Rogue Squadron- Corran/Dash

Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad, what expansion pack all of the upgrades come from and then give you the low down on how best to fly it. Strap in and get ready to fly…

All Wings Report In

yt2400YT-2400 “Dash Rendar”  (YT-2400 Expansion) (58 pts)

You may ignore obstacles during the Activation phase and when performing actions.

  • Elite Pilot Talent- Push the Limits (A-Wing/Imperial Aces Expansion):Once per round, after you perform an action, you may perform 1 free action shown in your action bar. Then receive 1 stress token.
  • Title- Outrider (StarViper Expansions)- While you have a Cannon Upgrade card equipped, you cannot perform primary weapon attacks and you may perform cannon secondary weapon attacks against ships outside your firing arc.
  • Cannon- Heavy Laser Cannon (YT-2400/Slave-1/Lambda Shuttle Expansions)- Attack (4 Dice, Range 2-3) Immediately after rolling your attack dice, you must change all of your Critical  results to Hit results.
  • Crew- Kyle Katarn (Rebel Aces Expansion)- After you remove a stress token from your ship, you may assign a focus token to your ship.
  • Modification- Engine Upgrade (Millenium Falcon/Hound’s Tooth Expansion)- Your action bar gains the Boost action icon.

ewingE-Wing “Corran Horn”  (E-Wing Expansion) (42 pts)

At the start of the End phase, you may perform one attack. You cannot attack during the next round.

  • Elite Pilot Talent- Veteran Instincts (Millenium Falcon/Slave-1 Expansions)- Increase your pilot skill value by 2.
  • System- Fire Control Systems (B-Wing/TIE Phantom Expansions)- After you perform an attack, you may acquire a target lock on the defender
  • Astromech- R2-D2 (Core)- After executing a green maneuver, you may recover 1 shield (up to your shield value).


Lock S-Foils in Attack Position

This list was very popular for awhile, at least in my region. It was nearly impossible to beat when flown by someone who knew what they were doing (though that’s more or less true for any list in the right hands). It worked so well because it excelled very well at two of the three archetypes; Arc-Dodging and Turrets.

Corran Horn at PS10 moves after and shoots before everyone else (unless they are PS 10 or Roark has bumped them to PS12, but those are fringe cases). At the time, Whisper was a major threat and he was able to counter her. With his ability to fire twice in a round and the FCS giving him rerolls, he could take out a tough opponent much earlier than would be typical. Combined with R2-D2 regenerating his shields made him a really difficult ship to pin down.

Dash Rendar, even though he’s only PS7, can go anywhere and avoid a lot of fire. Being able to fly onto obstacles and then barrel roll and boost off of them means he can make maneuvers no other ship can. This allows him to get away from tough spots with impunity. And with a 4 attack turret he can do some serious damage.

His major weakness, the “donut hole” of range 1 where he can’t attack, is mitigated by his speed and ability. If your opponent has fast arc dodgers, like A-wings, Interceptors or Phantoms, that can work their way into range 1 after you’ve moved, you can have trouble. That’s where flying through the rocks helps. Since Dash doesn’t care about landing on them or flying through them, force those other ships to follow you.

Overall, the squad’s biggest weakness is swarms, as they only get two attacks a round (sometimes three but that leaves them with one the following round). They can be overwhelmed with targets to shoot at and if the dice go against them and they fail to take out a ship a turn, they’ll get whittled down with a thousand small cuts.



This formation is the classic “Super-Dash” where he is tricked out as much as possible. Dash can move and with Kyle and PtL can do some damage. With the advent of the “Mangler” cannon you can close the “donut hole” on Dash, save three points and still have a three attack turret, which adds a crit to your results. With those three points you can give Push the Limts to Corran, change FCS to Advanced Sensors and move the Engine Upgrade over to him. That makes it a “Super Corran” build. Corran loses his PS 10 but becomes much harder to kill since he can now take two actions before moving, then take a green maneuver removing his stress and regenerating a shield.

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Wayne Basta

Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
Wayne is the managing editor of d20 Radio's Gaming Blog. He also writes Sci-fi, . If you enjoy his work, you can support him on Patreon.