Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series, we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Atomic Mass Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad and then give you the lowdown on how best to fly it. Strap in and get ready to fly.
All Wings Report In
ARC-170 “Jag” (SOC) (4 pts) (I3)
- Pilot Ability
- After a friendly ship at range 0-2 in your Side Arcs performs an attack, if you are not strained, you may acquire a lock on the defender.
- Ship Ability – None
- Loadout (Standardized)
- Born for This
- While another friendly ship at range 0-2 defends, if you are not strained, it may spend your focus and evade tokens as if that ship has them. If it does, you gain 1 strain token.
- Veteran Tail Gunner
- After you perform a primary Front Arc attack, you may perform a bonus primary Rear Arc attack.
- R4-P
- Charges: 2
- Before you execute a basic maneuver, you may spend 1 Charge. If you do, while you execute that maneuver, reduce its difficulty.
- Synchronized Console
- After you perform an attack, you may choose a friendly ship at range 1 or a friendly ship with the Synchronized Console upgrade at range 1-3 and spend a lock you have on the defender. If you do, the friendly ship you chose may acquire a lock on the defender.
- Born for This
ARC-170 “Wolffe” (SOC) (4 pts) (I4)
- Pilot Ability
- Charge: 1
- While you perform a primary attack, you may spend 1 Charge to reroll 1 attack die. While you perform a primary attack, you may recover 1 Charge to roll 1 additional die.
- Ship Ability – None
- Loadout (Standardized)
- Born for This
- While another friendly ship at range 0-2 defends, if you are not strained, it may spend your focus and evade tokens as if that ship has them. If it does, you gain 1 strain token.
- Veteran Tail Gunner
- After you perform a primary Front Arc attack, you may perform a bonus primary Rear Arc attack.
- Wolfpack
- While you perform an attack, you may spend a lock belonging to a friendly Plo Koon ship or ship with the Born for This ability that is on the defender to reroll any number of attack dice.
- Q7 Astromech
- While you barrel roll or boost, you can move through and overlap obstacles.
- Born for This
Nimbus Class V-Wing “Klick” (SOC) (3 pts) (I4)
- Pilot Ability
- Charge: 1*
- While a ship that you have locked at range 1-3 defends or performs an attack, you may spend 1 Charge to prevent range bonuses from being applied.
- Ship Ability – None
- Loadout (Standardized)
- Born for This
- While another friendly ship at range 0-2 defends, if you are not strained, it may spend your focus and evade tokens as if that ship has them. If it does, you gain 1 strain token.
- R3 Astromech
- You can maintain up to 2 locks. Each lock must be on a different object.
- After you perform a Lock action, you may acquire a lock.
- Precision Ion Engines
- Charges: 2
- Before you execute a speed 1-3 Koiogran Turn maneuver, you may spend 1 Charge to execute that maneuver as a Segnor’s Loop maneuver instead.
- Alpha-3E “Esk”
- Charges: 2*
- While you perform a primary attack, before rolling attack dice, you may spend 2 charges. If you do, your Crit results inflict ion tokens instead of damage.
- Born for This
Nimbus Class V-Wing “Contrail” (SOC) (3 pts) (I5)
- Pilot Ability
- While you defend or perform an attack, if the bearing of your revealed maneuver is the same as the enemy ship’s, you may change 1 of the enemy ship’s Focus results to a blank result.
- Ship Ability – None
- Loadout (Standardized)
- Born for This
- While another friendly ship at range 0-2 defends, if you are not strained, it may spend your focus and evade tokens as if that ship has them. If it does, you gain 1 strain token.
- Ion Limiter Override
- After you fully execute a red maneuver, you may perform a Barrel Roll action, even while stressed. If you do, roll an attack die: On a Hit result gain 1 strain token, and on a Crit result gain 1 ion token.
- Precise Astromech
- Charges: 2
- After you perform an action, you may spend 1 Charge to perform a red action.
- Ion Bomb
- Charges: 2
- During the System Phase, you may spend 1 Charge to drop an Ion Bomb using the 1 straight template.
- At the end of the Activation Phase, this device detonates. When this device detonates, each ship at range 0-1 gains 3 ion tokens, and each remote at range 0-1 suffers 1 damage.
- Alpha-3B “Besh”
- While you perform a primary attack, you may spend your lock on the defender to change 1 of your blank or Focus results to a Hit result.
- Born for This
V-19 Torrent “Kickback” (SOC) (3 pts) (I5)
- Pilot Ability
- After you perform a Barrel Roll action, you may perform a red Lock action. If you do, before you perform the action, you may gain 1 strain to treat it as white.
