Rogue Squadron- Obligometer- Dutybound

We all have obligations. To family, friends, work or even just ourselves. Big or small, we all owe someone something, even if that someone is ourselves or our own desires. Obligation is a part of life.

We join our heroes on the lush world of Naboo. They’ve traveled here to deliver some legal cargo to an Imperial garrison…and some not so legal cargo to a group of rebel Gungans in the swamps outside Moenia. After setting down in the starport and delivering the cargo, the group walks past the capital building for the small city.

Flapping in the wind at the top of the building is a large Imperial flag. The party’s token Gungan,  Denja Sodosu (Definitely Not Jar-Jar, so doesn’t suck), frowns at the sight. He grew up in this part of Naboo and remembers the glorious flag of the Naboo flying from the building. It had been placed there in a ceremony by the Naboo and the Gungans to celebrate their union. And now the glorious flag has been replaced by the despicable emblem of the cruel Empire.

Night is approaching and the GM describes to Denja how prominently the Imperial flag can be seen all around the small city. Everywhere they go in the city, there’s the flag, waving itself in Denja’s face. He can’t help but be reminded of his family’s sacred Obligation to honor the joint Naboo/Gungan alliance. From a young age, he was Dutybound to honor the emblem of Naboo/Gungan unity, an emblem now gone from the skies.

Finally, overcome by his sense of Duty to the Naboo, or just unable to withstand the GM’s continual reminders about the ever-present flag, Denja decides to do something about it.  As darkness falls he separates from the party and makes his way back to the capitol building. Readying himself, he rolls an Athletics check as he begins to climb the massive flag pole, intent on removing the horrid image of Imperial subjugation…

Success- Denja makes it to the top of the flag pole and is able to safely remove the flag of the Empire.

Advantage– As he climbs, Denja notices a small boy looking out a nearby window. His eyes wide, the boy cheers the sight of the Gungan who would defy the Empire. Even if he fails, his boldness has inspired the next generation.

Triumph- Not content with simply removing the Imperial flag, Denja finds an old copy of the Naboo flag in a chest at the bottom of the flagpole. After climbing, he manages to fly the old flag proudly. It will be a sight of hope for the people of the city in the morning.

Failure- Despite his Gungan reflexes, Denja slips on the slick flagpole. He tumbles down and crashes into the roof of the capital building, breaking the fragile glass and tumbling down into the atrium.

Threat– Maybe climbing a well lit flagpole in the middle of an Imperial occupied city wasn’t such a good idea. From the street Denja hears the tell tale sound of “Stop Rebel scum!” as a pair of Stormtroopers spot him.

Despair- Poor Denja, there’s more Jar Jar in him than he thought. As he reaches out to remove the flag from the pole, he loses his grip. Desperate to avoid falling he grabs the partially unattached Imperial flag, A fierce wind hits the flag at the same moment and in classic fashion, Denja soon finds himself firmly wrapped in the Imperial flag, dangling from one still attached clamp. He sure is a sight to behold.

The call of duty is a heavy burden. Fighting for one’s cause with a gun is but one way to show your devotion. A PC dutybound to a cause can feel a call to show support in many different, and sometimes small, ways.


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Wayne Basta

Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
Wayne is the managing editor of d20 Radio's Gaming Blog. He also writes Sci-fi, . If you enjoy his work, you can support him on Patreon.