Rogue Review- Rogue Starfighter

Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series, we will be looking at the ships you can fly in Atomic Mass Games X-Wing miniatures game. We’ll take a look at a chassis and what makes it unique along with some upgrades and squadron combos. Strap in and get ready to fly.

Lock S-Foils in Attack Position

Our next review up is the Rogue Class Starfighter. Another multi faction ship, the Rogue class serves the droid armies of the separatists and flies bounties the scum of the galaxy. This ship carries an impressive seven health backed up by two defense and two attack. It has a strong array of actions, allowing it to focus, lock and evade plus focus into barrel rolls or boosts and evade into barrel rolls. Interestingly, it also has a red boost. Why you would do this when you could focus first and then red boost I don’t know. But that does allow you to take engine upgrade to gain a white boost. You can not take Expert Handling to gain a white barrel roll however.

The most interesting thing about this ship is that it has two different ship abilities. The Scum version has Dead to Rights, allowing you to prevent dice mods on targets in bullseye. This is the same ability the medium base and Extended only Kimogila’s have. The Rogue is far more maneuverable than the the Kimo which increases your chance to take advantage of it. However, most Separatist versions have a completely different ability, though it is also not unique. They share the Networked Calculation ability that most droid ships have, allowing it to integrate with those kind of swarms easily. Cad Bane, as the only non-droid Separatist pilot, retains Dead to Rights.

The dial on the Rogue isn’t bad, with all the hard turns, banks, along with a K-turn and T-rolls. It lacks a one forward and has a five forward, putting it into the fast ship category. Since it has one bank it can go fairly slow when needed. This helps you take advantage of Dead to Rights.

There is a single title card available but only Cad Bane, in either faction, can use it so we’ll discuss it when we talk about him.

Red Five Standing By

How many Rogue class do you need? Almost all of the pilots are 5 squad points, so two packs will net you four, which in most cases is the most you can fly. However, there is a generic Separatist ship for only 4 squad points meaning you could fly five of them. That is an impressive amount of health protected by two green dice (as opposed to one in Y-Wings). But in most cases, you’ll only want one or two of these ships in a squad, so a single pack is all you’ll need.

So how do these pilots work out?


Cad Bane (5 pts) (I4)

Pilot Ability – After you perform an attack that hits, you may spend 2 Charges to transfer 1 of your non-lock red or orange tokens to the defender.

  • Comes with two charges, recurring.
  • You must hit with his ability so it is not a guaranteed way to clear stress or pass a negative token.
  • There is no range requirement or primary only limitation giving you a lot of flexibility.

Loadout Points – 18

  • Cannon, Cannon, Illicit, Illicit, Missile, Modification, Talent, Title
  • The title, Xanadu Blood, adds a Red Cloak plus Crew and Payload slots. He is the only scum Rogue class that can do any of those things.

Loadout #1 – “Master of None” (18/18)

  • Role: Versatility
  • Cannon- Heavy Laser Cannon (4)
  • Cannon- Jamming Beam (0)
  • Illicit- Contraband Cybernetics (2)
  • Illicit- None (0)
  • Missile- None (0)
  • Modification- None (0)
  • Talent- Predator (2)
  • Title- Xanadu Blood (0)
    • Crew- Ahsoka Tano (9)
    • Payload- None (0)

This Cad Bane has no real specialty but rather general versatility. He has a Force Point thanks to Ahsoka. He’s unlikely to use her ability often, but that’s not why she’s there. HLC and Proton Cannon are interchangeable to your personal taste. Taking HLC allows you to fire every round plus gain Jamming Beam but doesn’t let you crit or get auto mods. Contraband gives you a chance to red when stressed and then use Cad’s ability to shred some of that extra stress. Elusive helps keep you alive long enough to pass that stress on.

Loadout #2 – “Proton Pack” (18/18)

  • Role: Assault
  • Cannon- Proton Cannon (4)
  • Cannon- Proton Cannon (4)
  • Illicit- None (0)
  • Illicit- None (0)
  • Missile- Proton Rocket (8)
  • Modification- None (0)
  • Talent- Cutthroat (2)
  • Title- Xanadu Blood (0)
    • Crew- None (0)
    • Payload- Proton Bomb (4)

This is all about damage. He can take all three proton weapons and use them to dish out some damage. It may seem counter productive to take Proton Cannon and Rockets, since they share a Bullseye requirement. But the Rogue Class also has Dead to Rights triggering in the Bullseye so doubling down on it works okay. The first shot you get, you’ll fire the rockets. The second shot, you have cannons. By the third, either cannons are recharged or Cutthroat has triggered to recharge rockets.

