Rogue Champions – Ironheart

Check out Wayne’s new book, Seraph’s Bind, out now and running a launch sale for only $0.99.

Greetings! Let’s continue the look at the young Champions and the Iron-Man replacement.

Hero Summary

Ironheart (Hero)

  • Champion. Version 1.
    • Thwart: 1. Attack: 2. Defense: 3. Hit Points: 10. Hand Size: 4.
    • Level Up!Action: Remove 6 progress counters from Ironheart → ready her and swap her with Version 2 Ironheart.
  • Aerial. Champion. Version 2.
    • Thwart: 2. Attack: 2. Defense: 3. Hit Points: 10. Hand Size: 5.
    • Level Up!Action: Remove 6 progress counters from Ironheart → ready her, give her a tough status card, and swap her with Version 3 Ironheart.
  • Aerial. Champion. Version 3.
    • Thwart: 3. Attack: 2. Defense: 3. Hit Points: 10. Hand Size: 6.
    • Maximum Efficiency — Hero Action: Remove 1 progress counter from Ironheart → deal 2 damage to an enemy.
  • Comments:
    • Wow. Ironheart brings a very unique style of play into Champions. Instead of one Hero, she has three which you can upgrade between. This gives her a different kind of engine building.
    • Not only do her stats improve with each version, but the act of upgrading her readies her, allowing you to time it for the added bonus of a second activation.
    • You will want to try and upgrade her as quickly as possible into Version 2 due to the restrictive four hand size of Version 1. This will be your hardest upgrade to achieve.
    • There is no limit to the number of times Version 3’s action can be triggered. If you can continue to build up Progress tokens on her, she can have an amazing turn dealing damage.
    • Also of note, it is not an attack, so there’s no fear from Retaliate or other similar effects that trigger off attacks.

Riri Williams (Alter-Ego)

  • Genius
  • Recover: 3. Health: 10. Hand Size: 6
  • Begin the game with this card. Set your other identities aside. (See insert.)
  • Child ProdigyAction: Spend a Mental resource → place 1 progress counter on Riri Williams. (Limit once per round.)
  • Comments:
    • You can not rely on her AE ability to charge up her upgrades. It will take twelve rounds and you’ll likely be toast before that.
    • Fortunately, it is not the only way to get Progress counters so it is an excellent supplement to her other cards.
    • Ingenuity is almost a required card for her deck. If you can get it out early, it will make using her ability worth flipping down regularly for.

Hero Deck


  • Brawn
    • Cost: 4. Resource: 1 Physical.
    • Champion. Gamma.
    • Attack: 3*. Thwart: 2*. Health: 3
    • While Brawn is exhausted, he gains: “Resource: Generate a Mental resource. (Limit once per phase.)”
    • Comments:
      • Brawn is one of the pricier allies at 4 BUT he refunds at least two of those resources with his ability.
      • If you’re going Leadership, Strength in Numbers/Teamwork pairs very well with him.
      • Ally heals are worth pursuing as well.
      • He also serves as a great counter to any villain abilities that make you exhaust something.


  • Photon Blasters (1)
    • Cost: 2. Resource: 1 Mental.
    • Tech. Weapon.
    • You get +2 hit points.
    • Hero Action: Exhaust Photon Blasters → deal damage to an enemy equal to Ironheart’s Version number.
    • Comments:
      • Like many of Ironheart’s cards, this one gets better as she upgrades.
      • Bonus hitpoints make it worth getting out early so she can stay alive.
  • Propulsion Jets (1)
    • Cost: 2. Resource: 1 Physical.
    • Tech.
    • You get +2 hit points.
    • Hero Action: Exhaust Propulsion Jets → remove threat from a scheme equal to Ironheart’s Version number.
    • Comments:
      • This is the upgrade that makes Ironheart an amazing all arounder. Many heroes have upgrades that deal damage or provide resources. Regular threat removal is not nearly as common.