- Ship Ability – None
- Loadout (Standardized)
- Born for This
- While another friendly ship at range 0-2 defends, if you are not strained, it may spend your focus and evade tokens as if that ship has them. If it does, you gain 1 strain token.
- Ion Limiter Override
- After you fully execute a red maneuver, you may perform a Barrel Roll action, even while stressed. If you do, roll an attack die: On a Hit result gain 1 strain token, and on a Crit result gain 1 ion token.
- Diamond Boron Missiles
- Charges: 3
- Munitions, Range 2-3. Forward Arc
- Attack (Lock, 3): Spend 1 Charge. After this attack hits, you may spend 1 Charge. If you do, each ship at range 0-1 of the defender with agility equal to or less than the defender’s rolls 1 attack die and suffers 1 Hit/Crit damage for each matching result.
- Munitions Failsafe
- While you perform a or attack, after rolling attack dice, you may cancel all dice results to recover 1 you spent as a cost for the attack.
- Born for This
Clone Z-95 “Knack” (3 pts) (I5)
- Pilot Ability
- After you are destroyed, you may choose a friendly non-limited ship at range 0-2 and assign 1 of your equipped upgrades to it.
- Ship Ability – Versatile Frame
- You can equip 1 Missile or Torpedo upgrade. While your revealed maneuver is blue, add white Boost to your action bar.
- Loadout (7/7)
- Missile – Cluster Missile (4)
- Charges: 4
- Munitions, Range 1-2. Forward Arc
- Attack (Lock, 3): Spend 1 Charge. After this attack, you may perform this attack as a bonus attack against a different target at range 0-1 of the defender, ignoring the Lock requirement.
- Talent – Dedicated (1)
- While another friendly ship in your Side Arcs at range 0-2 defends, if it is limited or has the Dedicated upgrade and you are not strained, you may gain 1 strain token. If you do, the defender rerolls 1 of their blank results.
- Talent – Expert Handling (2)
- Gain white Barrel Roll action.
- Missile – Cluster Missile (4)
Lock S-Foils in Attack Position
With the release of the Siege of Coruscant, the Republic gained a lot of interesting pilots. Two of them work well as a stable base for a list, that being the two 4 point ARC-170’s. Three attack dice, backed by nine health all for 4 points is huge. There is a lot you could potentially do with these guys. For this list, I opted to lean into the Clone aspect and build a real swarm of Clone Troopers. Six ships is nothing to sneeze at, especially when half of them are I5, and four of them have the potential for three die attacks.
As Clones bred to fight together, these pilots work well as mutual support for each other, without being a house of cards type build. When one ship goes down, nothing falls apart. Their abilities do work together to make taking them down quite difficult. To start with, all but one of them have Born for This, which essentially turns them into Vultures for sharing Focus tokens during defense. The ship that shares the token does gain a strain, but if you encourage your enemy to switch targets to take advantage of that you’ve already won a tactical victory. The one ship that doesn’t have Born for This, Knack in the Z-95, makes up for it with an ability to share his talents after he dies. Knack brings a different defense bonus with Dedicated. Instead of sharing tokens, he can gain a strain to give an ally a defensive reroll.
Another defensive bonus comes from Klick. With his R3 Astromech, he can lock two of his allies. Then, once per round he can deny an enemy their range one bonus die when attacking those ships. Alternatively, he could also allow those allies to make range three attacks without the enemy gaining a bonus die. This is extremely versatile and with Klick being in the V-Wing and having three defense dice himself, he’ll be one of the harder ships for your opponent to kill.
All of these ships’ support abilities have some range flexibility. Born for This is out to range two, Klick is range three, Dedicated is range two but limited to side arcs. This means you do not have to fly your ships in a tight formation, allowing you to take advantage of having six ships to spread out to conquer objectives.
Loadout Variations
*Editors Note* I took a variant on this list, switching out Knack for Slider and won our local seasonal tournament (18 players, no loses). So it has at least some legs.
Because this list contains so many Siege of Coruscant ships, the only loadout variation you have is on Knack. I went with two Talents that could be useful to his allies if he transfers them. You could easily switch one out for Swarm Tactics to bring your I3 or I4 up to I5 for the combat engagement. You have two more I5’s that could take it after his death. Crackshot is also another consideration. Either he gets to use it, or gets to pass it on for someone else to use.
Because there are so many ships that cost 3 points, you can also get a lot of mileage out of this list’s basic concept by switching out pilots. I stuck with the SOC ships to double down on Born for This but it’s not essential. The two ARC’s are your core, as high health, high damage ships for eight points. What the other four ships are is mostly up to taste and your preferred tactics.
Check out Wayne’s newest book, Seraph’s Break, available now!