Loadout #3 – “Bane’s Dirty Tricks” (18/18)

  • Role: Assault
  • Cannon- Ion Cannon (6)
  • Cannon- Heavy Laser Cannon (4)
  • Illicit- None (-)
  • Illicit- None (-)
  • Missile- None (-)
  • Modification- Delayed Fuse (1)
  • Talent- Marksmanship (1)
  • Title- Xanadu Blood (-)
    • Crew- Zuckuss (2)
    • Payload- Ion/Proton Bomb (4)

Cad Bane’s a bounty hunter so he always has some nasty tricks up his sleeve. This one approaches his target, deploys an Ion Bomb and delays it with a fuse. Then he unloads his ion cannon into the target so that it drifts into range of the ion bomb next round (you could sub in proton bomb for more bang). Then he flips around and uses his HLC to finish off the target. Zuckuss serves as a great help for pushing damage through. Cad fires, forces them to reroll an evade with Zuckuss, and then passes the stress he just got as well using his ability.

Loadout #4 – “Bane’s Trickshot” (18/18)

  • Role: Assault
  • Cannon- Heavy Laser Cannon/Proton Cannon (4)
  • Cannon- None (-)
  • Illicit- None (-)
  • Illicit- None (-)
  • Missile- Electro-Chaff Missile (9)
  • Modification- Delayed Fuse (1)
  • Talent- Trickshot (4)
  • Title- Xanadu Blood (0)
    • Crew- None (-)
    • Payload- Electro-Chaff Missile (9

This Bane wants to shoot through obstacles. He’s the only Rogue class that can take Electro-Chaff Missiles so might as well take advantage of it. Whatever turn he triggers the chaff, he has a good chance at getting a bonus attack dice. If you can make it a HLC shot, then hello five dice.

Viktor Hel (5pts) (I4)

Pilot Ability – After you defend, if you did not roll exactly 2 defense dice, the attacker gains 1 stress token.

  • This is the same as his Kihraxz ability, though you can’t fly those in 2.5 Standard yet.
  • Without Stealth Device, there is no easy way for him to trigger his ability. You will need to rely on obstacles and range 3.
  • He can take a Cloaking Device for it, but not the Xanadu Blood. This also prevents him from taking a Chaff Missile, which would also help him.

Loadout Points – 16

  • Cannon, Cannon, Illicit, Missile, Modification, Talent.
  • Viktor loses the title, which means no crew or payload, but also an illicit slot compared to Bane.

Loadout #1 – “Sneak Attack” (16/16)

  • Role: Raider
  • Cannon- Synced Laser Cannon (8)
  • Cannon- Synced Laser Cannon (8)
  • Illicit- Cloaking Device (3)
  • Missile- None (-)
  • Modification- None (-)
  • Talent- Notorious (2)

This version of Viktor wants to sneak around and gobble up objectives. Between his ability and Notorious, he’s going to punish you for shooting at him with the possibility of stress and strain. He has a three die attack from any range thanks to Synced so he’s still a threat. With Notorious and being I4, he has a fair chance of getting a reroll back against his attacker.

Loadout #2 – “Punisher” (16/16)

  • Role: Assault
  • Cannon- Proton Cannon (4)
  • Cannon- Proton Cannon (4)
  • Illicit- Contraband Cybernetics (3)
  • Missile- None (-)
  • Modification- Engine Upgrade (3)
  • Talent- Juke (6)

Here Viktor wants to capitalize on Dead to Rights. When he can land a Bullseye shot, he can deny token spending by his target. If he’s evaded, then he gets to turn one of their evade results into a focus and there is nothing the target can do about it. He has opted for Proton Cannon over HLC because he’ll be evading and could use the passive mod Proton gives you.

Nom Lumb (5pts) (I1)

Pilot Ability – At the start of the Engagement Phase, you may choose 1 enemy ship in your Front Arc. If you do, treat your initiative as equal to that ship’s until the end of the round.

  • This ability is different than his Jumpmaster ability but the same idea. It offsets his low initiative.
  • As long as he can keep arc on a high level enemy, he won’t get initiative killed. Keeping arc with an I1 can be difficult though.

