Rogue Squadron- Battle of Yavin- Rebel Forces

Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad, what expansion pack all of the upgrades come from and then give you the low down on how best to fly it. Strap in and get ready to fly…

All Wings Report In

In this special Rebellion week edition of Rogue Squadron we’re going to look at two Epic level (300 point) squadrons; the two sides in the Battle for Yavin. We’ll start with the Rebels and continue with the Imperials in a follow up post.

xwingRed Squadron

Red Leader- X-Wing “Garven Dreis”  (X-Wing Expansion) (33 pts)

After spending a focus token, you may place that token on any other friendly ship at Range 1-2 (instead of discarding it).

  • Astromech R2-D6 (Rebel Transport Expansion): Your upgrade bar gains the Elite Pilot Talen upgrade icon.
  • Elite Pilot Talent- Wingman (Z-95 Expansion): At the start of the Combat phase, remove 1 stress token from another friendly ship at Range 1..
  • Torpedo- Proton Torpedo (Core/X-wing/Y-Wing/B-Wing Expansion)- Attack (Range 2-3, 4 Attack): Spend your target lock and discard this card to perform this attack. You may change 1 of your Focus results to a Hit  result.

Red 2- X-Wing “Wedge Antilles”  (X-Wing Expansion) (41 pts)

When attacking, reduce the defender’s agility value by 1 (to a minimum of “0”).

  • Astromech R2 Astromech (Y-Wing Expansion): You may treat all 1- and 2-speed maneuvers as green maneuvers.
  • Elite Pilot Talent- Push the Limits (A-wing/Imperial Aces Expansion): Once per round, after you perform an action, you may perform 1 free action shown in your action bar. Then receive 1 stress token.
  • Modification- Engine Upgrade (Millenium Falcon Expansion)- Your action bar gains the Boost  action icon.
  • Torpedo- Proton Torpedo (Core/X-wing/Y-Wing/B-Wing Expansion)- Attack (Range 2-3, 4 Attack): Spend your target lock and discard this card to perform this attack. You may change 1 of your Focus results to a Hit  result.

Red 3- X-Wing “Biggs Darklighter”  (Core) (36 pts)

Other friendly ships at Range 1 cannot be targeted by attacks if the attacker could target you instead.

  • Astromech R5-P9 (Rebel Transport Expansion): At the end of the Combat phase, you may spend 1 of your focus tokens to recover 1 shield (up to your shield value).
  • Modification- Shield Upgrade (Millenium Falcon/Imperial Aces Expansion)-Increase your shield value by 1.
  • Torpedo- Proton Torpedo (Core/X-wing/Y-Wing/B-Wing Expansion)- Attack (Range 2-3, 4 Attack): Spend your target lock and discard this card to perform this attack. You may change 1 of your Focus results to a Hit  result.

Red 4- X-Wing “Red Squadron Pilot”  (Core) (28 pts)


  • Astromech R2 Astromech (Y-Wing Expansion): You may treat all 1- and 2-speed maneuvers as green maneuvers.
  • Torpedo- Proton Torpedo (Core/X-wing/Y-Wing/B-Wing Expansion)- Attack (Range 2-3, 4 Attack): Spend your target lock and discard this card to perform this attack. You may change 1 of your Focus results to a Hit  result.

Red 5- X-Wing “Luke Skywalker”  (Core) (41 pts)

When defending, you may change 1 of your Focus  results to an Evade  result.

  • Astromech R2-D2 (Core): After executing a green maneuver, you may recover 1 shield (up to your shield value).
  • Elite Pilot Talent- Draw Their Fire (Millenium Falcon Expansion): When a friendly ship at Range 1 is hit by an attack, you may suffer 1 of the uncanceled Critical  results instead of the target ship.
  • Modification- Shield Upgrade (Millenium Falcon/Imperial Aces Expansion)-Increase your shield value by 1.
  • Torpedo- Proton Torpedo (Core/X-wing/Y-Wing/B-Wing Expansion)- Attack (Range 2-3, 4 Attack): Spend your target lock and discard this card to perform this attack. You may change 1 of your Focus results to a Hit  result.

Red 6- X-Wing “Jek Porkins”  (Rebel Transport Expansion) (40 pts)

When you receive a stress token, you may remove it and roll 1 attack die. On a Hit result, deal 1 facedown Damage card to this ship.

