Rogue Squadron- Nera K

Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad, what expansion pack all of the upgrades come from and then give you the low down on how best to fly it. Strap in and get ready to fly…

All Wings Report In

bwingeliteB-Wing “Nera Dantels” (Rebel Aces) (42 pts) (PS 5)

You can perform torpedo secondary weapon attacks against enemy ships outside your firing arc.

  • Elite Pilot Talent- Deadeye (A-Wing Expansion): You may treat the Attack (target lock): header as Attack (focus):. When an attack instructs you to spend a target lock, you may spend a focus token instead.
  • System- Advanced Sensors (E-Wing/Lambda Shuttle Expansions) – Immediately before you reveal your maneuver, you may perform 1 free action. If you use this ability, you must skip your “Perform Action” step during this round.
  • Modification- B-Wing/E2 (Rebel Aces Expansions) – Your upgrade bar gains the Crew  upgrade icon.
  • Crew- Recon Specialist (HWK-290/TIE Phantom Expansions)- When you perform a focus action, assign 1 additional focus token to your ship.
  • Torpedo- Advanced Proton Torpedo (B-Wing/TIE Bomber Expansions)- Attack (target lock, 5, range 1): Spend your target lock and discard this card to perform this attack. You may change up to 3 of your blank results to Focus results
  • Torpedo- Extra Munitions (K-Wing/TIE Punisher Expansion)- When you equip this card, place 1 ordnance token on each equipped Bomb, Missile, and Torpedo Upgrade card. When you are instructed to discard an Upgrade card, you may discard 1 ordnance token on that card instead.

0902151930 (1)2x K-Wing “Warden Squadron” K-Wing Expansion) (32 pts) (PS 2)


  • Turret- Twin Laser Turret (K-Wing Expansions): Attack (3, range 2-3): Perform this attack twice (even against a ship outside your firing arc). Each time this attack hits, the defender suffers 1 damage. Then cancel all dice results.

Lock S-Foils in Attack Position

There has been some recent talk on Reddit lately about Nera Dantels. With the advent of Extra Munitions, is she viable now? So I set out to find out. This list is all about getting Nera close and punishing your opponent with Advanced Proton Torpedoes. With Recon Spec you are guaranteed three hits and have great chance at getting all 5. When that happens anything with less than four agility, an evade token and amazing luck will take at least one damage. Against Soontir Fel, that’s a stripped stealth device and you’re ready to fire again next round. Against a Decimator, that’s likely five damage, plus four more from the K-wings. Two rounds and it’s out. Between Advanced Sensors and the B-wing’s lovely close range dial she has a good chance of remaining at range 1 of something to get off both shots.

Your best tactic for the formation is to send the K-Wings in first to try and draw some fire and let Nera sneak in close on the second round of fire. The nice thing about using the K-wings for this approach is they don’t mind getting into range 1, unlike Y-wings or HWK-290’s. After this first pass they’ll want to break off in opposite directions with the aim of keeping their target at range 3 of both of them.

Nera will be your opponent’s primary target because they’ll want to remove the threat of those APT from the board. This leaves your K-wings free to maneuver and get to the end stage of the match relatively unharmed. If Nera gets off one APT and does some damage she did her job. If she forces your opponent to make suboptimal moves to stay out of range 1 of her, she’s done her job. If she buys it at range 3 before firing a shot, she’s having a bad day. It’s possible to do that to a B-wing, though not often.


There aren’t a lot of possible variations that maintain the goal of this list. The only thing you could strip from Nera would be Advanced Sensors without compromising her. And she really likes Advanced Sensors. Taking a Focus action right before bumping into a swarm is no worries. Plus with just those three points you’re just adding one upgrade to one K-Wing.

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Wayne Basta

Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
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