Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series, we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad and then give you the lowdown on how best to fly it. Strap in and get ready to fly.
All Wings Report In
BTA-NR2 Y-Wing “Zorii Bliss” (71 pts) (I5)
After a ship at range 1 performs an action during its Perform Action step, if that action is on your action bar, you may spend 1 Charge to perform that action, treating it as red.
- Ship Ability –
Intuitive InterfaceDevastating BarrageAfter you perform an action added to your action bar by a Talent, Modification, or Illicit upgrade, you may perform a Calculate action- While you perform a Torpedo or Missile attack, if the defender is in your Bullseye, your Crit results cannot be cancelled by Evade results
- Astromech – R4 Astromech
- Decrease the difficulty of your speed 1-2 basic maneuvers
- Configuration – Wartime Loadout
- Gain 2 Shields, Lock action, Torpedo Slot, Missile Slot
- Replace your Ship Ability with Devastating Barrage
- Talent – Expert Handling
- Add Barrel Roll action
- Tech – Primed Thrusters
- While you have 2 or fewer stress tokens, you can perform Boost and Barrel Roll actions even while stressed
- Torpedo – Proton Torpedo
- Front Arc, range 2-3, Munition
- Charges: 2
- Attack (Lock): 4
- Spend 1 Charge. Change 1 Hit result to a Crit result.
- Turret – Dorsal Turret
- Mobile Arc, Range 1-2
- Attack 2
- Adds Rotate Action
T-70 X-Wing “Poe Dameron” (89 pts) (I6)
After you perform an action, you may spend 1 Charge to perform a white action, treating it as red.
- Ship Ability – Weapon Hardpoint
- You can equip 1 Torpedo, Missile, or Cannon upgrade.
- Astromech – R4 Astromech
- Decrease the difficulty of your speed 1-2 basic maneuvers
- Cannon – Underslung Blaster Cannon
- Mobile Arc, range 1, Munition
- Adds Rotate Arc action
- Attack (Lock): 2. Your dice can be modified only by spending a lock for the default effect.
- After an enemy ship executes a maneuver, you may perform this attack against it as a bonus attack.
- Configuration – Integrated S-Foils
- Closed
- Adds Barrel Roll, Focus –> Barrel Roll
- While you perform a primary attack, if the defender is not in your Bullseye, roll 1 fewer attack die
- Before you activate, you may flip this card
- Open
- Before you activate, you may flip this card
- Closed
- Modification – Overdrive Thrusters
- While you perform a red Boost, Barrel Roll , or SLAM action, you must use a template of 1 speed higher if able
- Talent – Backwards Tailslide
- While you boost or barrel roll, if your equipped Configuration upgrade has the “(Closed)” side faceup, you can move through and overlap obstacles
- After you boost or barrel roll through an obstacle, if you are not at range 0 of it, gain 1 evade token
- Tech – Primed Thrusters
- While you have 2 or fewer stress tokens, you can perform Boost and Barrel Roll actions even while stressed
- Title – Black One
- Adds SLAM Action
- Charges: 1
- After you perform a SLAM action, lose 1 Charge. Then you may gain 1 ion token to remove 1 disarm token
- If your Charge is inactive, you cannot perform the SLAM action
Resistance Transport Pod “Finn” (40 pts) (I3)
While you defend or perform an attack, you may add 1 blank result, or you may gain 1 strain token to add 1 focus result instead.
- Ship Ability- None
- Crew – C-3P0
- Adds Calculate Action, Adds Coordinate action
- While you coordinate, you can choose friendly ships beyond range 2 if they have Calculate on their action bar.
- After you perform the Coordinate or Calculate action, gain 1 calculate token.
- Talent – Heroic
- While you defend or perform an attack, if you have only blank results and have 2 or more results, you may reroll any number of your dice.
- Tech – Automated Targeting Priority
- While you perform an attack, you must choose a defender at the closest valid attack range.
- After you perform an attack that missed, place 1 calculate token on this card.
- Before you engage, you may remove 1 calculate token from this card to gain a matching token.
Lock S-Foils in Attack Position
I’ll be frank, this list came about purely to make the squad name work. And as an excuse to fly Super Poe and Super Zorii. It’s not a great list. But, in the right hands, it’s not terrible either. It has an I6 and an I5 that can both act like aces.
In the opening engagement, Finn moves first. He coordinates Poe and then gives himself a bonus Calculate token. Poe then takes an action, uses his ability to get a second action, gets stressed. Zorii uses her ability to perform an action, gets stressed. For one action, you’ve now effectively taken four actions. Poe and Zorii can then reveal blue maneuvers and clear their stress, allowing them to get their regular actions.
Once the formation breaks down, it will be harder to ensure Zorii gets her bonus action but since it can trigger off any ship, not just allies, it will still happen. Ending the round stress free will also be harder without the coordinate sharing but Primed Thrusters ensures they can still get vital reposition actions when necessary.
Finn will serve as the bait, hopefully defending above his weight class, giving Zorii and Poe time to whittle them down. Zorii will be next easiest to see die. But that’s your ideal engagement, to still have a healthy Poe in the endgame.

There are a lot of upgrades here you can play with. Sixty-seven points worth in fact. If you take away everything except the two R4 astromechs and C-3P0 (9pts), you have 58, which is worth two cheap ships or one good one. Probably a smarter move in a tournament setting. But then you can’t have Poe focus, barrel roll at speed two through a rock, giving himself an evade token, then open his wings, blast forward at speed three, clear his stress, and SLAM into a T-roll.