Rogue Squadron- Obligometer- Antagonist

*Special thanks to June for providing an update article image for the series!*

We all have obligations. To family, friends, work or even just ourselves. Big or small, we all owe someone something, even if that someone is ourselves or our own desires. Obligation is a part of life…

 Our intrepid adventurers have just returned to civilization after a foray in the deep outer rim. Their cargo hold is full, their bank account is empty and everyone has a long shopping list for after they get paid. Together our heroes have overcome pirates, a giant space slug and even a deranged mad Jedi. But they survived.

Everyone is looking forward to a nice easy day. This port city in the mid-rim has only a minor Imperial presence but a strong enough local government that neither Black Sun nor the Hutts have an overwhelming presence. Things look like smooth sailing.

As they begin to unload the cargo a nasally, obnoxious voice greets them, “I’m going to need to see some permits for those.”

The group turns to see a fussy looking man in a crisp starport uniform. He stands before them with a clipboard and an air of authority. An annoying, but not unexpected sight, the group has seen his type before; the local customs agent. Fortunately, a small bribe usually makes him go away.

Unfortunately, this time his eyes narrow as they focus on Shikid, the parties engineer. As the ship’s captain starts to hand over the usual bribe Shikid realizes it’s not going to work this time. This isn’t any normal customs agent but none other than his old school mate; Booli. During their youth, Booli made Shikid’s life a living nightmare.

“In fact, we’re going to need to hold all of these crates in quarantine for at least a month. You are also going to have to all undergo full health inspections.”

Stuck in a deadend job after having peaked in high school, Booli has one remaining joy in life, continuing to make Shikid’s life hell. Their paths have crossed many times over the years. Each time poor Shikid’s biting sarcasm has interfered with every attempt to mend their old animosity. In fact, his tendency to get mouthy might have been what started this lifelong animosity. But who can really remember after all these years?

No longer a frail youngling though, Shikid has decided he’s had enough. He’s not going to stand here and take more abuse. You could say, he feels obliged to deal with his lifelong antagonist. Leaning in, he tries to turn the table on Booli. Gathering his dice he prepares to make a Coercion check. The GM tosses him a boost die since for once, Shikid outnumbers Booli. But he also drops two setback; Booli is actually doing his job and has years of confidence after always getting the upper hand.

Advantage– You may not get him to back down but Shikid did pick a good time and place for this long time coming confrontation. None of the starport security cameras have a good angle on him so there won’t be any video footage to be used against him in the courts.

Triumph- With the tables suddenly turned, Booli is starting to rethink his life plan. Maybe messing with Shikid won’t be as easy as when they were kids. Some obligation gets shaved off since Booli’s going to be a little more circumspect about interfering in the future.

Failure- Confident in his position, Booli isn’t buying Shikid’s big talk. He just grins and laughs as the poor guy tries to act tough.

Threat– Starport security is pretty good here. Seeing a potential threat to one of their customs agents they dispatch a team of officers to the scene.

Despair- He may or may not decide to back down and just accept the usual bribe but this new demonstration of a spine certainly hasn’t done anything to thaw relations. There will be consequences for this. Good luck landing on this planet again without Booli ensuring he’s the custom agent they have to get past.

Making a lifelong antagonist can come back to bite you a wide variety of ways. To be sure, antagonizing a Hutt would be one of the more dangerous enemies to make but even the school age chum can interfere in many annoying ways.

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Wayne Basta

Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
Wayne is the managing editor of d20 Radio's Gaming Blog. He also writes Sci-fi, . If you enjoy his work, you can support him on Patreon.