  • Ronnie Williams (1)
    • Cost: 1. Resource: 1 Wildcard.
    • Persona.
    • Alter-Ego Action: Exhaust Ronnie Williams → choose:
      • Heal 2 damage from Riri Williams.
      • Place 1 progress counter on Riri Williams.
    • Comments:
      • If you can get her out early, she can significantly help increase how fast you upgrade Ironheart.
      • With her and Riri’s own AE ability, everytime you flip down to AE you can generate four Progress counters over two rounds.
      • The heal is nothing to ignore either. Regular small heals can allow you to take damage without needing to stay down for multiple turns to recover.
  • Tony Stark A.I. (1)
    • Cost: 2. Resource: 1 Mental.
    • Persona.
    • Action: Exhaust Tony Stark A.I. → look at the top 2 cards of your deck. Add 1 to your hand and discard the other.
    • Comments:
      • Wow. This is half the cost of Avenger’s Mansion and gives you a better ability. You can only use it on yourself but that’s kind of a good thing. Reduces the stress of deciding who needs it most.
      • Choosing which card you want in your hand is very handy (pun intended) but does have the downside if you draw two cards you need and don’t want to discard.


  • Fly Over (2)
    • Cost: 2. Resource: 1 Mental.
    • Thwart.
    • Hero Action (thwart): Remove 3 threat from a scheme and place 1 progress counter on Ironheart (2 progress counters instead if this thwart removes the last threat from that scheme).
    • Comment:
      • Three thwart for two resources is about average for thwart removal, so not particularly exciting.
      • The main benefit is that it also adds Progress counters. That helps you reach Version 3, or if you already are, essentially adds two or four damage to this card.
  • New and Improved (2)
    • Cost: 3. Resource: 1 Mental.
    • Hero Action: Choose X different options, where X is equal to Ironheart’s version number:
      • Search your deck for an Ironheart card and add it to your hand. (Shuffle.)
      • Give Ironheart a tough status card.
      • Ready Ironheart.
    • Comments:
      • This card probably isn’t worth playing until you reach Version 3, but once you have, that’s a lot of good value.
      • It is a mental resource so early game useful for building progress tokens.
  • Photon Beam (3)
    • Cost: 2. Resource: 1 Energy.
    • Attack.
    • Hero Action (attack): Deal 4 damage to an enemy and place 1 progress counter on Ironheart (2 progress counters instead if this attack defeats that enemy).
    • Comments:
      • Four damage for two resources is good value.
      • If you defeat your target, and are already Version 3, that effectively becomes eight damage for two resources with Maximum Efficiency.
  • Sector Scan (1)
    • Cost: 3. Resource: 1 Energy.
    • Reduce the cost to play Sector Scan by X, where X is equal to Ironheart’s version number.
    • Hero Action: Until the end of the round, you may look at the top card of the encounter deck at any time.
    • Comment:
      • This seems meh at first. Looking at encounter cards? Oh, wait, any time I want? So, I can see effectively see every Encounter and Boost card before it’s drawn?
      • This has a lot of implications. First, you always know how much damage you’re going to take from a villain attack. That helps Protection decide what they need to do to mitigate it and everyone else if they can tank it.
      • You’ll also know what encounter cards everyone has and can plan counters as needed.
      • Finally, there’s the fact that once you get to V3, it’s free to play.


  • Stroke of Genius (2)
    • Resource: 1 Mental.
    • Response: After you spend this card, place 1 progress counter on your identity and draw 1 card.
    • Comment:
      • This card is the perfect resource card. It replaces itself.
      • Additionally, you get another Progress counter. Have one of these while AE, you can get two for one and still have a card to use.

