Rogue Squadron- Battle of Scarif part 2- Red and Gold Phoenix

Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad, what expansion pack all of the upgrades come from and then give you the low down on how best to fly it. Strap in and get ready to fly…

Continuing our look at squadrons you can fly from Rogue One, I now present you a combo of pilots we never thought would be canon to fly together; Ghost with Red and Gold Leaders.

All Wings Report In

VCX-100 “Chopper”  (Ghost Expansion) (43 pts) (PS 4)

At the start of the Combat phase, each enemy ship you are touching receives 1 stress token.

  • Crew- Inspiring Recruit (U-Wing Expansion): Once per round, when a friendly ship at Range 1-2 removes a stress token, it may remove 1 additional stress token.
  • Crew- Kanan Jarrus (Ghost Expansion): Once per round, after a friendly ship at Range 1-2 executes a white maneuver, you may remove 1 stress token from that ship.
  • System- Fire Control System (B-Wing/TIE Phantom Expansion): After you perform an attack, you may acquire a target lock on the defender.

Y-Wing “Dutch Vander”  (Y-Wing Expansion) (30 pts) (PS 6)

After acquiring a target lock, choose another friendly ship at Range 1-2. The chosen ship may immediately acquire a target lock.

  • Title BTL-A4 (Most Wanted Expansion): You cannot attack ships outside your firing arc. After you perform a primary weapon attack, you may immediately perform an attack with a Turret secondary weapon.
  • Turret- Dorsal Turret (Ghost Expansion): Attack 2, Range 1-2: If the target of this attack is at Range 1, roll 1 additional attack die.
  • Torpedo- Bomb Loadout (Most Wanted Expansion): Your upgrade bar gains the Bomb icon.
  • Bomb- Ion Bomb (K-Wing/TIE Punisher Expansion): When this bomb token detonates, each ship at Range 1 of the token receives 2 ion tokens. Then discard this token.
  • Astromech- R3-A2 (Rebel Transport Expansion): When you declare the target of your attack, if the defender is inside your firing arc, you may receive 1 stress token to cause the defender to receive 1 stress token.

X-Wing “Garven Dreis”  (X-wing Expansion) (27 pts) (PS 6)

After spending a focus token, you may place that token on any other friendly ship at Range 1-2 (instead of discarding it).

  • Modification- Integrated Astromech (T-70/Heroes of the Resistance Expansion)- When you are dealt a Damage card, you may discard 1 of your Astromech Upgrade cards to discard that Damage card.
  • Astromech- R2 Astromech (Y-Wing Expansion): You may treat all 1- and 2-speed maneuvers as green maneuvers.

Lock S-Foils in Attack Position

This list is far from anything resembling competitive. But that doesn’t matter because it’s fun. Ghost flying alongside Red and Gold Squadron is now canon and that’s cool for us Star Wars geeks.

While it’s not super competitive, due to the inclusion of a non-Biggs X-wing and reliance on pilot synergies, it can do a lot before inevitably falling apart. With Dutch passing out a target lock, Garven passing out a Focus, and Chopper getting free target locks from FCS your attacks will be well modified for some good damage output. You will need to keep them relatively close to each other but all support abilities are range 1-2 instead of just range 1 which gives you some flexibility.

Dutch in a stress hog is not something you see every day. If he doesn’t get his action his pilot ability is pretty useless. That’s where Ghost comes in. With Kanan and an Inspiring Recruit the Y-wing’s terrible dial suddenly isn’t so bad. Dutch can double stress a target and then take almost any of his maneuver (barring a K-turn or w hard 3) and as long as he’s at range 1-2 of Ghost he can clear both stress. This will keep him relevant for much longer than your typical stress hog.

“Why the ion bombs?” I can hear you asking. They aren’t the best bomb available. But he will need them in order to disable that Star Destroyer.


The obvious change is to drop the Ion Bombs for something else. Without them you could give Dutch an Ion Cannon so he can stress and ion his target. That is probably more effective overall.

You could also take out the stress element entirely. Change R3-A2 to just an R2 then drop Kanan, Inspiring Recruit and the Ion Bombs.  Then Dutch could have a Twin Laser Turret (with or without BTL-A4 title) and four points available to spend on Ghost. That could get you Ezra and Hera crew so Ghost can just not care about stress.  Or dump the FCS as well and give Ghost a TLT too.

Enjoy reenacting Rogue One!

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Wayne Basta

Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
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