Rogue Squadron 2E- Classic Triple X-Wings- Luke, Wedge, Biggs

Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series, we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad, what expansion pack all of the upgrades come from and then give you the low down on how best to fly it. Strap in and get ready to fly.

All Wings Report In

T-65 X-Wing “Luke Skywalker” (Wave 1) (74 pts) (I5)

After you become the defender (before dice are rolled), you may recover 1 force.

  • Astromech- R3 Astromech (Wave 1): You can maintain up to 2 locks. Each lock must be on a different object. After you perform a (Target Lock) action, you may acquire a lock.
  • Torpedo- Proton Torpedo (Wave 1): Attack (Lock) (4 Attack, Front arc): Spend 1 charge. Change 1 Hit result to a Crit result. [2 Charges]
  • Configuration- Servomotor S-Foils (Wave 1): 
    • Open- Before you activate, you may flip this card.
    • Closed- While you perform a primary attack, roll one fewer die. Before you activate, you may flip this card. [White Boost] [White Focus to Red Boost]

T-65 X-Wing “Wedge Antilles” (Wave 1) (65 pts) (I6)

While you perform an attack, the defender rolls one fewer defense die.

  • Astromech-  R3 Astromech (Wave 1): You can maintain up to 2 locks. Each lock must be on a different object. After you perform a (Target Lock) action, you may acquire a lock.
  • Talent- Crack Shot (Wave 1)- While you perform a primary attack, if the defender is in your bullseye arc, before the Neutralize Results step, you may spend 1 charge to cancel 1 evade result. [1 Charge]
  • Torpedo- Proton Torpedo (Wave 1): Attack (Lock)(4 Attack, Front arc): Spend 1 charge. Change 1 Hit result to a Crit result. [2 Charges]
  • Configuration- Servomotor S-Foils (Wave 1): 
    • Open- Before you activate, you may flip this card.
    • Closed- While you perform a primary attack, roll one fewer die. Before you activate, you may flip this card. [White Boost] [White Focus to Red Boost]

T-65 X-Wing “Biggs Darklighter” (Wave 1) (60 pts) (I3)

While another friendly ship at range 0-1 defenders, before the Neutralize Results step, if you are in the attack arc, you may suffer one Hit or Crit damage to cancel a matching result.

  • Astromech– R3 Astromech (Wave 1): You can maintain up to 2 locks. Each lock must be on a different object. After you perform a Target Lock action, you may acquire a lock.
  • Torpedo- Proton Torpedo (Wave 1): Attack (Lock)(4 Attack, Front arc): Spend 1 charge. Change 1 Hit result to a Crit result. [2 Charges]
  • Configuration- Servomotor S-Foils (Wave 1): 
    • Open- Before you activate, you may flip this card.
    • Closed- While you perform a primary attack, roll one fewer die. Before you activate, you may flip this card. [White Boost] [White Focus to Red Boost]

Lock S-Foils in Attack Position

Luke, Wedge, and Biggs are a classic combo from Wave 1 of X-Wing 1.0. They are also an iconic combo from the movie as they bravely flew against the Death Star together. So what better combo to serve as our first look into squad building in X-wing Second Edition.

This is your traditional joust list with a few 2E twists. Move up into range 3 if possible, acquire dual target locks, and fire off a proton torpedo. Then either slip into range one, or prepare to K-turn/T-roll to get behind your opponent. The double target locks from R3 give you a lot of options. During the initial engagement, all of your ships can gang up on one ship and have a second locked as a back up to fire on if the first is destroyed. In the following round, if you flipped on a red maneuver, you have that second target lock to modify your attack.

Meanwhile, your opponent is deciding if he wants to shoot defensive Luke, offensive Wedge or Biggs. I like this Biggs better than 1.0 Biggs because he forces a tough choice for your opponent, rather than being just an annoyance. Do you shoot Luke or Wedge, knowing Biggs will absorb some of the damage or do you finish off the least threatening X-Wing first? Always a tough call.

Once Biggs is dead or you’re forced to break formation, these 2E X-Wings are a lot more effective in continuing the engagement. With barrel roll available for arc dodging and the S-foils giving you the option to boost away during a disengage, you can be a lot more flexible in maneuvering. Luke will fair well late game or against a swarm. No one likes getting shot by Wedge. And even Biggs, if he survives, is still a threat.


There are a lot of cool ways to build out these three ships. Dropping the proton torpedoes frees up 27 points which can be used for three shield/hull upgrades and then some Talents and Force Powers. You could just drop Biggs Proton Torpedo to give Luke and Wedge some more upgrades. Elusive on Wedge sounds fun, giving him a little bit of defensiveness. Swarm Tactics is also something to consider to help Biggs get shots off early. Outmaneuver on Wedge is also especially cruel.

Without the protons, you could switch in some regeneration droids, R2’s, R5’s or their named counterparts. Luke without R2-D2 feels kind of wrong. These droids are actually pretty decent, especially on Biggs.


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Wayne Basta

Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
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