Nemesis Set

  • Obligation: A Minor Setback
    • Boost Icons: 2
    • Give to the Riri Williams player.
    • Remove 1 progress counter from your identity, then discard this card. If no progress counter was removed this way, deal yourself 1 facedown encounter card, then shuffle this card into the encounter deck.
    • Comments:
      • Like Hulk, this Obligation cannot be removed from play. Unlike Hulk, this isn’t that bad.
      • You don’t have to flip between AE and Hero. You don’t need to exhaust.
      • If you keep one progress counter on her at all times, the card’s effect is fairly minor.
      • Overall, one of the weakest obligations.
  • Nemesis: Lucia von Bardas
    • Criminal. Cyborg. Elite.
    • Attack: 1. Scheme: 2. Health: 4.
    • Boost Icons: 3
    • While Lucia von Bardas has a tough status card, she gets +1 SCH and +1 ATK.
    • Forced Interrupt: After the villain phase ends, give Lucia von Bardas a tough status card.
    • Comment:
      • She’s not one of the more annoying Nemesis minions.
      • She is not tough when she comes into play, so if she ends up attacking due to an encounter card, it will be minor.
      • I think it would be more of a threat if she started Tough and gained Tough at the start of the villain phase. Then she’d do more damage/scheme more on her activation, even if you could pop Tough off with a retaliate.
  • Side Scheme: Rule by Force
    • Threat 4
    • Boost Icons: 2
    • While Lucia von Bardas is in play, this card gains a Hazard icon.
    • While Lucia von Bardas is not in play, this card gains an Acceleration icon.
    • Comments:
      • I like the mechanic here, of it doing different things depending on if the nemesis minion is in play.
      • At only four threat, it is a fairly minor side scheme to defeat.
      • However, all of Riri’s abilities (Fly Over, Propulsion Jets, V3 Thwart) max out at 3 thwart removal. So she’s going to need to use two things to clear it, even if 4 is fairly low on the threat levels some schemes can reach.
  • Cyborg Tech (1)
    • Attachment
    • Boost Icons: *
      • Boost: Deal this card to yourself as a facedown encounter card.
    • Attach to the minion with the most Traits. If you cannot, this card gains surge.
    • Attached minion gets +3 hit points and gains retaliate 1.
    • Comments:
      • This upgrade is the difference between Lucia being meh and annoying.
      • With this, you’re going to have to deal with multiple retaliates as with Tough and 7 health, she won’t die easily.
      • This card will come into play anytime it comes up in the deck so expect to see it often.
      • Played Ironheart in a game verse Crossbones with Kree Fanatic and Ransacked Armory.  This card made us quit when Ronan reached Retaliate 3 on top of all of the other armory upgrades.
  • Political Retribution (2)
    • Treachery.
    • Boost Icons: 1.
    • When Revealed: If Lucia von Bardas is in play, she schemes. If Rule by Force is in play, place 3 threat on it. If neither is in play, this card gains surge.
    • Comments:
      • This card hits harder if you’re struggling against the rest of the nemesis set and is quite inconsequential if you’re not.

Sample Decks

Note: With any Champions Deck, consider including “Go for Champions!” on top of what’s already there.

Ironheart Dive-Bombs

  •  Allies
    • Moon Girl
    • The Locust
  • Events
    • 3x Dive Bomb
    • 2x First Aid
    • 3x Melee
    • 3x Pitchback
  • Resources
    • Energy
    • Genius
    • Strength
    • 2x Power of Aggression
  • Supports
    • 1x Hall of Heroes
    • 1x Team Building Exercise
  • Upgrades
    • 1x Combat Training
    • 1x Fluid Motion
    • 1x Honed Technique
    • 1x Ingenuity
    • 1x Martial Prowess

The primary goal of Ironheart is to build up her suit to level 3. Mental resources help with that and they also play into Honed Technique.  Honed Technique increases a card’s attack by its cost. By leaning into her Aerial trait, she can go for mega attacks using Dive Bomb. Since it costs 4, which is normally too much to want to play, when its enhanced by Honed Technique it turns 7 damage into 11 and then 1 damage to every other enemy into 5 damage! That clears the board in most cases. With Ingenuity, Brawn, Martial Prowess, and Team-Building she’ll be able to afford that 4 cost without spending any other cards. Meanwhile, Melee could be turned into 6 and 6. That will fill up your Hall of Heroes real fast. Ms. Marvel could use the same trick plus her cards to make Melee 8 and 8 but she isn’t Aerial. Nova, Thor, Warmachine or Ironman could do it but they aren’t necessarily geared towards it as well.

