We all have obligations. To family, friends, work or even just ourselves. Big or small, we all owe someone something, even if that someone is ourselves or our own desires. Obligation is a part of life…
Arriving on a remote world our adventurous PC’s are invited to the palace of the local lord, Count Ula. He has heard about their exploits in neighboring systems and wants their help dealing with a small problem. The Count lays out a lavish feast for them and then begins relaying a tale heard across worlds.
A band of pirates have been conducting raids on the colony and stripping them of what little resources they have. The pirates are ruthless. A few colonists have even disappeared, believed by many to be sold into slavery by the pirates.
While the PCs eat, enjoying the feast before them, one of their party starts to notice something unusual. Their host has not touched his plate. She studies the Count as he talks, looking closer. While at first glance he appears completely human, her well trained eyes see through the public mask to see what he is trying to hide. The good Count Drak Ula is not human after all but instead an Anzat.
This sends a chill through the bones of our PC, Buffy Van Helsing. She comes from a long line of Anzat Hunters, a secret society dedicated to eradicating the parasitic species from anyplace they hide. You see, the Anzat don’t eat regular food. Instead they survive by draining the life force from other sentient creatures. They can easily pass for humans, until their tentacles come out for a feeding, allowing them to hide themselves in plain sight.
Buffy’s player describes how her character begins to feel the Fervor to attack this menace rising inside of her. She has been raised in the belief that all Anzat must be killed without hesitation. They eat people. They must be stopped–but her player knows attacking this local lord in his own home would probably end badly for her party; not to mention ruin their chance at a paying gig.
But she is a dedicated roleplayer and knows her character would have a difficult time controlling herself. She tells the GM she’s going to make a Discipline check to see if she can keep her Fervor Obligation in check. At least until she can come back later and kill this Anzat scum without as many witnesses.
Triumph- The Fervor inside Buffy is strong. It has been awhile since she has had the chance to hunt and kill one of the Anzat. When she finally attacks it’s going to make the kill that much sweeter. She’ll get an upgrade on all attacks against this monster.
Advantage- Buffy may not be able to suppress her desire to attack this Anzat but you wouldn’t know it by looking at her. Her face remains calm and blank, as if she were listening to the Count’s story and not plotting to kill him. Both the Count and his guards will be completely caught off guard by any attack.
Threat- The hate in Buffy’s eyes in unmistakable. She glares daggers at the Count and when she reaches for her gun everyone in the room knows what’s about to happen. The Count’s guards are ready and react to protect their lord.
Despair- The Count has had dealings with Anzat hunters before and he recognizes Buffy. He has put some safe guards in place. His hand rests against the personal force field, ready to trigger it if Buffy attacks.
Even in Star Wars there are vampires to hunt to with a passionate Fervor. Happy Halloween!