Loadout Points – 19

  • Cannon, Cannon, Illicit, Missile, Modification, Modification, Talent.
  • Unlike the rest of the Rogues, he has two modification slots. Unfortunately, at this point there is no real value to that. The game needs a good double mod slot upgrade for ships like him.
  • He could take Engine and Shield Upgrades but that’s a good chunk of his points. Afterburners or Burnout Thrusters aren’t great on an I1.

Loadout #1 – “Roadblock” (18/19)

  • Role: Obstacle
  • Cannon- Ion Cannon (6)
  • Cannon- Jamming Beam (0)
  • Illicit- None (-)
  • Missile- None (-)
  • Modification- Engine Upgrade (3)
  • Modification- None (-)
  • Talent- Snap Shot (9)

Here Nom wants to capitalize on his I1 position to move first and get in the way. He wants to put himself pointing at where he thinks his opponent wants to go. Everyone will move later so he’ll have lots of chances for Snap Shot to trigger. Later, he can fire his ion cannon at a high initiative, hoping to strip locks off a target.

Loadout #2 – “Speed Racer” (19/19)

  • Role: Obstacle
  • Cannon- Synced Laser Cannon (8)
  • Cannon- Synced Laser Cannon (8)
  • Illicit- None (-)
  • Missile- None (-)
  • Modification- Burnout Thrusters (6)
  • Modification- Advanced SLAM (3)
  • Talent- Cutthroat (2)

The ability to SLAM allows Nom to move around to places quickly. With Advanced SLAM he’ll get an action when he gets there. Cutthroat increases the chances he’ll be able to do this more than once per game. Synced just gives him a bit more offense.

Durge (4pts) (I5)

Pilot Ability – While you defend, after the Neutralize Results step, if there are more Hit/Crit results than your active , you may change 1 Hit result to a Crit and cancel 1 Hit result.

  • Durge is the best Rogue pilot by virtue of him being only 4 points.
  • His ability is a bit convoluted to follow but it isn’t bad. Especially since its a ‘may’. Use it when it saves you damage and ignore it otherwise.
  • It is real shame he is not Mandalorian because he would love Beskar Reinforced Plating.

Loadout Points – 10

  • Cannon, Cannon, Illicit, Missile, Modification, Talent, Talent.
  • With only 10 loadout he is limited in what he can take.
  • Enduring is a great upgrade for him but not for the reason you’d think at first. His ability triggers after you neutralize results, so you can’t use Enduring to cancel the crit his ability generates. However, if you use Enduring to neutralize a natural crit, then you’re left with hit results and can cancel one of them.

Loadout #1 – “Triple-E” (10/10)

  • Role: Tank
  • Cannon- None (-)
  • Cannon- None (-)
  • Illicit- None (-)
  • Modification- Engine Upgrade (3)
  • Talent- Elusive (2)
  • Talent- Enduring (5)

Here Durge will either avoid your attack with Engine Upgrade, reroll a blank green with Elusive, cancel a crit with Enduring, or reduce your damage with his ability. He won’t put out much damage but he’ll be surprisingly annoying to kill.

Loadout #2 – “Upper Cut” (10/10)

  • Role: Puncher
  • Cannon- Heavy Laser Cannon (4)
  • Cannon- None (-)
  • Illicit- None (-)
  • Modification- None (-)
  • Talent- Juke (6)
  • Talent- None (-)

This Durge is just a cheap brute. He’ll use I5 and has ability to Evade linked to Barrel Roll to get you into bullseye. Then smack you with four attack dice from the HLC, convert one of your evades to a focus and use Dead to Rights to prevent you from turning the focus back into an evade.


Cad Bane (5 pts) (I4)

Pilot Ability – During the Engagement Phase, after another ship at range 0-3 is destroyed, you may spend 1 Charge to perform an action, even while stressed.

  • Comes with one charge, recurring.
  • Extra actions are always handy.
  • Triggers off any ship being destroyed, including your opponent.

Loadout Points – 18

  • Cannon, Cannon, Illicit, Illicit, Missile, Modification, Talent, Title
  • The title, Xanadu Blood, adds a Red Cloak plus Crew and Payload slots.
  • This is the same loadout as Scum version.

