Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series, we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad, what expansion pack all of the upgrades come from and then give you the lowdown on how best to fly it. Strap in and get ready to fly.
All Wings Report In (Extended)
2x HMP Gunship “Separatist Predator” (48 pts) (I3)
Networked Aim: You cannot spend your locks to reroll attack dice. While you perform an attack, you may reroll a number of attack dice up to the number of friendly locks on the defender.
- Missile- Concussion Missile: Charges 3. Attack (Forward Arc, 3, range 2-3) Spend 1 Charge. After this attack hits, each ship at range 0-1 of the defender exposes 1 of its damage cards.
- Payload- Concussion Bomb: Charges 3. During the System Phase, if any of this card’s are inactive, you must spend 1 to drop 1 concussion bomb, if able. Otherwise, you may spend 1 to drop 1 concussion bomb.
- (Bomb Token) – At the end of the Activation Phase, this device detonates. When this device detonates, each ship and remote at range 0–1 is dealt 1 facedown damage card. Then, each ship at range 0–1 must expose 1 damage card unless it chooses to gain 1 strain token.
- Configuration- Repulsorlift Stabilizers:
- Inactive: Setup: Equip this side faceup. Reduce the difficulty of your straight () maneuvers. After you fully execute a maneuver, you may flip this card.
- Active: After you reveal a bank ( or ) or turn ( or ), you must perform that maneuver as a slideslip, then flip this card. After you fully execute a non-sideslip maneuver, you may flip this card.
2x Nantex Starfighter “Stalgasin Hive Guard” (30 pts) (I3)
Pinpoint Tractor Array: You cannot rotate your Mobile Arc to your Rear Arc. After you execute a maneuver, you may gain 1 tractor token to perform a Rotate action
- Talent- Deadeye Shot: While you perform a primary attack, if the defender is in your Bullseye, you may spend 1 Hit result or change 1 Crit result to a Hit result. If you do, the defender exposes 1 of its damage cards.
Belbullab-22 “Skakoan Ace” (39pts) (I3)
- Talent- Deadeye Shot: While you perform a primary attack, if the defender is in your Bullseye, you may spend 1 Hit result or change 1 Crit result to a Hit result. If you do, the defender exposes 1 of its damage cards.
- Tactical Relay- Kalani: Charges 3 (triple reoccurring). After an enemy ship executes a maneuver, if it is in the Bullseye of a friendly ship at range 0-3, you may spend 1 Charge. If you do, that friendly ship acquires a lock on that enemy ship, then gains 1 stress token.
Lock S-Foils in Attack Position
This list takes the idea of exposing your enemy’s damage cards up to 11. Every ship has a way of exposing cards. All being Initiative 3, you can fire them in whichever order is more beneficial. Have a Nantex with a bullseye attack? Fire the others first to get a damage card through so the Nantex can flip it with Deadeye. Got a Concussion shot from a gunship? Fire a few shots on the other ships to spread out some damage cards for the concussion effect to trigger.
Aside from the exposing crit aspect, the list works in the secondary way of flight shenanigans. Repulsorlift allows the HMP to spin around their target. The Nantex’s self tractor and mobile arc allows them to shift and still get shots. I3 works out here as this list beats most generic swarms yet still has a strong five ship attack.
Concussion bombs are a potential threat to yourself, as they force you to drop them every round unless you want to reload and lose out on a shot. But their effect is quite nasty if you can score a hit. Having a white reload makes the HMP a good carrier.
Kalani can be moved to either HMP easy enough. The HMP’s have more health and your enemy can confuse themselves about which ship he’s on. I flew him on the Bellyrub for balance and because I wanted to deploy him in the rear of the formation.
Concussion Missiles could be converted to Discord Missiles, freeing up points to turn the Stalgasin Guards into Petranaki Ace’s with Marksmanship. All this still fits the theme of dealing exposed cards.