – Ideal
1 – Manipulation. Fools are meant to be exploited. (Evil)
2 – Balance. No one person or faction should overpower the others. (Neutral)
3 – Understanding. You must know a people before you can influence them. (Any)
4 – Peace. Violence is abhorrent and must be avoided. (Good)
5 – Order. The house of peace is built by treaties and agreements. (Lawful)
6 – Cooperation. Each must do their honest best and work together for the common good (Good)

d6 – Bond
1 – I have travelled far but my homeland is dearest to me.
2 – My loyalty is to my liege; I shall serve her interests well.
3 – I must have a souvenir from each place I visit.
4 – My journals are the record of my accomplishments; they shall be published one day.
5 – My contacts serve me well; I must protect them.
6 – There is a land I feel more connected to than even my home.

d6 – Flaw
1 – I speak evasively to the frustration of others.
2 – So considered with words and letters, I often forget to care for my safety.
3 – No matter what my mind tells me, my heart always belongs to the underdog.
4 – To me, the letter of the law trumps what others call illegal but moral.
5 – I secretly despise my people and want to defect to another kingdom.
6 – I dominate conversations as I love the sound of my own voice.

Notes on Play

I’m in love with 5th Edition’s backgrounds. They allow a good portion of a character’s starting abilities to be distinct from their class. Further, they are a great starting off point for considerations about a character’s history and personality. I hope this background is useful to you as a player or gamemaster.

Remember that backgrounds are customizable and as such one should not get too tied to terminology so long as the abilities and features provided make sense for your character. I have endeavored to keep the Diplomat sufficiently broad to support anyone who wishes to focus on social interaction, but is not necessary a Noble. An ambassador sent from one king to the court of a faraway empress is just as much as diplomat as a representative of an important guild who speaks with the city’s burgomeister, as is the trusted third party known to settle vicious disputes amongst the dock gangers. The key elements of this background are the ability to read and influence others as well as enjoying the respect of others as a trusted representative or negotiator.

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Christopher Hunt

Staff Writer at d20 Radio
Christopher Hunt is a long-time gamer and has recently broke into the world of RPG freelancing. Chris’ unofficial Star Wars RPG blog ran weekly on d20radio.com for the past three years. He has written for Rusted Iron Games, Raging Swan Press, and most recently Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars RPG. Chris is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Political Science. Always the gamer, his thesis, which explores conflict short of war by uniting current threats to historical events, was inspired by a historical board game.