Loadout #1 – “Pay Day” (18/18)

  • Role: Hunter
  • Cannon- Heavy Laser Cannon/Proton Cannon (4)
  • Cannon- None (-)
  • Illicit- Contraband Cybernetics (3)
  • Illicit- None (-)
  • Missile- Cluster Missiles (4)
  • Modification- Munitions Failsafe (1)
  • Talent- Treacherous (2)
  • Title- Xanadu Blood (0)
    • Crew- General Grievous (4)
    • Payload- None (-)

This Cad Bane wants to see things die. He’s not particular about who that is, friend or foe, because when things die, he gets paid. A destroyed ship will trigger his ability, giving him an action. It will trigger a recovery on his Treacherous Charge. If its friendly, he’ll recover his Grievous charge. He has an HLC/Proton and Cluster Missiles to help him deal damage and get those kills.

Loadout #2 – “Takes One for the Team” (18/18)

  • Role: Support
  • Cannon- Heavy Laser Cannon/Proton Cannon (4)
  • Cannon- None (-)
  • Illicit- None (-)
  • Illicit- None (-)
  • Missile- None (-)
  • Modification- None (-)
  • Talent- None (-)
  • Title- Xanadu Blood (0)
    • Crew- Chancellor Palpatine (14)
    • Payload- None (-)

This Cad Bane is the opposite of the last. This one wants to go after your opponents I6 and get shot at. He can then trigger Sidious, coordinating an ally who can either roll/boost to get a shot or avoid getting shot, or take a lock and then also get a focus token for double mods. Instead of taking the HLC/Proton for added offense, you could take Angled Deflectors to survive longer but since you’re trying to goad your opponent into attacking you, better off with being a potential threat.

Durge (4pts) (I5)

Pilot Ability – When you would be destroyed, you may spend 1 Charge to reveal all of your facedown damage cards. If you do, discard each Direct Hit! and each of your damage cards with the Pilot trait, then repair all of your faceup damage cards.

  • One charge, not reoccurring.
  • Durge is the best Rogue pilot by virtue of him being only 4 points.
  • His ability is hilarious. Oh, you think you killed me, too bad.
  • Its probably a good thing the scum version doesn’t have this ability because Cutthroat and this would be oppressive. As would Durge and Tel Trevura in the same squad.

Loadout Points – 10

  • Cannon, Cannon, Illicit, Modification, Modification, Talent, Title.
  • With only 10 loadout he is limited in what he can take.
  • This is a very different loadout than his Scum version. He has access to the Title, the only other one beside Bane.

Loadout #1 – “You Only Die Twice” (10/10)

  • Role: Assault
  • Cannon- Proton Cannon (4)
  • Cannon- None (-)
  • Illicit- None (-)
  • Modification- None (-)
  • Talent- Marksmanship (1)
  • Title- Xanadu Blood (0)
    • Crew- GNK “Gonk” Droid (5)
    • Payload- None (-)

This Durge wants to go right at the enemy. He doesn’t care about dying. Once he does die, he hopefully recovers a lot of health with his ability instead. Then you have a Gonk droid onboard, who you charged up in the first round of the game. Once his death happens, next action you take recovers that shield for even more health. With luck, your opponent just says screw it and doesn’t bother attacking you.

Magnaguard Protector (5pts) (I4)

Pilot Ability – Setup: After placing forces, assign the Guarded condition to 1 friendly ship other than the MagnaGuard Protector.

  • Guarded: While you defend, if you are not in the attacker’s Bullseye, roll 1 additional defense die for each friendly calculating or evading MagnaGuard Protector in the attack arc.
  • These guys are a better Handmaiden. They don’t have to spend anything to offer the protection, just be in the arc.
  • These are the first of the Rogues to lose Dead to Rights and gain Network Calculations.

Loadout Points – 18

  • Cannon, Cannon, Missile, Modification
  • They have a lot of loadout and not a lot of ways to spend it.
  • Since they are droids, Synced Laser is the best cannon for them.

Loadout #1 – “Bodyguard” (18/18)

  • Role: Support
  • Cannon- Synced Laser Cannon (8)
  • Cannon- Synced Laser Cannon (8)
  • Missile- None (-)
  • Modification- Afterburners (10)

You want your Protectors to be where they can protect their charge. With Afterburners, and the ability to link into barrel rolls from calculating, they can stay with any ship they need to protect.

Loadout #2 – “Protection Through Chaos” (11/18)

  • Role: Distraction
  • Cannon- Synced Laser Cannon (8)
  • Cannon- Synced Laser Cannon (8)
  • Missile- Discord Missiles (3)
  • Modification- Independent Calculations (0)

If you want your Magnaguard to have Independent Calculations, they can’t spend all of their loadout. But they can take a good cannon and missile. Discord missiles are very annoying for your opponent to deal with. And they are still a threat with Synced or a good protector ship.

