Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad, what expansion pack all of the upgrades come from and then give you the low down on how best to fly it. Strap in and get ready to fly…
All Wings Report In
Y-Wing “Syndicate Thug” (Most Wanted Expansion) (23 pts) (PS 2)
- Torpedo- Ion Torpedo (Assault Carrier, Decimator, Starviper Expansion): Attack (target lock) Range 2-3, 4 attack: Spend your target lock and discard this card to perform this attack. If this attack hits, the defender and each ship at Range 1 of it receives 1 ion token.
- Modification- Guidance Chip (Inquisitor’s TIE/Punishing One Expansions): Once per round, when attacking with a Torpedo or Missile secondary weapon, you may change 1 die result to a Hit result (or a Crit result if your primary weapon value is “3” or higher).
4x Quadjumper “Jakku Gunrunner” (Quadjumper Expansion) (19 pts) (PS 1)
- Bomb- Seismic Charge (Slave 1/TIE Bomber/IG-2000 Expansions): When you reveal your maneuver dial, you may discard this card to drop 1 seismic charge token. This token detonates at the end of the Activation phase.
When this bomb token detonates, each ship at Range 1 of the token suffers 1 damage. Then discard this token. - Illicit- Deadman’s Switch (IG-2000 Expansion)- When you are destroyed, each ship at Range 1 suffers 1 damage.
Lock S-Foils in Attack Position
First, recognize that this is one of those lists that is never going to trigger the way you want it too. It’s never going to win a tournament. It’s a pretty bad list. BUT…But…but…the one time it works makes it all worth it.
The idea here is straightforward. Fly your Quadjumper swarm at the enemy. First engagement, get at least one damage on one of the Quadjumpers, manage to hit your opponent with your Ion Torpedo and do enough damage to their ships so that no one has more than eight health. Then next round drop bombers and then fly your quadjumpers backwards onto them. Or if you’re ioned too everyone just collides into each other. Your opponent is ioned and flies right into your trap. The seismic charges go off, dealing four damage to each of your opponents and your quadjumpers. Since one Quadjumper was damaged before, it blows up triggering Deadman’s Switch. This sets off a chain reaction that kills the rest of the Quadjumpers. End result, eight unblockable damage to everything in the cluster. Then your Y-wing, who hung back, flies home to victory.
Like I said, almost impossible to get this to work as no one is going to fly head first into this madness. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try right?
You could drop the Y-wing for another Quadjumper and give two of them Spacetug Tractor Array. That might make them a little bit more troublesome in all the games you don’t actually bomb yourself to oblivion. But if you were going to do that you might as well just take a good Quadjumper swarm (Pattern Analyzer + Spacetug Tractor Array + Intel Agent or Black Market Slicer Tools).