Rogue Squadron- Nu Inquisition

Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series, we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad, what expansion pack all of the upgrades come from and then give you the lowdown on how best to fly it. Strap in and get ready to fly.

All Wings Report In (Extended)

2x Alpha-Class Star Wing “Nu Squadron Pilot” (Imperial Conversion Kit) (48ts) (I2)


  • Configuration- OS-1 Arsenal Loadout (Conversion Kit): While you have exactly 1 disarm token, you can still perform Missile and Torpedo attacks against targets you have locked. If you do, you cannot spend your lock during the attack. Adds Missile and Torpedo slots.
  • Missile- Homing Missile (Wave 1): Charges: 2 Attack (Lock, Range 2-3, 4 Dice): Spend 1 Charge. After you declare the defender, the defender may choose to suffer 1 Hit damage. If it does, skip the Attack and Defense Dice steps and the attack is treated as hitting.
  • Modification- Advanced SLAM (Wave 1): After you perform a SLAM action, if you fully executed the maneuver, you may perform a white action on your action bar, treating that action as red.
  • Sensor- Fire-Control System (Wave 1): While you perform an attack, if you have a lock on the defender, you may reroll 1 attack die. If you do, you cannot spend your lock during this attack.
  • Torpedo- Advanced Proton Torpedo (Wave 1): Charge:1 Attack (Lock, Range 1, 5 Dice): Spend 1 Charge. Change 1 Hit result to a Crit result.

2x TIE Advanced v1 “Inquisitor” (Inquisitor’s TIE Expansion) (52ts) (I3)


  • Force Power- Supernatural Reflexes (Wave 1): Before you activate, you may spend 1 Force to perform a Boost or Barrel Roll action. Then, if you performed an action you do not have on your action bar, suffer 1 Hit damage.
  • Missile– Concussion Missile (Wave 1): Charge: 3. Attack (Lock, Range 2-3, 3 Dice): Spend 1 Charge. After this attack hits, each ship at range 0-1 of the defender exposes 1 of its damage cards.
  • Sensor- Passive Sensors (Wave 4): Charge 1 (Reoccurring) Action: Spend 1 Charge. You can only perform this action in your Perform Action step. While your Charge is inactive, you cannot be coordinated. Before you engage, if your Charge is inactive, you may perform a Lock or Calculate action.

Lock S-Foils in Attack Position

This is a fun little list.  Your two Nu Squadron pilots can almost always fire some kind of ordinance that will cause damage. Either your opponent is choosing to risk four dice Homing Missile attack or just doing one damage to themselves. Or you’re at range 1 and smacking them with five dice. Your FCS helps give some regular modifications. Unless you need to reload you’ll be able to fire and get a modification action, either acquiring the Lock or focusing. But even when you reload or SLAM you can still fire your ordinance.

The two Inquisitors, meanwhile, are dancing around and generally being annoying. With Supernatural Reflexes they can barrel roll, link to focus, and then clear the stress with a blue maneuver. Then they can evade to be a real pain to kill, lock if they’re in range, boost to arc dodge or Passive Sensors to get a lock later. Their Concussion Missiles give them the ability to punch above their weight a few times.

SLAM and Supernatural Reflexes help you deal with higher PS just arc dodging you thanks to an increase in unpredictability from just plain having a lot of choices on where you maneuver. The abundance of ordinance increases your damage potential above the printed eight total attack dice. And survivability thanks to either seven health or three agility and the ability to focus/evade is higher than expected.


You could switch Passive Sensors and FCS around. The Star Wings can get some benefit from Passive Sensors since they are Init 2 but you’ll have to remember you can’t use them after SLAMing.

You can also tweak your ordinance layout to taste. 34pts are available. You could strip the Inquisitors down and give the Star Wings more options. If you drop the Inquisitors Passive Sensors to FCS you could take Proton Torpedoes and Cluster Missiles on the Star Wings.


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Wayne Basta

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