Rogue Squadron – Lando and the Ladies

Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series, we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad, what expansion pack all of the upgrades come from and then give you the lowdown on how best to fly it. Strap in and get ready to fly.

All Wings Report In (Hyperspace)

A/SF-01 B-Wing “Gina Moonsong” (Hotshots and Aces Kit) (57ts) (I5)

At the start of the Engagement Phase, you must transfer 1 of your stress tokens to another friendly ship at range 0-2.

  • Cannon- Autoblaster (Hotshots and Aces Kit): Attack (2 dice, range 1-2): If the defender is in your Bullseye arc, roll 1 additional die. During the Neutralize Results step, if you are not in the defender’s Front Arc, Evade results do not cancel Crit results.
  • Configuration- Stabilized S-foils (Hotshots and Aces Kit)): 
    • Closed: Adds Reload, Barrel Roll –> Red Evade Actions.   Before you activate, if you are not critically damaged, you may flip this card.
    • Open: Adds Barrel Roll –> Red Lock Actions.  After you perform an attack, you may spend your lock on the defender to perform a bonus  attack against that ship using a  upgrade you have not attacked with this turn. Before you activate, if you are not critically damaged, you may flip this card.
  • Sensor- Fire Control System (Wave 1): While you perform an attack, if you have a lock on the defender, you may reroll 1 attack die. If you do, you cannot spend your lock during this attack.

BTL-A4 Y-Wing “Norra Wexley” (Y-Wing Expansion) (48ts) (I5)

While you defend, if there is an enemy ship at range 0-1, add 1 Evade result to your dice results.

  • Astromech- R4 Astromech (Wave 1)-  Reduce the difficulty of speed 1-2 base maneuvers.
  • Turret- Ion Cannon Turret (Wave 1): Attack (3 dice, range 1-2): If this attack hits, spend 1  or  result to cause the defender to suffer 1  damage. All remaining / results inflict ion tokens instead of damage.

Modified YT-1300 “Lando Calrissian” (Rebel Conversion Kit) (95ts) (I5)

After you fully execute a blue maneuver, you may choose a friendly ship at range 0-3. That ship may perform an action.

  • Crew- K-2S0 (Hotshots and Aces Kit): Adds Jam and Calculate Actions. During the System Phase, you may choose a friendly ship at range 0-3. That ship gains 1 calculate token and 1 stress token.
  • Crew- Nien Numb (Wave 4): Decrease the difficulty of your bank maneuvers.
  • Title- Millennium Falcon (Wave 4): Adds Evade action. While you defend, if you are evading, you may reroll 1 defense die.

Lock S-Foils in Attack Position

I started playing around with the B-Wings and thinking about a good pair for Gina. Something with an R4 astromech or Lando came to mind. So, I thought, why not both?

All come in at I5 which gives you a lot of flexibility in activation. Which, given their chaining abilities works really well. Lando can go first and give Norra or Gina a pre-maneuver action, such as a barrel roll linked to an action on Gina. K-2S0 can pass off a calculate token to someone to use. Lando himself is the likeliest candidate since he gets the stress before he maneuvers and will almost always be taking a blue so can clear it. If he’s stressed from taking on Gina’s stress, he can give Norra the calculate and with R4 she will be able to easily clear it.

It’s a beefy list, coming in at 29 health. Despite everyone having only one green defense die, it’s surprisingly tough. Lando with token stacking and defensive rerolls if he’s evading, can almost play like he’s reinforced. Norra gets in close and she becomes a pain to kill. Gina is the weak one out there and will probably drop first. But she can dish out some pain before she goes down. Probably best to use her as a flanker and come in late. Let your opponent get the taste of blood on Lando or Norra first so Gina can be around late game.


To fit the theme of the title, you could switch out K-2S0 for Leia. I originally went that way but for this list, Leia isn’t as beneficial as normal. She’s good but it’s just a bonus, not game changing. Free actions from K-2S0 every round are better. If you play extended instead of hyperspace, you could fit the theme by taking Jyn instead. That would give you some more points to distribute to the B-Wing or Y-Wing.

The Millennium Falcon title is another place you could trim. It’s enough points to upgrade Gina’s autoblaster to an ion cannon. Or give Norra Expert Handling.

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Wayne Basta

Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
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