IG-111 (5pts) (I1)

Pilot Ability – After you perform an attack that missed, you may choose 1 enemy ship in your Bullseye and gain 1 deplete token. If you do, that ship suffers 1 damage.

  • This ability could be self reinforcing. Miss, use it and deplete to deal a damage, miss the next attack because you’re depleted.
  • Getting things into Bullseye at I1 is not a simple feat. Easiest to pull off against large base, who are the easiest to damage. But, should Soontir Fel somehow end up in Bullseye, you’re going to damage him one way or another.
  • They also feature Networked Calculations instead of Dead to Rights.

Loadout Points – 21

  • Cannon, Cannon, Modification, Modification
  • No missile slot, so no Homing Missile, which would feel very appropriate for their ability.
  • With two Modification slots, they can take Independent Calculations and still make use of some of those massive 21 loadout for something.

Loadout #1 – “Tag” (18/21)

  • Role: Objective Runner
  • Cannon- Synced Laser Cannon (8)
  • Cannon- Synced Laser Cannon (8)
  • Modification- Independent Calculations (0)
  • Modification- Afterburners (10)

A good objective runner with Afterburners and the ability to move first to block.

Loadout #2 – “See, I Can Use All My Points” (21/21)

  • Role: Versatility
  • Cannon- Heavy Laser Cannon (4)
  • Cannon- Ion Cannon (6)
  • Modification- Shield Upgrade (8)
  • Modification- Engine Upgrade (3)

This is a versatile loadout. A little healthier with an extra shield, can slam things with HLC if they are stupid enough to end up in bullseye but can still throw three dice with the Ion and their boosts become white. Not necessarily worth 5 squad points but it has options.

IG-102 (5pts) (I4)

Pilot Ability – While you defend, if the attacker’s initiative is equal to or greater than yours, you may change 1 blank result to a Focus result.

  • A decent defensive ability. I4 is the real battleground initiative so there is a fair chance you’re facing off against many that are that or above. If they are lower, you should be arc dodging them.

Loadout Points – 19

  • Cannon, Cannon, Modification, Modification
  • Just a few less than IG-111 but still a lot.

Loadout #1 – “Tag” (18/19)

  • Role: Objective Runner
  • Cannon- Synced Laser Cannon (8)
  • Cannon- Synced Laser Cannon (8)
  • Modification- Independent Calculations (0)
  • Modification- Afterburners (10)

This load out works for 102 just as well. He can make better use of the Afterburners and IC.

Loadout #2 – “Nah, I’m Not Gonna Use All My Points” (13/19)

  • Role: Versatility
  • Cannon- Heavy Laser Cannon (4)
  • Cannon- Ion Cannon (6)
  • Modification- Independent Calculations (0)
  • Modification- Engine Upgrade (3)

Losing those 2pts keeps you from having the same versatile loadout as 111 but that’s okay. You really want Independent Calculation on this guy more than an extra shield.

IG-101 (5pts) (I4)

Pilot Ability – At the start of the System Phase, you may repair 1 faceup damage card.

  • This is a nice simple ability. Just repair crits. Only one a turn but if you have multiple, one is likely an action you could repair that way.
  • You are not immune to crits. Direct Hit and the double stress trigger when dealt

Loadout Points – 19

  • Cannon, Cannon, Modification, Modification
  • Just a few less than IG-111 but still a lot.

Loadout #1 – “Tag” (18/19)

  • Role: Objective Runner
  • Cannon- Synced Laser Cannon (8)
  • Cannon- Synced Laser Cannon (8)
  • Modification- Independent Calculations (0)
  • Modification- Afterburners (10)

This load out works for 102 just as well. He can make better use of the Afterburners and IC.

Loadout #2 – ” I’m Gonna Use All My Points” (13/19)

  • Role: Versatility
  • Cannon- Synced Laser Cannon (8)
  • Cannon- Synced Laser Cannon (8)
  • Modification- Shield Upgrade (8)
  • Modification- Engine Upgrade (3)

Losing those 2pts keeps you from having the same versatile loadout as 111 but that’s okay. You prefer Synced Laser anyways.

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Wayne Basta

Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
Wayne is the managing editor of d20 Radio's Gaming Blog. He also writes Sci-fi, . If you enjoy his work, you can support him on Patreon.