Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad, what expansion pack all of the upgrades come from and then give you the low down on how best to fly it. Strap in and get ready to fly…
After the excitement that is Rogue One I wanted to see what we could capture from the movie. So I today I present you with the first of two squadrons inspired by the movie.
All Wings Report In- Blue Squadron
U-Wing “Hef Tobber” (U-Wing Expansion) (30 pts) (PS 3)
After an enemy ship executes a maneuver that causes it to overlap your ship, you may perform a free action.
- Title– Pivot Wing (U-Wing Expansion):
- Side A (Attack): Increase your agility by 1. After you execute a maneuver, you may flip this card.
- Side B (Landing): When you reveal a (0 ) maneuver, you may rotate your ship 180°. After you execute a maneuver, you may flip this card.
- Crew- Cassian Andor (U-Wing Expansion): At the end of the Planning phase, you may choose an enemy ship at Range 1-2. Guess aloud that ship’s bearing and speed, then look at its dial. If you are correct, you may rotate your dial to another maneuver.
- Crew- Zeb Orrelios (Ghost Expansion): Enemy ships inside your firing arc that you are touching are not considered to be touching you when either you or they activate during the Combat phase.
- Modification- Anti-Pursuit Lasers (Lambda Shuttle Expansion)- After an enemy ship executes a maneuver that causes it to overlap your ship, roll 1 attack die. On a Hit or Crit result, the enemy ship suffers 1 damage.
- System- Enhanced Scopes (Rebel Aces/TIE Punisher Expansion): During the Activation phase, treat your pilot skill value as “0.”
U-Wing “Blue Squadron Pilot” (U-Wing Expansion) 26 pts) (PS 2)
- Title– Pivot Wing (U-Wing Expansion):
- Side A (Attack): Increase your agility by 1. After you execute a maneuver, you may flip this card.
- Side B (Landing): When you reveal a (0) maneuver, you may rotate your ship 180°. After you execute a maneuver, you may flip this card.
- Crew- Bistan (U-Wing Expansion): When attacking Range 1-2, you may change 1 of your Hit results to a Crit result.
- Crew- Intel Agent (Lambda/HWK-290 Expansion): At the start of the Activation phase, choose 1 enemy ship at Range 1-2. You may look at that ship’s chosen maneuver.
- System- Collision Detector (TIE/sf Expansion): When performing a boost, barrel roll, or decloak, your ship and maneuver template can overlap obstacles. When rolling for obstacle damage, ignore all results.
2x X-Wing “Rookie Pilot” (Core Set/X-wing/Rebel Transport Expansion) (22 pts) (PS 2)
- Modification- Integrated Astromech (T-70/Heroes of the Resistance Expansion)- When you are dealt a Damage card, you may discard 1 of your Astromech Upgrade cards to discard that Damage card.
- Astromech- R2 Astromech (Y-Wing Expansion): You may treat all 1- and 2-speed maneuvers as green maneuvers.
Lock S-Foils in Attack Position
I wanted to get as canon accurate as I could but I took a few liberties by throwing Cassian and Zeb onboard to take full advantage of Hef’s ability. And there’s no official word on Zeb not being there so Cassian is the only real step out. Hef likes to bump and Zeb lets him shoot and Cassian makes it easier to bump. With Enhanced Scopes you are guaranteed to move first and can change your maneuver to ensure a bump.
Our other U-Wing is a generic Blue Squadron pilot who doesn’t care about debris fields thanks to Collision Detectors. Unfortunately Intel Agent triggers after Cassian; otherwise this would be an incredible boost to Hef’s bumping potential. Even though it triggers after you potentially get a chance to change your maneuver with Cassian it is still useful. With it you can know if it’s a good time to use Pivot Wings.
The two X-wings, sadly, are not officially Blue Squadron since there are no Blue Squadron T-65 pilots in the game. But Rookies work just fine for beefing up the squadron with some escorts.
If you could trim a point you could change the Intel Agent into a Mercenary Co-Pilot ensuring the Blue Squadron a crit at any range. Not sure where to get that point though. Cutting Zeb costs Hef the ability to shoot who bumps into him but it’s probably the best choice.
Stay tuned for another list inspired by the movie next week!