Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad, what expansion pack all of the upgrades come from and then give you the low down on how best to fly it. Strap in and get ready to fly…
All Wings Report In
JumpMaster 5000 “Dengar” (Punishing One Expansion) (54 pts) (PS 9)
Once per round after defending, if the attacker is inside your firing arc, you may perform an attack against that ship.
- Title– Punishing One (Punishing One Expansion): Increase your primary weapon value by 1.
- Elite Pilot Talent- Lone Wolf (Hound’s Tooth/YT-2400 Expansion): When attacking or defending, if there are no other friendly ships at Range 1-2, you may reroll 1 of your blank results.
- Modification- Countermeasures (Shadow Caster/YT-2400 Expansion)- At the start of the Combat phase, you may discard this card to increase your agility value by 1 until the end of the round. Then you may remove 1 enemy target lock from your ship.
- Crew- Zuckuss (Mist Hunter Expansion): When attacking, you may receive any number of stress tokens to choose an equal number of defense dice. The defender must reroll those dice.
- Illicit- Glitterstim (Kihraxz/Hound’s Tooth Expansion): At the start of the Combat phase, you may discard this card and receive 1 stress token. If you do, until the end of the round, when attacking or defending, you may change all of your results to or results.
- Salvaged Astromech- Overclocked R4 (Punishing One Expansion)– During the Combat phase, when you spend a focus token, you may receive 1 stress token to assign 1 focus token to your ship.
JumpMaster 5000 “Manaroo” (Punishing One Expansion) (43 pts) (PS 4)
At the start of the Combat phase, you may assign all focus, evade, and target lock tokens assigned to you to another friendly ship.
- Elite Pilot Talent- Push the Limits (A-Wing/Imperial Aces Expansion): Once per round, after you perform an action, you may perform 1 free action shown in your action bar. Then receive 1 stress token.
- Modification- Guidance Chip (Punishing One/Inquisitor’s TIE Expansion)- Once per round, when attacking with a Torpedo or Missile secondary weapon, you may change 1 die result to a Hit result (or a Crit result if your primary weapon value is “3” or higher).
- Crew- Gonk (Punishing One Expansion): Action: Place 1 shield token on this card.
Action: Remove 1 shield token from this card to recover 1 shield (up to your shield value). - Salvaged Astromech- R5-P8 (Punishing One Expansion)– Once per round, after defending, you may roll 1 attack die. On a Hit result, the attacker suffers 1 damage. On a Crit result, you and the attacker each suffer 1 damage.
- Torpedo- Proton Torpedo (Many Expansion): Attack (4, Range 2-3): Spend your target lock and discard this card to perform this attack. You may change 1 of your Focus results to a Crit result.
- Torpedo- Extra Munitions (K-Wing/TIE Punisher): When you equip this card, place 1 ordnance token on each equipped Torpedo, Missile, and Bomb Upgrade card. When you are instructed to discard an Upgrade card, you may discard 1 ordnance token on that card instead.
Lock S-Foils in Attack Position
We talked earlier today about an alternative to Dengaroo so it wouldn’t be fitting to do so without going into the popular list itself. The basic idea between the two lists are the same; Dengar gets a Focus from the other ship, abuses Zuckuss to cause mayhem. The main difference is that Dengar now has Lone Wolf which can go a long way to keeping him alive. Free rerolls of blanks of attacks and defense is a very nice thing to have, especially when you have infinite Focus tokens.
Gonk and R5-P8 help keep Manaroo alive. Since you want to keep Manaroo away from the fighting for as long as possible you should have plenty of time to store up some shield tokens to use later. Feedback Array will discourage aces from getting to close. After using it once, be cautious about using PTL if you think you might have another opportunity to use it again as the ion effect will then trigger.
There are a few variations to this list. Using the open three points to give Dengar a torpedo for his opening shot is a common one. Dropping R5-P8 for an Unhinged Astromech is another good one as it would allow Manaroo to turn right and still clear the stress. That would free up even more points for a bigger initiative build or more torpedoes on Dengar.