  • Astromech R5-D8 (Y-Wing Expansion): Action: Roll 1 defense die. On a Focus or Evade  result, discard 1 of your facedown Damage cards..
  • Elite Pilot Talent- Push the Limits (A-wing/Imperial Aces Expansion): Once per round, after you perform an action, you may perform 1 free action shown in your action bar. Then receive 1 stress token.
  • Modification- Engine Upgrade (Millenium Falcon Expansion)- Your action bar gains the Boost  action icon.
  • Torpedo- Proton Torpedo (Core/X-wing/Y-Wing/B-Wing Expansion)- Attack (Range 2-3, 4 Attack): Spend your target lock and discard this card to perform this attack. You may change 1 of your Focus results to a Hit result.

Gold Squadron

ywingrebelGold Leader- Y-Wing “Dutch Vander”  (Y-Wing Expansion) (31 pts)

After acquiring a target lock, choose another friendly ship at Range 1-2. The chosen ship may immediately acquire a target lock.

  • Astromech R5-K8 (X-Wing Expansion): After spending your target lock, roll 1 defense die. On an evade  result, immediately acquire a target lock on that same ship. You cannot spend this target lock during this attack
  • Turret- Autoblaster Turret (Most Wanted Expansion)- Attack (Range 1, 2 Attack): Attack 1 ship (even a ship outside your firing arc). Your results cannot be canceled by defense dice. The defender may cancel results before results.
  • Title- BTL-A4 (Most Wanted Expansion)- You cannot attack ships outside your firing arc. After you perform a primary weapon attack, you may immediately perform an attack with a secondary weapon.
  • Torpedo- Proton Torpedo (Core/X-wing/Y-Wing/B-Wing Expansion)- Attack (Range 2-3, 4 Attack): Spend your target lock and discard this card to perform this attack. You may change 1 of your Focus results to a Hit result.

Gold 2 and 3- Y-Wing “Gold Squadron”  (Y-Wing Expansion) (25 pts)


  • Astromech R5 Astromech (X-Wing Expansion): During the End phase, you may choose 1 of your faceup Damage cards with the Ship trait and flip it facedown.
  • Turret- Autoblaster Turret (Most Wanted Expansion)- Attack (Range 1, 2 Attack): Attack 1 ship (even a ship outside your firing arc). Your results cannot be canceled by defense dice. The defender may cancel results before results.
  • Title- BTL-A4 (Most Wanted Expansion)- You cannot attack ships outside your firing arc. After you perform a primary weapon attack, you may immediately perform an attack with a secondary weapon.
  • Torpedo- Proton Torpedo (Core/X-wing/Y-Wing/B-Wing Expansion)- Attack (Range 2-3, 4 Attack): Spend your target lock and discard this card to perform this attack. You may change 1 of your Focus results to a Hit result.

Lock S-Foils in Attack Position

The rules for this squadron were simple; be as close to canon as the game would allow while staying within the game’s Epic rules. To start, I went with the named Rebel pilots instead of a mass of generic Red Squadron pilots. That was the easy part as most of the named pilots are in the game and they are all good pilots. The next choices were more constraining.

Each ship had to have an Astromech and carry Proton torpedoes. Because they need those torpedoes to destroy the Death Star. Otherwise, why would they carry such a waste of 4 points? This sucked up 36 total points from the total, which would have been enough for two more Gold Squadron Y-wings.

This also necessitated putting R2-D2 on Luke. He works well with R5-P9 because he doesn’t need his Focus token for defense, unlike Biggs. So instead he has Draw Their Fire to help keep Biggs alive, who will be keeping him alive for a short, short time.

For the Y-wings I judged that the ones flew at Yavin must be the BTL-A4 variants. Otherwise, those TIEs flying behind the Y-Wing bombing run would have been in trouble. Had to go with Autoblaster turrets to save points for those Proton torpedoes.

Tactics for this squad will be entirely based on what you would use them for. An actual trench run scenario would probably have special rules versus a regular Epic level game. In most cases, keeping them in a tight formation until Biggs buys it would be the best bet, concentrate your firepower. Then Porkins and Wedge can break off and flank with their PtL and Engine Upgrades.

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Wayne Basta

Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
Wayne is the managing editor of d20 Radio's Gaming Blog. He also writes Sci-fi, . If you enjoy his work, you can support him on Patreon.