Invincible Ironheart

  • Allies
    • Pinpoint
    • Warlock
  • Events
    • 3x Ever Vigilante
    • 1x Perseverance
  • Resources
    • Energy
    • Genius
    • Strength
    • Preservation
  • Supports
    • 1x Crew Quarters
    • 1x Helicarrier
    • 2x Med Team
  • Upgrades
    • 1x Armored Vest
    • 1x Dauntless
    • 1x Electrostatic Armor
    • 1x Endurance
    • 1x Downtime
    • 3x Height Advantage
    • 1x Indomitable
    • 1x Ingenuity
    • 1x Unflappable

This isn’t your typical defender deck. Ironheart does not have any defense events, relying instead on her native 3 defense, boosted to 4 with Armored Vest. She furthers her damage reduction with Height Advantage (once she reaches V2), with Dauntless and Electrostatic Armor to dish a little damage back. With Indomitable and Ever Vigilante, she can ready herself after defending. As she likes to flip down to AE often, she can afford to take a few hits because she has ample opportunities to recover with Med Team, Crew Quarters and her mom. She can also use Med Team to keep Brawn in play for the resource. Her other Allies can also remain in play permanently. Pinpoint helps her cycle her best hero cards back into her deck and Warlock provides a little bonus attack/thwart with his ability to self-heal.

Ironheart Gets Justice

  • Allies
    • Eros
    • Quake
    • Wasp
  • Events
    • 2x Agile Flight
    • 2x Clear the Area
    • 2x For Justice!
    • 2x Lay Down the Law
    • 2x Multitasking
    • 2x Yaw and Roll
  • Resources
    • Energy
    • Genius
    • Strength
  • Supports
    • 1x Crew Quarters
  • Upgrade
    • 1x Heroic Intuition
    • 1x Ingenuity
    • 2x Justice Served
    • 1x Sense of Justice
    • 1x Sonic Rifle

This is a fairly run-of-the-mill Justice deck. A bunch of thwart events, a few upgrades to help and a few allies to absorb some blows. Agile Flight, Yaw and Roll, and Wasp are the only ones that more Ironheart specific, mostly because they are new, more than because she has Aerial. Iron Man and Vision are both good thwart based decks with Aerial that could take this exact deck. The main point you can take about this deck is that Ironheart is so strong on her own, she really doesn’t need a deck built around her to function.

Ironheart Leads the Champions

  • Allies
    • Cloud-9
    • Falcon (Joaquin)
    • Moon Girl
    • Patriot
    • Snowguard
    • Vivian
  • Events
    • 1x Go For Champions!
    • 2x Air Supremacy
    • 3x Go All Out
    • 2x Strength in Numbers
    • 2x Teamwork
  • Resources
    • 2x Band Together
    • 1x Genius
    • 1x Innovation
  • Support
    • 1x Command Team
    • 1x R&D Facility
    • 1x Team Building Exercise
    • 1x Triskelion
  • Upgrade
    • 1x Ingenuity

This deck is all about pumping up Ironheart. Using R&D Facility, Cloud-9, and Patriot she can reach impressive overall stat numbers. Combines those with Teamwork or Go All Out, she can hit or thwart like a truck. You will have some semi-permanent allies in play with Brawn and Cloud-9, giving you a good Band Together and Strength in Numbers to use for resources. Many of your allies are Aerial, so you have Air Supremacy for multi-target attacks. As all your allies are Champions, your Go for Champions rounds will be stellar.

Check out Wayne’s new book, Seraph’s Bind, out now and running a launch sale for only $0.99.


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Wayne Basta

Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
Wayne is the managing editor of d20 Radio's Gaming Blog. He also writes Sci-fi, . If you enjoy his work, you can support him on Patreon.