Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series, we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad and then give you the lowdown on how best to fly it. Strap in and get ready to fly.
All Wings Report In
Droid Tri-Fighter “Phlac-Arphocc Prototype” (41 pts) (I5)
During the System Phase, you may spend your lock on a ship to look at that ship’s dial.
- Chassis Ability-
Networked CalculationsIndependent CalculationsWhile you defend or perform an attack, you may spend 1 calculate token from a friendly ship at range 0-1 to change 1 Focus result to an Evade or Hit result.- While you perform a white Calculate action, you may treat it as red to gain 1 additional calculate token. Other ships cannot spend your calculate tokens using the Networked Calculations ship ability.
- Configuration- Intercept Booster
- 3 Charges, Lose a charge each round
- Attached:
- Adds: SLAM –> Red Lock
- Setup: Equip this side faceup. (Added Actions available on this side only)
- During the System Phase, gain 1 disarm token unless you flip this card
- At the end of the End Phase, if you have no active Charges, flip this card.
- Detached: Empty
- Modification – Independent Calculations
- Replace your Networked Calculations ship ability with Independent Calculations.
- Sensor – Fire Control System
- While you perform an attack, if you have a lock on the defender, you may reroll 1 attack die. If you do, you cannot spend your lock during this attack.
Firespay-31 “Zam Wesell” (88 pts) (I5)
Setup: Lose 2 Charges.
During the System Phase, you may assign 1 of your secret conditions to yourself facedown:
You’d Better Mean Business
This condition is assigned facedown. Reveal it after you defend.
After you defend, you may spend 2 Charges from Zam Wesell. If you do, perform a bonus attack against the attacker.
At the end of the Engagement Phase, if this card is facedown and you are in an enemy ship’s firing arc, you may reveal this card. If you do, Zam Wesell recovers 2 Charges.
At the start of the System Phase, remove this condition.
You Should Thank Me
This condition is assigned facedown. Reveal it after you defend.
After you defend, Zam Wesell recovers 1 Charge. Then, you may acquire a lock on the attacker.
At the end of the Engagement Phase, if this card is facedown and you are in an enemy ship’s firing arc, you may reveal this card and spend 2 from Zam Wesell. If you do, you may perform a bonus attack.
At the start of the System Phase, remove this condition.
- Illicit- Cloaking Device
- Charges: 2
- Action: Spend 1 Charge to perform a Cloak action.
- At the start of the Planning Phase, roll 1 attack die. On a Focus result, decloak or discard your cloak token.
- Talent- Deadeye Shot
- While you perform a primary attack, if the defender is in your Bullseye Arc, you may spend 1 Hit result or change 1 Crit result to a Hit result. If you do, the defender exposes 1 of its damage cards.
Sith Infiltrator “Darth Maul” (71 pts) (I5)
After you perform an attack, you may spend 2 Force to perform a bonus primary attack against a different target. If your attack missed, you may perform that bonus primary attack against the same target instead.
- Force Power- Hate
- After you suffer 1 or more damage, recover that many Force.
- Title- Scimitar
- Adds: Red Cloak, Jam
- Setup: After the Place Forces step, you may cloak.
- After you decloak, you may choose an enemy ship in your Bullseye Arc. If you do, it gains 1 jam token.
Lock S-Foils in Attack Position
This list aims to do one thing, capitalize on the Tri-Fighter’s ability to look at dials. You have your two big ships cloaked. The Tri-Fighter SLAMs in to get a lock. Then, as all your ships are I5, you can do system phase actions in any order. The Tri-Fighter spends the lock, looks at your target’s dial. Zam and Maul can then decloak, or not, in the best position. They then both get to potentially make two attacks for devastating effect.
The hardest part will be decloaking a large base ship. You’ll want to take small obstacles and hope your opponent doesn’t bring the big ones. It can prove frustrating to try and decloak that monster when you’re in tight spaces. But if you can pull it off, and get the bullseye for a free Jam, the end result can wreck your target. Hate is there to help keep Maul fed and firing twice a round until he dies. Zam messes with target priority. And the lonely little Tri-Fighter can come back to cause trouble if it’s just ignored.
Most of the upgrades, aside from Cloaking Device and Scimitar, are flexible but probably not worth changing. Though, you’ll almost definitely want to keep Hate. FCS lets the Tri-Fighter get a reroll while keeping the lock to use next system phase. Intercept Booster helps it get into position for the opening engagement. Deadeye is completely flexible though. Marksmanship or Marg Sabl Closure, and Composure all cost the same.