Rogue Squadron- Let’s Dance

Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad, what expansion pack all of the upgrades come from and then give you the low down on how best to fly it. Strap in and get ready to fly…

All Wings Report In

xwingX-Wing “Wedge Antilles” (X-Wing Expansion) (38 pts) (PS 9)

When attacking, reduce the defender’s agility value by 1 (to a minimum of “0”).

  • Elite Pilot Talent- Push the Limits (A-Wing/Imperial Aces Expansions): Once per round, after you perform an action, you may perform 1 free action shown in your action bar. Then receive 1 stress token.
  • Astromech- BB-8 (TFA Core) – When you reveal a green maneuver, you may perform a free barrel roll action
  • Modification- Engine Upgrade (Millenium Falcon/Hound’s Tooth Expansions) –  Your action bar gains the Boost action icon.

awingblueA-Wing “Jake Farrell” (Rebel Aces Expansion) (28 pts) (PS 7)

After you perform a focus action or are assigned a focus token, you may perform a free boost or barrel roll action.

  • Elite Pilot Talent– Wired (TFA Core): When attacking or defending, if you are stressed, you may reroll 1 or more of your Focus results.
  • Elite Pilot Talent- Push the Limits (A-Wing/Imperial Aces Expansions): Once per round, after you perform an action, you may perform 1 free action shown in your action bar. Then receive 1 stress token.
  • Modification- Autothrusters (StarViper Expansion) – When defending, if you are beyond Range 2 or outside the attacker’s firing arc, you may change 1 of your blank results to an Evade result. You can equip this card only if you have the Boost action icon.

1005151213T-70 X-Wing “Blue Ace” (TFA Core) (33 pts) (PS 5)

When performing a boost action, you may use the (Hard Right 1) or (Hard Left 1) template.

  • Astromech- R2-D2 (Original Core) – After executing a green maneuver, you may recover 1 shield (up to your shield value).
  • Modification- Autothrusters (StarViper Expansion) – When defending, if you are beyond Range 2 or outside the attacker’s firing arc, you may change 1 of your blank results to an Evade result. You can equip this card only if you have the Boost action icon.

Lock S-Foils in Attack Position

This list can move in ridiculous and mysterious ways. Wedge with BB-8, PTL and Engine Upgrade is phenomenal. Reveal green, barrel, push to TL then move and remove the stress so you can then Focus or Boost. He’s really hard to pin down with that flexibility. And at PS 9 he’s moving after almost everyone else. Then when he shoots you, often with Focus + Target Lock, you have to roll one less die.

Then there’s Jake whose the only A-wing with an effective native Barrel Roll. Combine that with PTL and he’s boosting, evading or target locking as well. This makes him very good at arc dodging or, in combination with Autothrusters and Wired, turtling. He doesn’t hit very hard with no Prockets but it will take awhile to kill him.

Then there is Blue Ace. The unsung hero of this list. You don’t want to shoot at him early. You want to kill Wedge because if you don’t, Wedge will mess you up. But then you’re left with Blue Ace in the end game. And he has three shields with R2-D2. In one game he ate a couple shots because Wedge was out of arc and was shieldless. But then they resumed focusing on Wedge and by the time Wedge died, Blue Ace was at full health again.

His ability is also under rated. You can end up in some good angles by taking a soft turn followed by a hard turn boost. He can also effectively get a hard turn green by one straight, recover a shield, and then hard turn. It’s not a maneuver you see often and people don’t really expect it when it happens.

Like all three ship lists it’s vulnerable to swarms. If they spread out to take away your ability use any of the fancy maneuvering you could get chewed up. Two ships with autothrusters allows it to do pretty well against turrets, though Wedge if he can’t get into the donut hole, won’t last to long against TLT spam. Fortunately for him, he can Boost to get close.


There aren’t a lot of variations to this list without losing it’s strength’s. It’s points are really optimized already. You could trade Wired for Veteran Instincts to make Jake a PS 9. Likewise you could trade one of the Autothrusters and Wired to give Jake Outmaneuver so that he can effectively gain Wedge’s ability.

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Wayne Basta

Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
Wayne is the managing editor of d20 Radio's Gaming Blog. He also writes Sci-fi, . If you enjoy his work, you can support him on Patreon.

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